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// Includes
#include "MantidKernel/ConfigService.h"
#include "MantidKernel/DateAndTime.h"
#include "MantidKernel/MantidVersion.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Strings.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Logger.h"
#include "MantidKernel/StdoutChannel.h"
#include "MantidKernel/System.h"
#include "MantidKernel/Exception.h"
#include "MantidKernel/FacilityInfo.h"
#include "MantidKernel/NetworkProxy.h"
#include <Poco/Util/LoggingConfigurator.h>
#include <Poco/Util/SystemConfiguration.h>
#include <Poco/Util/PropertyFileConfiguration.h>
#include <Poco/LoggingFactory.h>
#include <Poco/Path.h>
#include <Poco/File.h>
#include <MantidKernel/StringTokenizer.h>
Campbell, Stuart's avatar
Campbell, Stuart committed
#include <Poco/DOM/DOMParser.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/Document.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/NodeList.h>
#include <Poco/Environment.h>
#include <Poco/URI.h>
#include <Poco/AutoPtr.h>
#include <Poco/Channel.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/Element.h>
#include <Poco/DOM/Node.h>
#include <Poco/Exception.h>
#include <Poco/Instantiator.h>
#include <Poco/Pipe.h>
#include <Poco/Platform.h>
#include <Poco/String.h>
#include <Poco/Logger.h>
#include <Poco/LoggingRegistry.h>
#include <Poco/PipeStream.h>
#include <Poco/StreamCopier.h>
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cctype>
#include <exception>
#include <fstream>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <utility>
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Russell Taylor committed
#ifdef __APPLE__
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
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Russell Taylor committed

namespace Mantid {
 * Get the welcome message for Mantid.
 * @returns A string containing the welcome message for Mantid.
std::string welcomeMessage() {
  return "Welcome to Mantid " +
         std::string(Mantid::Kernel::MantidVersion::version()) +
         "\nPlease cite: " + Mantid::Kernel::MantidVersion::paperCitation() +
         " and this release: " + Mantid::Kernel::MantidVersion::doi();
namespace Kernel {
namespace { // anonymous namespace for some utility functions

/// static Logger object
Logger g_log("ConfigService");

 * Split the supplied string on semicolons.
 * @param path The path to split.
 * @returns vector containing the split path.
std::vector<std::string> splitPath(const std::string &path) {
  std::vector<std::string> splitted;

  if (path.find(';') == std::string::npos) { // don't bother tokenizing
  } else {
    int options = Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer::TOK_TRIM +
    Mantid::Kernel::StringTokenizer tokenizer(path, ";,", options);
    auto iend = tokenizer.end();
    for (auto itr = tokenizer.begin(); itr != iend; ++itr) {
      if (!itr->empty()) {
  return splitted;
/** Inner templated class to wrap the poco library objects that have protected
 *  destructors and expose them as public.
template <typename T> class ConfigServiceImpl::WrappedObject : public T {
  /// The template type of class that is being wrapped
  using element_type = T;
  WrappedObject() : T() { m_pPtr = static_cast<T *>(this); }
   * Note that this constructor can hide the copy constructor because it takes
   * precedence over the copy constructor if supplied with a non-const
   * WrappedObject argument. However, it just calls the base class copy
   * constructor and sets m_pPtr, so the behaviour is the same as the copy
   * constructor.
  template <typename Field> explicit WrappedObject(Field &F) : T(F) {
    m_pPtr = static_cast<T *>(this);
  /// Overloaded * operator returns the wrapped object pointer
  const T &operator*() const { return *m_pPtr; }
  /// Overloaded * operator returns the wrapped object pointer
  T &operator*() { return m_pPtr; }
  /// Overloaded -> operator returns the wrapped object pointer
  const T *operator->() const { return m_pPtr; }
  /// Overloaded -> operator returns the wrapped object pointer
  T *operator->() { return m_pPtr; }
  /// Private pointer to the wrapped class
  T *m_pPtr;
// Back to the ConfigService class itself...
// Private member functions
/// Private constructor for singleton class
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Hahn, Steven committed
    : m_pConf(nullptr), m_pSysConfig(nullptr), m_changed_keys(),
      m_ConfigPaths(), m_AbsolutePaths(), m_strBaseDir(""),
      m_PropertyString(""), m_properties_file_name(""),
      // Use a different user properties file for an mpi-enabled build to avoid
Nick Draper's avatar
Nick Draper committed
      // confusion if both are used on the same file system
      m_DataSearchDirs(), m_UserSearchDirs(), m_InstrumentDirs(),
      m_instr_prefixes(), m_proxyInfo(), m_isProxySet(false) {
  // getting at system details
  m_pSysConfig = new WrappedObject<Poco::Util::SystemConfiguration>;
  // Register StdChannel with Poco
      new Poco::Instantiator<Poco::StdoutChannel, Poco::Channel>);
  // Fill the list of possible relative path keys that may require conversion to
  // absolute paths
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("mantidqt.python_interfaces_directory", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("", false);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("", false);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("instrumentDefinition.vtpDirectory", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("requiredpythonscript.directories", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("pythonscripts.directories", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("python.plugins.directories", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("user.python.plugins.directories", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("datasearch.directories", true);
  m_ConfigPaths.emplace("", true);
  // attempt to load the default properties file that resides in the directory
  // of the executable
  updateConfig(getPropertiesDir() + m_properties_file_name, false, false);
  propertiesFilesList = getPropertiesDir() + m_properties_file_name;

