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## [4.1.0] - 2-06-2024

### Added
- HIT error recovery for missing assign, value, terminator such that parse tree construction resumes if possible, but parse failures are still captured
- HIT error recovery for partial block such that parse tree construction resumes if possible, but parse failures are still captured
- Convenience function is_nested_file that checks if any NodeView is file include
- BLANK_LINE enum type and NodeView::set_type method to set type for any NodeView
- HITNodeView::token_type method to return the type of the backing token or UNKNOWN for non-terminal or out-of-range requests

### Fixed
- LSP Client method to keep URI from definition response instead of discarding it
- LSPInterpreter to create legal URI with slash starting stream name after scheme
- Format of file include error messages to be compatible for Workbench navigation
- FindNodeUnderLineColumn to not crash from traversing nodes in separate document
- NodeView Iterator and FilePush logic causing incomplete traversal for scenarios where a nested include was the first field in the file
- HIT lexer integer and float to be C++ compatible for conversion

### Changed
- LSP URI prefix to be legitimate file scheme instead of imaginary wasplsp scheme
- HIT keyed-values now requires the value to start on the same line as the key or a syntax error will be produced