Explore projects
mantidproject / mantid
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyORNL mirror of https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid
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Cianciosa, Mark / graph_framework
MIT LicenseGraph computation framework that supports auto differentiation.
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ecpcitest / ADIOS2
Apache License 2.0Updated -
ecpcitest / vtk-m
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseVTK-m mirror which runs in OLCF CI
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Timepix4Nab / allpix-squared
MIT LicenseUpdated -
CTF / SubKit
MIT LicenseSubKit is a toolkit for building subhcannel models and analyzing simulation results. It has specifically been developed for the CTF subchannel code developed by CASL.
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NDIP / Tool Sources / DCA / DCA Main
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" Licensea fork of original DCA repository
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This is a project for remote data managers that are responsible for data transfers between local storage and a distributed data management solution.
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neams-workbench / wasp
OtherWorkbench Analysis Sequence Processors (WASP) is a project for providing a standard to access analysis sequence input/data using robust and verbose lexical analysis and parse-tree generation.
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Cianciosa, Mark / bcyclic_plus_plus
MIT LicenseUpdated -
MIT LicenseA set of utils and a PAM module to allow authenticate on a machine using OIDC tokens
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This is the EXTERNAL mirror for the public parts of SCALE.