  // Load the local (machine) properties file, if it exists
  Poco::File localFile(getLocalFilename());
  if (localFile.exists()) {
    updateConfig(getLocalFilename(), true, false);
    propertiesFilesList += ", " + getLocalFilename();
  if (Poco::Environment::has("MANTIDPROPERTIES")) {
    // and then append the user properties
    updateConfig(getUserFilename(), true, false);
    propertiesFilesList += ", " + getUserFilename();
    // and the extra one from the environment
    updateConfig(Poco::Environment::get("MANTIDPROPERTIES"), true, true);
    propertiesFilesList += ", " + Poco::Environment::get("MANTIDPROPERTIES");
  } else {
    // Just do the user properties
    updateConfig(getUserFilename(), true, true);
    propertiesFilesList += ", " + getUserFilename();
  g_log.debug() << "ConfigService created.\n";
  g_log.debug() << "Configured directory of application as "
                << getPropertiesDir() << '\n';
  g_log.information() << "This is Mantid version " << MantidVersion::version()
                      << " revision " << MantidVersion::revision() << '\n';
  g_log.information() << "running on " << getComputerName() << " starting "
                      << Types::Core::DateAndTime::getCurrentTime()
LamarMoore's avatar
LamarMoore committed
                             .toFormattedString("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ") << "\n";
  g_log.information() << "Properties file(s) loaded: " << propertiesFilesList

  // Assert that the appdata and the instrument subdirectory exists
  std::string appDataDir = getAppDataDir();
  Poco::Path path(appDataDir);
  Poco::File file(path);
  // createDirectories will fail gracefully if it is already present - but will
  // throw an error if it cannot create the directory
  try {
  } catch (Poco::FileException &fe) {
        << "Cannot create the local instrument cache directory ["
        << path.toString()
        << "]. Mantid will not be able to update instrument definitions.\n"
        << fe.what() << '\n';
  Poco::File vtpDir(getVTPFileDirectory());
  try {
  } catch (Poco::FileException &fe) {
        << "Cannot create the local instrument geometry cache directory ["
        << path.toString()
        << "]. Mantid will be slower at viewing complex instruments.\n"
        << fe.what() << '\n';
  // must update the cache of instrument paths

  // update the facilities AFTER we have ensured that all of the directories are
  // created and the paths updated
  // if we don't do that first the function below will silently fail without
  // initialising the facilities vector
  // and Mantid will crash when it tries to access them, for example when
  // creating the first time startup screen

/** Private Destructor
 *  Prevents client from calling 'delete' on the pointer handed out by Instance
ConfigServiceImpl::~ConfigServiceImpl() {
  // std::cerr << "ConfigService destroyed.\n";
  delete m_pSysConfig;
  delete m_pConf; // potential double delete???
 * Set the base directory path so we can file the file.
 * This will search for the base directory that contains the .properties file
 * by checking the following places:
 *  - The current working directory
 *  - The executable directory
 *  - The directory defined by the MANTIDPATH enviroment var
 *  - OSX only: the directory two directories up from the executable (which
 *    is the base on the OSX package.
void ConfigServiceImpl::setBaseDirectory() {
  // Define the directory to search for the file.
  Poco::File f;

