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rse-public / amr_io_evaluation
MIT LicenseDocuments and data associated with the Proxy App AMR I/O Evalation project.
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You're good enough, you're smart enough, and dog-gone it, people love Git.
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Test driver to call DGEMM operations on GPUs to simulate the computation patterns of NUCCOR runs.
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ORNL Research Cloud HAProxy load balancer
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This project demonstrations Dakota and MOOSE Bison workflow with a simple example.
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This project demonstrations Dakota and MOOSE Bison workflow with a simple example.
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This project provides exemplar tests of scientific software to be run in a staged environment prior to deploying software to ensure that the software, modules, and environment will reproduce functional expectations.
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Install scripts, containers, wheels, benchmarks, utils, documentation for latest supported and legacy versions of tensorflow.
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The Ziz MiniApp -- derived from MVH-3 (http://wonka.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/VH-1/) and built to model the MPI communication pattern of CHIMERA (http://chimerasn.org).
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Install scripts, containers, wheels, benchmarks, utils, documentation for latest supported and legacy versions of tensorflow.
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Integrating flang testing into the llvm-test-suite
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A script that configures and builds the more complicated packages in a WRF installation, including WRF and WPS. The script has several options, which are kept in a .variables file.
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