# Mantid Repository :
# Copyright © 2018 ISIS Rutherford Appleton Laboratory UKRI,
# NScD Oak Ridge National Laboratory, European Spallation Source,
# Institut Laue - Langevin & CSNS, Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
# SPDX - License - Identifier: GPL - 3.0 +
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
import numpy as np
import mantid.simpleapi as mantid
from mantid import config
from isis_powder import Polaris, SampleDetails
DIRS = config['datasearch.directories'].split(';')
inst_name = "POLARIS"
# Relative to system data folder
working_folder_name = "ISIS_Powder"
# Relative to working folder
input_folder_name = "input"
output_folder_name = "output"
# Relative to input folder
calibration_folder_name = os.path.join("calibration", inst_name.lower())
calibration_map_rel_path = os.path.join("yaml_files", "polaris_system_test_mapping.yaml")
spline_rel_path = os.path.join("17_1", "")
unsplined_van_rel_path = os.path.join("17_1", "")
# Generate paths for the tests
# This implies DIRS[0] is the system test data folder
working_dir = os.path.join(DIRS[0], working_folder_name)
input_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, input_folder_name)
output_dir = os.path.join(working_dir, output_folder_name)
calibration_map_path = os.path.join(input_dir, calibration_map_rel_path)
calibration_dir = os.path.join(input_dir, calibration_folder_name)
spline_path = os.path.join(calibration_dir, spline_rel_path)
unsplined_van_path = os.path.join(calibration_dir, unsplined_van_rel_path)
total_scattering_input_file = os.path.join(input_dir, "ISIS_Powder-POLARIS98533_TotalScatteringInput.nxs")
class CreateVanadiumTest(systemtesting.MantidSystemTest):
existing_config = config['datasearch.directories']
def requiredFiles(self):
return _gen_required_files()
def runTest(self):
self.calibration_results = run_vanadium_calibration()
def validate(self):
splined_ws, unsplined_ws = self.calibration_results
for ws in splined_ws+unsplined_ws:
self.assertEqual(ws.sample().getMaterial().name(), 'V')
return (, "ISIS_Powder-POLARIS00098533_unsplined.nxs",, "ISIS_Powder-POLARIS00098533_splined.nxs")
def cleanup(self):
config['datasearch.directories'] = self.existing_config
class FocusTest(systemtesting.MantidSystemTest):
existing_config = config['datasearch.directories']
def requiredFiles(self):
return _gen_required_files()
def runTest(self):
# Gen vanadium calibration first
self.focus_results = run_focus()
# check output files as expected
def generate_error_message(expected_file, output_dir):
return "Unable to find {} in {}.\nContents={}".format(expected_file, output_dir,
def assert_output_file_exists(directory, filename):
self.assertTrue(os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory, filename)),
msg=generate_error_message(filename, directory))
user_output = os.path.join(output_dir, "17_1", "Test")
assert_output_file_exists(user_output, 'POLARIS98533.nxs')
assert_output_file_exists(user_output, 'POLARIS98533.gsas')
output_dat_dir = os.path.join(user_output, 'dat_files')
for bankno in range(1, 6):
assert_output_file_exists(output_dat_dir, 'POL98533-b_{}-TOF.dat'.format(bankno))
assert_output_file_exists(output_dat_dir, 'POL98533-b_{}-d.dat'.format(bankno))
for ws in self.focus_results:
self.assertEqual(ws.sample().getMaterial().name(), 'Si')
self.tolerance = 1e-7
return, "ISIS_Powder-POLARIS98533_FocusSempty.nxs"
config['datasearch.directories'] = self.existing_config
class FocusTestChopperMode(systemtesting.MantidSystemTest):
focus_results = None
existing_config = config['datasearch.directories']
def requiredFiles(self):
return _gen_required_files()
def runTest(self):
# Gen vanadium calibration first
self.focus_results = run_focus_no_chopper("98533")
def validate(self):
# This will only pass if instead of failing or deafaulting to PDF it correctly picks Rietveld
for ws in self.focus_results:
self.assertEqual(ws.sample().getMaterial().name(), 'Si')
# this needs to be put in due to rounding errors between OS' for the proton_charge_by_period log
self.tolerance = 1e-7
return, "ISIS_Powder-POLARIS98533_Auto_chopper.nxs"
def cleanup(self):
config['datasearch.directories'] = self.existing_config
class TotalScatteringTest(systemtesting.MantidSystemTest):
mantid.LoadNexus(Filename=total_scattering_input_file, OutputWorkspace='98533-Results-TOF-Grp')
self.pdf_output = run_total_scattering('98533', False)