  // First directory: the current working
  m_strBaseDir = Poco::Path::current();
  f = Poco::File(m_strBaseDir + m_properties_file_name);
  if (f.exists())

  // Check the executable directory to see if it includes a
  // file
  m_strBaseDir = getDirectoryOfExecutable();
  f = Poco::File(m_strBaseDir + m_properties_file_name);
  if (f.exists())

  // Check the MANTIDPATH environment var
  if (Poco::Environment::has("MANTIDPATH")) {
    // Here we have to follow the convention of the rest of this code and
    // add a trailing slash.
    // Note: adding it to the MANTIDPATH itself will make other parts of the
    // code crash.
    m_strBaseDir = Poco::Environment::get("MANTIDPATH") + "/";
    f = Poco::File(m_strBaseDir + m_properties_file_name);
    if (f.exists())

#ifdef __APPLE__
  // Finally, on OSX check if we're in the package directory and the .properties
  // file just happens to be two directories up
  auto path = Poco::Path(getDirectoryOfExecutable());
  m_strBaseDir = path.parent().parent().parent().toString();

namespace {
// look for specific keys and throw an exception if one is found
std::string checkForBadConfigOptions(const std::string &filename,
                                     const std::string &propertiesString) {
  std::stringstream stream(propertiesString);
  std::stringstream resultPropertiesString;
  std::string line;
  int line_num = 0;
  while (std::getline(stream, line)) {
    line_num += 1; // increment early
    bool is_ok = true;

    // Check for common errors. Empty lines are ok, things that are a key
    // without a value are a critical failure. Forbidden keys are just commented
    // out.
    if (line.empty() || (Kernel::Strings::strip(line)[0] == '#')) {
      // do nothing
    } else if (line.find("FilterChannel") != std::string::npos) {
      is_ok = false;

    // Print warning to error channel and comment out offending line
    if (!is_ok) {
      const auto end = line.find("=");
      std::cerr << "Encontered invalid key \"";
      if (end != std::string::npos) {
        std::cerr << Kernel::Strings::strip(line.substr(0, end));
      } else {
        std::cerr << Kernel::Strings::strip(line);
      std::cerr << "\" in " << filename << " on line " << line_num << std::endl;

      // comment out the property
      resultPropertiesString << '#';
    // copy over the line
    resultPropertiesString << line << '\n';
  return resultPropertiesString.str();
} // end of anonymous namespace

 *  If the file contains logging setup instructions then these will be used to
 *setup the logging framework.
 *  @param filename :: The filename and optionally path of the file to load
 *  @param append :: If false (default) then any previous configuration is
 *discarded, otherwise the new keys are added, and repeated keys will override
 *existing ones.
void ConfigServiceImpl::loadConfig(const std::string &filename,
                                   const bool append) {
  if (!append) {
    // remove the previous property string
  try {
    // slurp in entire file
    std::string temp;
    bool good = readFile(filename, temp);
    // check if we have failed to open the file
    if ((!good) || (temp.empty())) {
      if (filename == getUserPropertiesDir() + m_user_properties_file_name) {
        // write out a fresh file
      } else {
        throw Exception::FileError("Cannot open file", filename);
    // verify the contents and comment out offending lines
    temp = checkForBadConfigOptions(filename, temp);

    // store the property string
    if ((append) && (!m_PropertyString.empty())) {
      m_PropertyString = m_PropertyString + "\n" + temp;
    } else {
    // there was a problem loading the file - it probably is not there
    std::cerr << "Problem loading the configuration file " << filename << " "
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Nick Draper committed
              << e.what() << '\n';
    std::cerr << "Mantid is unable to start.\n" << std::endl;
  // use the cached property string to initialise the POCO property file
  std::istringstream istr(m_PropertyString);
  m_pConf = new WrappedObject<Poco::Util::PropertyFileConfiguration>(istr);

