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Pull mirroring updated .
- Jan 23, 2020
Danny Hindson authored
Danny Hindson authored
Logging stats are only generated now if the logging level is debug
Danny Hindson authored
The access to the debugstring member of MCInteractionVolume wasn't thread safe Changed to be a string parameter passed in per thread
- Jan 22, 2020
Danny Hindson authored
Main change is change IObject::generatePointInObject to return boost::optional<V3D> instead of using an out parameter combined with a boolean return value
- Jan 20, 2020
Danny Hindson authored
The sampling is now performed according to the volume of each part of the sample\environment that intersects the beam profile Following changes have been made: a) the function IObject::generatePointInObject has been modified so that it returns false rather than raising an exception if it fails to generate a point inside the object that is also in the active region. This is more efficient when it is being called with a maxAttempts value of 1 in an attempt to fairly sample the scatter points among the sample + environment components. This involved a change in IObject and various child classes (MeshObject, CSGObject, MeshObject2D, Container) b) the code that calls IObject::generatePointInObject and cycles through the various parts of the environment\sample has been moved from SampleEnvironment into MCInteractionVolume so that the sample can be included. There is a new function MCInteractionVolume::generatePoint that randomly generates a scatter point across the sample and environment components. Possible the SampleEnvironment class could be retired entirely and just replaced by a vector of IObject items attached to the sample. c) change CSGObject::generatePointInObject to stop calling the fallback method when the maxAttempts parameter equals 1. The fallback method always returns a point if the object's bounding box is inside the active area which doesn't produce the required sampling across the env components. This change has modified the random number sequences used in various tests - including the "sample only" tests d) added some logging to the simulation to show where the scatter points occurred. These show that for Pearl around 6% of the scatter points are in the sample which is less than the 50% assumption previously in the code e) Several changes to the unit tests (MCInteractionVolumeTest.h, MonteCarloAbsorptionTest.h, The updated sampling means that the absorption corrections are slightly different than before for cases with a sample + environment. For DirectILLSelfShieldingTest, an extra parameter has been added to underlying algorithm (DirectILLSelfShielding) so that this test can continue to use 300 events per point while the ILLDirectGeometryReductionTest can use 5000 events per point f) some changes to system tests (ILLDirectGeometryReductionTest, complexShapeAbsorptions) The calculation used in ILLDirectGeometryReductionTest wasn't converged (changing the seed gave a ~25% change in the output) so have increased the number of events per point from 300 to 5000. I didn't increase the number of events further because I didn't want to make the runtime of the system test (esp in debug mode) too large
- Jan 14, 2020
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Remove the dead tool code DAEServ
Simon Heybrock authored
Update python path in the pycharm environment file
- Jan 13, 2020
Alice Russell authored
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
exposed rebinned output to python and fix load save as nxs (no ticket)
Gagik Vardanyan authored
Disable show instrument if there is no spectra axis
- Jan 10, 2020
Nick Draper authored
Nick Draper authored
Thanks Alice
Nick Draper authored
Merge branch 'master' of into 24126_only_show_instrument_if_ws_has_sp_axis
Martyn Gigg authored
Simon Heybrock authored
Windows: Add support for Python 3 build
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Make normalization of fit curve match the data curve
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Add Settings Menu to Engineering Diffraction 2 GUI
- Jan 09, 2020
Martyn Gigg authored
A fix is upstream but not yet in a release
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Newer boost bind seems to be causing compiler warnings on Windows. It's no longer required now bind is in the STL. Refs #16578
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Refs #16578
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
PyQt5 depends only on the minimal C API and not the full versioned DLL Refs #16578
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
minixsv is not Python 3 compatible. Consolidates all XML validation to single module to reduce code duplication. Refs #16578
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Latest version of pyyaml warns about using pyyaml.load being deprecated without providing a loader. We use a small subset of yaml so loading only basic objects is fine. See for more detail. Refs #16578
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Refs #16578
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Finds qscintilla2 in qt5/lib Refs #16578
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Refs #16578
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Refs #16578
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Switching between Python 2/Python 3 builds requires the PYQT variables to be overwritten butthe CACHE argument stops this from happening. Force overwriting them but leave them in the CACHE as it makes them easier to debug if they are wrong. Refs #16578
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
Python 3.8 warnings no using is with literal values Refs #16578
Gigg, Martyn Anthony authored
It is required for Tornado as used within the embedded jupyter console. See code comments for documentation link. Refs #16578
- Jan 08, 2020
mantid-builder authored
Geish Miladinovic authored
Conor Finn authored
Conor Finn authored
On windows, the organisation and application must be specified explicitly to work in the tests.
Conor Finn authored
For some reason doing this without a type worked fine on my machine, but not on the CI builders.
Conor Finn authored
The functionality was the same across calibration and focus.
Conor Finn authored
Currently, there is no way to load a CSV file (which is the format that the full calibration is in) into mantid to be used by the GUI. Until that is added, the option to select the full calibration has been hidden from the user. The functionality is there, so once the loading works for large CSVs the hide() call can be removed.
Conor Finn authored
Conor Finn authored