# Whilst total scattering is in development, the validation will avoid using reference files as they will have
# to be updated very frequently. In the meantime, the expected peak in the PDF at ~3.9 Angstrom will be checked.
# After rebin this is at X index 37
expected_peak_values = [-0.0003396,
for index, ws in enumerate(self.pdf_output):
self.assertAlmostEqual(ws.dataY(0)[37], expected_peak_values[index], places=3)
class TotalScatteringMergedTest(systemtesting.MantidSystemTest):
pdf_output = None
def runTest(self):
# Load Focused ws
mantid.LoadNexus(Filename=total_scattering_input_file, OutputWorkspace='98533-Results-TOF-Grp')
q_lims = np.array([2.5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 3.5, 5, 7, 11, 40]).reshape((2, 5))
self.pdf_output = run_total_scattering('98533', True, q_lims=q_lims)
def validate(self):
# Whilst total scattering is in development, the validation will avoid using reference files as they will have
# to be updated very frequently. In the meantime, the expected peak in the PDF at ~3.9 Angstrom will be checked.
# After rebin this is at X index 37
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.pdf_output.dataY(0)[37], 0.7376667, places=3)
class TotalScatteringPDFRebinTest(systemtesting.MantidSystemTest):
pdf_output = None
def runTest(self):
# Load Focused ws
mantid.LoadNexus(Filename=total_scattering_input_file, OutputWorkspace='98533-Results-TOF-Grp')
q_lims = np.array([2.5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 3.5, 5, 7, 11, 40]).reshape((2, 5))
self.pdf_output = run_total_scattering('98533', True, q_lims=q_lims, delta_r=0.1)
def validate(self):
# Whilst total scattering is in development, the validation will avoid using reference files as they will have
# to be updated very frequently. In the meantime, the rebin test will be done by testing the histogram size in
# a truncated WS
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.pdf_output.dataX(0).size, 201, places=3)
class TotalScatteringMergedRebinTest(systemtesting.MantidSystemTest):
pdf_output = None
def runTest(self):
# Load Focused ws
mantid.LoadNexus(Filename=total_scattering_input_file, OutputWorkspace='98533-Results-TOF-Grp')
q_lims = np.array([2.5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 3.5, 5, 7, 11, 40]).reshape((2, 5))
self.pdf_output = run_total_scattering('98533', True, q_lims=q_lims, delta_q=0.1)
def validate(self):
# Whilst total scattering is in development, the validation will avoid using reference files as they will have
# to be updated very frequently. In the meantime, the rebin test will be done by testing the histogram size in
# a truncated WS
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.pdf_output.dataX(0).size, 197, places=3)
class TotalScatteringPdfTypeTest(systemtesting.MantidSystemTest):
pdf_output = None
def runTest(self):
# Load Focused ws
mantid.LoadNexus(Filename=total_scattering_input_file, OutputWorkspace='98533-Results-TOF-Grp')
q_lims = np.array([2.5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 3.5, 5, 7, 11, 40]).reshape((2, 5))
self.pdf_output = run_total_scattering('98533', True, q_lims=q_lims, pdf_type="g(r)")
def validate(self):
