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    \fn void QtStringPropertyManager::regExpChanged(QtProperty *property, const QRegExp &regExp)

    This signal is emitted whenever a property created by this manager
    changes its currenlty set regular expression, passing a pointer to
    the \a property and the new \a regExp as parameters.

    \sa setRegExp()

    Creates a manager with the given \a parent.
QtStringPropertyManager::QtStringPropertyManager(QObject *parent)
    : QtAbstractPropertyManager(parent)
    d_ptr = new QtStringPropertyManagerPrivate;
    d_ptr->q_ptr = this;

    Destroys this manager, and all the properties it has created.
    delete d_ptr;

    Returns the given \a property's value.

    If the given property is not managed by this manager, this
    function returns an empty string.

    \sa setValue()
QString QtStringPropertyManager::value(const QtProperty *property) const
    return getValue<QString>(d_ptr->m_values, property);

    Returns the given \a property's currently set regular expression.

    If the given \a property is not managed by this manager, this
    function returns an empty expression.

    \sa setRegExp()
QRegExp QtStringPropertyManager::regExp(const QtProperty *property) const
    return getData<QRegExp>(d_ptr->m_values, &QtStringPropertyManagerPrivate::Data::regExp, property, QRegExp());
QString QtStringPropertyManager::valueText(const QtProperty *property) const
    const QtStringPropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::const_iterator it = d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);
    if (it == d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())
        return QString();
    return it.value().val;
    \fn void QtStringPropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QString &value)

    Sets the value of the given \a property to \a value.

    If the specified \a value doesn't match the given \a property's
    regular expression, this function does nothing.

    \sa value(), setRegExp(), valueChanged()
void QtStringPropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QString &val)
    const QtStringPropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::iterator it = d_ptr->m_values.find(property);
    if (it == d_ptr->m_values.end())
    QtStringPropertyManagerPrivate::Data data = it.value();
    if (data.val == val)
    if (data.regExp.isValid() && !data.regExp.exactMatch(val))
    it.value() = data;
    emit propertyChanged(property);
    emit valueChanged(property, data.val);

    Sets the regular expression of the given \a property to \a regExp.

    \sa regExp(), setValue(), regExpChanged()
void QtStringPropertyManager::setRegExp(QtProperty *property, const QRegExp &regExp)
    const QtStringPropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::iterator it = d_ptr->m_values.find(property);
    if (it == d_ptr->m_values.end())
    QtStringPropertyManagerPrivate::Data data = it.value() ;
    if (data.regExp == regExp)
    data.regExp = regExp;
    it.value() = data;
    emit regExpChanged(property, data.regExp);
void QtStringPropertyManager::initializeProperty(QtProperty *property)
    d_ptr->m_values[property] = QtStringPropertyManagerPrivate::Data();
void QtStringPropertyManager::uninitializeProperty(QtProperty *property)

// QtBoolPropertyManager

class QtBoolPropertyManagerPrivate
    QtBoolPropertyManager *q_ptr;

    QMap<const QtProperty *, bool> m_values;

    \class QtBoolPropertyManager

    \brief The QtBoolPropertyManager class provides and manages boolean properties.

    The property's value can be retrieved using the value() function,
    and set using the setValue() slot.

    In addition, QtBoolPropertyManager provides the valueChanged() signal
    which is emitted whenever a property created by this manager

    \sa QtAbstractPropertyManager, QtCheckBoxFactory

    \fn void QtBoolPropertyManager::valueChanged(QtProperty *property, bool value)

    This signal is emitted whenever a property created by this manager
    changes its value, passing a pointer to the \a property and the
    new \a value as parameters.

    Creates a manager with the given \a parent.
QtBoolPropertyManager::QtBoolPropertyManager(QObject *parent)
    : QtAbstractPropertyManager(parent)
    d_ptr = new QtBoolPropertyManagerPrivate;
    d_ptr->q_ptr = this;

    Destroys this manager, and all the properties it has created.
    delete d_ptr;

    Returns the given \a property's value.

    If the given \a property is not managed by \e this manager, this
    function returns false.

