mace 3D & 4D PR
There are currently no pipelines.
To run a merge request pipeline, the jobs in the CI/CD configuration file must be configured to run in merge request pipelines and you must have sufficient permissions in the source project.
Created by: dyang37
This is a pull request to merge mace3D and mace4D into master.
To test:
git checkout pr/mace4D
, git pull
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install .
cd demo
, pip install -r requirements_demo.txt
rm -r ~/.cache/mbircone/
Both demo should take about 5-10 minutes on cluster, and 15-20 minutes on a personal computer.
In addition, if you have access to the cluster and would like to perform a higher quality demo, you could run
(basically 3D/4D reconstructions with higher resolution phantoms).
To run a merge request pipeline, the jobs in the CI/CD configuration file must be configured to run in merge request pipelines and you must have sufficient permissions in the source project.