# Whilst total scattering is in development, the validation will avoid using reference files as they will have
# to be updated very frequently. In the meantime, the expected peak in the PDF at ~3.9 Angstrom will be checked.
# After rebin this is at X index 37
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.pdf_output.dataY(0)[37], 1.0152123, places=3)
class TotalScatteringFilterTest(systemtesting.MantidSystemTest):
pdf_output = None
def runTest(self):
# Load Focused ws
mantid.LoadNexus(Filename=total_scattering_input_file, OutputWorkspace='98533-Results-TOF-Grp')
q_lims = np.array([2.5, 3, 4, 6, 7, 3.5, 5, 7, 11, 40]).reshape((2, 5))
self.pdf_output = run_total_scattering('98533', True, q_lims=q_lims, freq_params=[1])
def validate(self):
# Whilst total scattering is in development, the validation will avoid using reference files as they will have
# to be updated very frequently. In the meantime, the expected peak in the PDF at ~3.9 Angstrom will be checked.
# After rebin this is at X index 37
self.assertAlmostEqual(self.pdf_output.dataY(0)[37], 0.6068334, places=3)
def run_total_scattering(run_number, merge_banks, q_lims=None, delta_q=None, delta_r=None, pdf_type="G(r)",
pdf_inst_obj = setup_inst_object(mode="PDF")
return pdf_inst_obj.create_total_scattering_pdf(run_number=run_number,
def _gen_required_files():
required_run_numbers = ["98531", "98532", # create_van : PDF mode
"98533"] # File to focus (Si)
# Generate file names of form "INSTxxxxx.nxs"
input_files = [os.path.join(input_dir, (inst_name + "000" + number + ".nxs")) for number in required_run_numbers]
return input_files
def run_vanadium_calibration():
vanadium_run = 98532 # Choose arbitrary run in the cycle 17_1
pdf_inst_obj = setup_inst_object(mode="PDF")
# Run create vanadium twice to ensure we get two different output splines / files
do_absorb_corrections=True, multiple_scattering=False)
# Check the spline looks good and was saved
if not os.path.exists(spline_path):
raise RuntimeError("Could not find output spline at the following path: " + spline_path)
splined_ws = mantid.Load(Filename=spline_path)
unsplined_ws = mantid.Load(Filename=unsplined_van_path)
return splined_ws, unsplined_ws
def run_focus():
run_number = 98533
sample_empty = 98532 # Use the vanadium empty again to make it obvious
sample_empty_scale = 0.5 # Set it to 50% scale
# Copy the required splined file into place first (instead of relying on generated one)
splined_file_name = "POLARIS00098532_splined.nxs"
original_splined_path = os.path.join(input_dir, splined_file_name)
shutil.copy(original_splined_path, spline_path)
inst_object = setup_inst_object(mode="PDF")
return inst_object.focus(run_number=run_number, input_mode="Individual", do_van_normalisation=True,
do_absorb_corrections=False, sample_empty=sample_empty,
def run_focus_no_chopper(run_number):
sample_empty = 98532 # Use the vanadium empty again to make it obvious
sample_empty_scale = 0.5 # Set it to 50% scale
# Copy the required splined file into place first (instead of relying on generated one)
splined_file_name = "POLARIS00098532_splined.nxs"
original_splined_path = os.path.join(input_dir, splined_file_name)
shutil.copy(original_splined_path, spline_path)
inst_object = setup_inst_object(None)
return inst_object.focus(run_number=run_number, input_mode="Individual", do_van_normalisation=True,
do_absorb_corrections=False, sample_empty=sample_empty,
def setup_mantid_paths():
config['datasearch.directories'] += ";" + input_dir
def setup_inst_object(mode):
user_name = "Test"
if mode:
inst_obj = Polaris(user_name=user_name, calibration_mapping_file=calibration_map_path,
calibration_directory=calibration_dir, output_directory=output_dir, mode=mode)
inst_obj = Polaris(user_name=user_name, calibration_mapping_file=calibration_map_path,
calibration_directory=calibration_dir, output_directory=output_dir)
sample_details = SampleDetails(height=4.0, radius=0.2985, center=[0, 0, 0], shape='cylinder')
def _try_delete(path):
# Use this instead of os.remove as we could be passed a non-empty dir
if os.path.isdir(path):
print ("Could not delete output file at: ", path)