    \sa setValue()
bool QtBoolPropertyManager::value(const QtProperty *property) const
    return d_ptr->m_values.value(property, false);
QString QtBoolPropertyManager::valueText(const QtProperty *property) const
    const QMap<const QtProperty *, bool>::const_iterator it = d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);
    if (it == d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())
        return QString();
    static const QString trueText = tr("True");
    static const QString falseText = tr("False");
    return it.value() ? trueText : falseText;

// Return an icon containing a check box indicator
static QIcon drawCheckBox(bool value)
    QStyleOptionButton opt;
    opt.state |= value ? QStyle::State_On : QStyle::State_Off;
    opt.state |= QStyle::State_Enabled;
    const QStyle *style = QApplication::style();
    // Figure out size of an indicator and make sure it is not scaled down in a list view item
    // by making the pixmap as big as a list view icon and centering the indicator in it.
    // (if it is smaller, it can't be helped)
    const int indicatorWidth = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_IndicatorWidth, &opt);
    const int indicatorHeight = style->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_IndicatorHeight, &opt);
    const int listViewIconSize = indicatorWidth;
    const int pixmapWidth = indicatorWidth;
    const int pixmapHeight = qMax(indicatorHeight, listViewIconSize);

    opt.rect = QRect(0, 0, indicatorWidth, indicatorHeight);
    QPixmap pixmap = QPixmap(pixmapWidth, pixmapHeight);
        // Center?
        const int xoff = (pixmapWidth  > indicatorWidth)  ? (pixmapWidth  - indicatorWidth)  / 2 : 0;
        const int yoff = (pixmapHeight > indicatorHeight) ? (pixmapHeight - indicatorHeight) / 2 : 0;
        QPainter painter(&pixmap);
        painter.translate(xoff, yoff);
        style->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_IndicatorCheckBox, &opt, &painter);
    return QIcon(pixmap);
QIcon QtBoolPropertyManager::valueIcon(const QtProperty *property) const
    const QMap<const QtProperty *, bool>::const_iterator it = d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);
    if (it == d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())
        return QIcon();
    static const QIcon checkedIcon = drawCheckBox(true);
    static const QIcon uncheckedIcon = drawCheckBox(false);
    return it.value() ? checkedIcon : uncheckedIcon;

    \fn void QtBoolPropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, bool value)

    Sets the value of the given \a property to \a value.

    \sa value()
void QtBoolPropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, bool val)
    setSimpleValue<bool, bool, QtBoolPropertyManager>(d_ptr->m_values, this,
                property, val);
void QtBoolPropertyManager::initializeProperty(QtProperty *property)
    d_ptr->m_values[property] = false;
void QtBoolPropertyManager::uninitializeProperty(QtProperty *property)

// QtDatePropertyManager

class QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate
    QtDatePropertyManager *q_ptr;
    struct Data
        Data() : val(QDate::currentDate()), minVal(QDate(1752, 9, 14)),
                maxVal(QDate(7999, 12, 31)) {}
        QDate val;
        QDate minVal;
        QDate maxVal;
        QDate minimumValue() const { return minVal; }
        QDate maximumValue() const { return maxVal; }
        void setMinimumValue(const QDate &newMinVal) { setSimpleMinimumData(this, newMinVal); }
        void setMaximumValue(const QDate &newMaxVal) { setSimpleMaximumData(this, newMaxVal); }

    QString m_format;

    typedef QMap<const QtProperty *, Data> PropertyValueMap;
    QMap<const QtProperty *, Data> m_values;

    \class QtDatePropertyManager

    \brief The QtDatePropertyManager provides and manages QDate properties.

    A date property has a current value, and a range specifying the
    valid dates. The range is defined by a minimum and a maximum

    The property's values can be retrieved using the minimum(),
    maximum() and value() functions, and can be set using the
    setMinimum(), setMaximum() and setValue() slots. Alternatively,
    the range can be defined in one go using the setRange() slot.

    In addition, QtDatePropertyManager provides the valueChanged() signal
    which is emitted whenever a property created by this manager
    changes, and the rangeChanged() signal which is emitted whenever
    such a property changes its range of valid dates.

    \sa QtAbstractPropertyManager, QtDateEditFactory, QtDateTimePropertyManager

    \fn void QtDatePropertyManager::valueChanged(QtProperty *property, const QDate &value)

    This signal is emitted whenever a property created by this manager
    changes its value, passing a pointer to the \a property and the new
    \a value as parameters.

    \sa setValue()

    \fn void QtDatePropertyManager::rangeChanged(QtProperty *property, const QDate &minimum, const QDate &maximum)

    This signal is emitted whenever a property created by this manager
    changes its range of valid dates, passing a pointer to the \a
    property and the new \a minimum and \a maximum dates.

    \sa setRange()

    Creates a manager with the given \a parent.
QtDatePropertyManager::QtDatePropertyManager(QObject *parent)
    : QtAbstractPropertyManager(parent)
    d_ptr = new QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate;
    d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
    QLocale loc;
    d_ptr->m_format = loc.dateFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat);

    Destroys this manager, and all the properties it has created.
    delete d_ptr;

    Returns the given \a property's value.

