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llvm-doe / llvm-project
Apache License 2.0Updated -
mantidproject / mantid
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyORNL mirror of https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid
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ExaDigiT / AutoCSM
Apache License 2.0ExaDigiT/AutoCSM is a template system-of-systems modeling approach for automating the development, deployment, and integration of cooling system models (CSMs) for supercomputing facilities within the ExaDigiT framework. AutoCSM is a Python-based framework to assist in CSM developers in accelerating the creation and deployment of system-level thermal-hydraulic CSMs. The intention is for this tool specifically to help standardize digital twin workflows for ExaDigiT. However, this tool can be used independent of ExaDigiT (and even other systems besides CSMs).
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This repository hosts the SCALE models developed for the NRC project assessing code readiness for advanced (non-light water) reactors.
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tempwise / docs
MIT LicenseUpdated -
NDIP / Trame Apps / SANS Reduction GUI
MIT LicenseUpdated -
This is the repo for Galaxy tools that we create within the NDIP project. At the deployment stage, the tools from this repo will be added to Galaxy.
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NDIP / Tool Sources / Generic / Jana2020
Apache License 2.0Updated -
NDIP / Nova Dashboard
MIT LicenseDashboard where Neutrons users can view and launch data reduction apps. Hosted at https://nova.ornl.gov.
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NDIP / Pulsar
Apache License 2.0Pulsar repo from https://github.com/galaxyproject/pulsar. Includes changes that we do for NDIP
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NDIP / Nova Packages / Nova Carpentry Tutorial
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalUpdated -
NDIP / Galaxy
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unporteda fork of Galaxy repo from https://github.com/galaxyproject/galaxy. Includes changes that we do for NDIP
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NDIP / Nova Packages / nova-galaxy
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ExaDigiT / exadigitUE5
Apache License 2.0ExaDigiT/exadigitUE5 is an UnrealEngine5 based Augmented Reality Visual Analytics tool for modeling and visualizing supercomputers as a digital twin; it includes real-time interaction with telemetry and simulations, which are part of the larger ExaDigiT project.
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NDIP / Nova Packages / nova-trame
MIT LicenseUpdated -
NDIP / Trame Apps / TOPAZ Data Reduction
MIT LicenseUpdated