    If the given \a property is not managed by \e this manager, this
    function returns an invalid date.

    \sa setValue()
QDate QtDatePropertyManager::value(const QtProperty *property) const
    return getValue<QDate>(d_ptr->m_values, property);

    Returns the given \a  property's  minimum date.

    \sa maximum(), setRange()
QDate QtDatePropertyManager::minimum(const QtProperty *property) const
    return getMinimum<QDate>(d_ptr->m_values, property);

    Returns the given \a property's maximum date.

    \sa minimum(), setRange()
QDate QtDatePropertyManager::maximum(const QtProperty *property) const
    return getMaximum<QDate>(d_ptr->m_values, property);
QString QtDatePropertyManager::valueText(const QtProperty *property) const
    const QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::const_iterator it = d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);
    if (it == d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())
        return QString();
    return it.value().val.toString(d_ptr->m_format);
    \fn void QtDatePropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QDate &value)

    Sets the value of the given \a property to \a value.

    If the specified \a value is not a valid date according to the
    given \a property's range, the value is adjusted to the nearest
    valid value within the range.

    \sa value(), setRange(), valueChanged()
void QtDatePropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QDate &val)
    void (QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate::*setSubPropertyValue)(QtProperty *, const QDate &) = 0;
    setValueInRange<const QDate &, QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate, QtDatePropertyManager, const QDate>(this, d_ptr,
                property, val, setSubPropertyValue);

    Sets the minimum value for the given \a property to \a minVal.

    When setting the minimum value, the maximum and current values are
    adjusted if necessary (ensuring that the range remains valid and
    that the current value is within in the range).

    \sa minimum(), setRange()
void QtDatePropertyManager::setMinimum(QtProperty *property, const QDate &minVal)
    setMinimumValue<const QDate &, QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate, QtDatePropertyManager, QDate, QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate::Data>(this, d_ptr,
                property, minVal);

    Sets the maximum value for the given \a property to \a maxVal.

    When setting the maximum value, the minimum and current
    values are adjusted if necessary (ensuring that the range remains
    valid and that the current value is within in the range).

    \sa maximum(), setRange()
void QtDatePropertyManager::setMaximum(QtProperty *property, const QDate &maxVal)
    setMaximumValue<const QDate &, QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate, QtDatePropertyManager, QDate, QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate::Data>(this, d_ptr,
                property, maxVal);
    \fn void QtDatePropertyManager::setRange(QtProperty *property, const QDate &minimum, const QDate &maximum)

    Sets the range of valid dates.

    This is a convenience function defining the range of valid dates
    in one go; setting the \a minimum and \a maximum values for the
    given \a property with a single function call.

    When setting a new date range, the current value is adjusted if
    necessary (ensuring that the value remains in date range).

    \sa setMinimum(), setMaximum(), rangeChanged()
void QtDatePropertyManager::setRange(QtProperty *property, const QDate &minVal, const QDate &maxVal)
    void (QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate::*setSubPropertyRange)(QtProperty *, const QDate &,
          const QDate &, const QDate &) = 0;
    setBorderValues<const QDate &, QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate, QtDatePropertyManager, QDate>(this, d_ptr,
                property, minVal, maxVal, setSubPropertyRange);
void QtDatePropertyManager::initializeProperty(QtProperty *property)
    d_ptr->m_values[property] = QtDatePropertyManagerPrivate::Data();
void QtDatePropertyManager::uninitializeProperty(QtProperty *property)

// QtTimePropertyManager

class QtTimePropertyManagerPrivate
    QtTimePropertyManager *q_ptr;
    QString m_format;

    typedef QMap<const QtProperty *, QTime> PropertyValueMap;
    PropertyValueMap m_values;

    \class QtTimePropertyManager

    \brief The QtTimePropertyManager provides and manages QTime properties.

    A time property's value can be retrieved using the value()
    function, and set using the setValue() slot.

    In addition, QtTimePropertyManager provides the valueChanged() signal
    which is emitted whenever a property created by this manager

    \sa QtAbstractPropertyManager, QtTimeEditFactory

    \fn void QtTimePropertyManager::valueChanged(QtProperty *property, const QTime &value)

    This signal is emitted whenever a property created by this manager
    changes its value, passing a pointer to the \a property and the
    new \a value as parameters.

    \sa setValue()

    Creates a manager with the given \a parent.
QtTimePropertyManager::QtTimePropertyManager(QObject *parent)
    : QtAbstractPropertyManager(parent)
    d_ptr = new QtTimePropertyManagerPrivate;
    d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
    QLocale loc;
    d_ptr->m_format = loc.timeFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat);

    Destroys this manager, and all the properties it has created.
    delete d_ptr;

    Returns the given \a property's value.

    If the given property is not managed by this manager, this
    function returns an invalid time object.

    \sa setValue()
QTime QtTimePropertyManager::value(const QtProperty *property) const
    return d_ptr->m_values.value(property, QTime());
QString QtTimePropertyManager::valueText(const QtProperty *property) const
   const QtTimePropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::const_iterator it = d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);
    if (it == d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())
        return QString();
    return it.value().toString(d_ptr->m_format);
    \fn void QtTimePropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QTime &value)

    Sets the value of the given \a property to \a value.

    \sa value(), valueChanged()
void QtTimePropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QTime &val)
    setSimpleValue<const QTime &, QTime, QtTimePropertyManager>(d_ptr->m_values, this,
                property, val);
void QtTimePropertyManager::initializeProperty(QtProperty *property)
    d_ptr->m_values[property] = QTime::currentTime();
void QtTimePropertyManager::uninitializeProperty(QtProperty *property)

// QtDateTimePropertyManager

class QtDateTimePropertyManagerPrivate
    QtDateTimePropertyManager *q_ptr;
    QString m_format;

    typedef QMap<const QtProperty *, QDateTime> PropertyValueMap;
    PropertyValueMap m_values;

/** \class QtDateTimePropertyManager

    \brief The QtDateTimePropertyManager provides and manages QDateTime properties.

    A date and time property has a current value which can be
    retrieved using the value() function, and set using the setValue()
    slot. In addition, QtDateTimePropertyManager provides the
    valueChanged() signal which is emitted whenever a property created
    by this manager changes.

    \sa QtAbstractPropertyManager, QtDateTimeEditFactory, QtDatePropertyManager

    \fn void QtDateTimePropertyManager::valueChanged(QtProperty *property, const QDateTime &value)

    This signal is emitted whenever a property created by this manager
    changes its value, passing a pointer to the \a property and the new
    \a value as parameters.

    Creates a manager with the given \a parent.
QtDateTimePropertyManager::QtDateTimePropertyManager(QObject *parent)
    : QtAbstractPropertyManager(parent)
    d_ptr = new QtDateTimePropertyManagerPrivate;
    d_ptr->q_ptr = this;
    QLocale loc;
    d_ptr->m_format = loc.dateFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat);
    d_ptr->m_format += QLatin1Char(' ');
    d_ptr->m_format += loc.timeFormat(QLocale::ShortFormat);

    Destroys this manager, and all the properties it has created.
    delete d_ptr;

    Returns the given \a property's value.

    If the given \a property is not managed by this manager, this
    function returns an invalid QDateTime object.

    \sa setValue()
QDateTime QtDateTimePropertyManager::value(const QtProperty *property) const
    return d_ptr->m_values.value(property, QDateTime());
QString QtDateTimePropertyManager::valueText(const QtProperty *property) const
   const QtDateTimePropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::const_iterator it = d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);
    if (it == d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())
        return QString();
    return it.value().toString(d_ptr->m_format);
    \fn void QtDateTimePropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QDateTime &value)

    Sets the value of the given \a property to \a value.

    \sa value(), valueChanged()
void QtDateTimePropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QDateTime &val)
    setSimpleValue<const QDateTime &, QDateTime, QtDateTimePropertyManager>(d_ptr->m_values, this,
                property, val);
void QtDateTimePropertyManager::initializeProperty(QtProperty *property)
    d_ptr->m_values[property] = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
void QtDateTimePropertyManager::uninitializeProperty(QtProperty *property)

// QtKeySequencePropertyManager

class QtKeySequencePropertyManagerPrivate
    QtKeySequencePropertyManager *q_ptr;
    QString m_format;

    typedef QMap<const QtProperty *, QKeySequence> PropertyValueMap;
    PropertyValueMap m_values;

/** \class QtKeySequencePropertyManager

    \brief The QtKeySequencePropertyManager provides and manages QKeySequence properties.

    A key sequence's value can be retrieved using the value()
    function, and set using the setValue() slot.

    In addition, QtKeySequencePropertyManager provides the valueChanged() signal
    which is emitted whenever a property created by this manager

    \sa QtAbstractPropertyManager

    \fn void QtKeySequencePropertyManager::valueChanged(QtProperty *property, const QKeySequence &value)

    This signal is emitted whenever a property created by this manager
    changes its value, passing a pointer to the \a property and the new
    \a value as parameters.

    Creates a manager with the given \a parent.
QtKeySequencePropertyManager::QtKeySequencePropertyManager(QObject *parent)
    : QtAbstractPropertyManager(parent)
    d_ptr = new QtKeySequencePropertyManagerPrivate;
    d_ptr->q_ptr = this;

    Destroys this manager, and all the properties it has created.
    delete d_ptr;

    Returns the given \a property's value.

    If the given \a property is not managed by this manager, this
    function returns an empty QKeySequence object.

    \sa setValue()
QKeySequence QtKeySequencePropertyManager::value(const QtProperty *property) const
    return d_ptr->m_values.value(property, QKeySequence());
QString QtKeySequencePropertyManager::valueText(const QtProperty *property) const
    const QtKeySequencePropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::const_iterator it = d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);
    if (it == d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())
        return QString();
    return it.value().toString(QKeySequence::NativeText);
    \fn void QtKeySequencePropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QKeySequence &value)

    Sets the value of the given \a property to \a value.

    \sa value(), valueChanged()
void QtKeySequencePropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QKeySequence &val)
    setSimpleValue<const QKeySequence &, QKeySequence, QtKeySequencePropertyManager>(d_ptr->m_values, this,
                property, val);
void QtKeySequencePropertyManager::initializeProperty(QtProperty *property)
    d_ptr->m_values[property] = QKeySequence();
void QtKeySequencePropertyManager::uninitializeProperty(QtProperty *property)

// QtCharPropertyManager

class QtCharPropertyManagerPrivate
    QtCharPropertyManager *q_ptr;

    typedef QMap<const QtProperty *, QChar> PropertyValueMap;
    PropertyValueMap m_values;

/** \class QtCharPropertyManager

    \brief The QtCharPropertyManager provides and manages QChar properties.

    A char's value can be retrieved using the value()
    function, and set using the setValue() slot.

    In addition, QtCharPropertyManager provides the valueChanged() signal
    which is emitted whenever a property created by this manager

    \sa QtAbstractPropertyManager

    \fn void QtCharPropertyManager::valueChanged(QtProperty *property, const QChar &value)

    This signal is emitted whenever a property created by this manager
    changes its value, passing a pointer to the \a property and the new
    \a value as parameters.

    Creates a manager with the given \a parent.
QtCharPropertyManager::QtCharPropertyManager(QObject *parent)
    : QtAbstractPropertyManager(parent)
    d_ptr = new QtCharPropertyManagerPrivate;
    d_ptr->q_ptr = this;

    Destroys this manager, and all the properties it has created.
    delete d_ptr;

    Returns the given \a property's value.

    If the given \a property is not managed by this manager, this
    function returns an null QChar object.

    \sa setValue()
QChar QtCharPropertyManager::value(const QtProperty *property) const
    return d_ptr->m_values.value(property, QChar());
QString QtCharPropertyManager::valueText(const QtProperty *property) const
   const QtCharPropertyManagerPrivate::PropertyValueMap::const_iterator it = d_ptr->m_values.constFind(property);
    if (it == d_ptr->m_values.constEnd())
        return QString();
    const QChar c = it.value();
    return c.isNull() ? QString() : QString(c);
    \fn void QtCharPropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QChar &value)

    Sets the value of the given \a property to \a value.

    \sa value(), valueChanged()
void QtCharPropertyManager::setValue(QtProperty *property, const QChar &val)
    setSimpleValue<const QChar &, QChar, QtCharPropertyManager>(d_ptr->m_values, this,
                property, val);
void QtCharPropertyManager::initializeProperty(QtProperty *property)
    d_ptr->m_values[property] = QChar();
void QtCharPropertyManager::uninitializeProperty(QtProperty *property)

// QtLocalePropertyManager


void QtLocalePropertyManagerPrivate::slotEnumChanged(QtProperty *property, int value)
    if (QtProperty *prop = m_languageToProperty.value(property, 0)) {
        const QLocale loc = m_values[prop];
        QLocale::Language newLanguage = loc.language();
        QLocale::Country newCountry =;
        metaEnumProvider()->indexToLocale(value, 0, &newLanguage, 0);
        QLocale newLoc(newLanguage, newCountry);
        q_ptr->setValue(prop, newLoc);
    } else if (QtProperty *prop = m_countryToProperty.value(property, 0)) {
        const QLocale loc = m_values[prop];
        QLocale::Language newLanguage = loc.language();
        QLocale::Country newCountry =;
        metaEnumProvider()->indexToLocale(m_enumPropertyManager->value(m_propertyToLanguage.value(prop)), value, &newLanguage, &newCountry);
        QLocale newLoc(newLanguage, newCountry);
        q_ptr->setValue(prop, newLoc);