 * Read a file and place its contents into the given string
 * @param filename :: The filename of the file to read
 * @param contents :: The file contents will be placed here
 * @returns A boolean indicating whether opening the file was successful
bool ConfigServiceImpl::readFile(const std::string &filename,
                                 std::string &contents) const {
  std::ifstream propFile(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in);
  bool good = propFile.good();
  if (!good) {
    return good;
  // slurp in entire file - extremely unlikely delimiter used as an alternate to
  // \n
  getline(propFile, contents, '`');
  return good;

/** Configures the Poco logging and starts it up
void ConfigServiceImpl::configureLogging() {
    Poco::Util::LoggingConfigurator configurator;
    std::cerr << "Trouble configuring the logging framework " << e.what()
 * Searches the stored list for keys that have been loaded from the config file
 * and may contain
 * relative paths. Any it find are converted to absolute paths and stored
 * separately
void ConfigServiceImpl::convertRelativeToAbsolute() {
  std::map<std::string, bool>::const_iterator send = m_ConfigPaths.end();
  for (std::map<std::string, bool>::const_iterator sitr = m_ConfigPaths.begin();
       sitr != send; ++sitr) {
    std::string key = sitr->first;
    if (!m_pConf->hasProperty(key))
    std::string value(m_pConf->getString(key));
    value = makeAbsolute(value, key);
    m_AbsolutePaths.emplace(key, value);

 * Make a relative path or a list of relative paths into an absolute one.
 * @param dir :: The directory to convert
 * @param key :: The key variable this relates to
 * @returns A string containing an absolute path by resolving the relative
 * directory with the executable directory
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::makeAbsolute(const std::string &dir,
                                            const std::string &key) const {
  if (dir.empty()) {
    // Don't do anything for an empty value
    return dir;
  std::string converted;
  // If we have a list, chop it up and convert each one
  if (dir.find_first_of(";,") != std::string::npos) {
    auto splitted = splitPath(dir);
    auto iend = splitted.cend();
    for (auto itr = splitted.begin(); itr != iend;) {
      std::string absolute = makeAbsolute(*itr, key);
      if (absolute.empty()) {
      } else {
        if (++itr != iend) {
    return converted;
  // MG 05/10/09: When the Poco::FilePropertyConfiguration object reads its
  // key/value pairs it
  // treats a backslash as the start of an escape sequence. If the next
  // character does not
  // form a valid sequence then the backslash is removed from the stream. This
  // has the effect
  // of giving malformed paths when using Windows-style directories. E.g
  // C:\Mantid ->C:Mantid
  // and Poco::Path::isRelative throws an exception on this
  bool is_relative(false);
    is_relative = Poco::Path(dir).isRelative();
  } catch (Poco::PathSyntaxException &) {
    g_log.warning() << "Malformed path detected in the \"" << key
                    << "\" variable, skipping \"" << dir << "\"\n";
  if (is_relative) {
    const std::string propFileDir(getPropertiesDir());
    converted = Poco::Path(propFileDir).resolve(dir).toString();
  } else {
  converted = Poco::Path(converted).makeDirectory().toString();
  // C++ doesn't have a const version of operator[] for maps so I can't call
  // that here
  auto it = m_ConfigPaths.find(key);
  if (it != m_ConfigPaths.end()) {
  try {
    if (required && !Poco::File(converted).exists()) {
      g_log.debug() << "Required properties path \"" << converted
                    << "\" in the \"" << key << "\" variable does not exist.\n";
    g_log.debug() << "Required properties path \"" << converted
                  << "\" in the \"" << key << "\" variable does not exist.\n";
  // Backward slashes cannot be allowed to go into our properties file
  // Note this is a temporary fix for ticket #2445.
  // Ticket #2460 prompts a review of our path handling in the config service.
  boost::replace_all(converted, "\\", "/");
 * Create the store of data search paths from the 'datasearch.directories' key
 * within the file.
 * The value of the key should be a semi-colon separated list of directories
void ConfigServiceImpl::cacheDataSearchPaths() {
  std::string paths = getString("datasearch.directories");
  if (paths.empty()) {
  } else {
    m_DataSearchDirs = splitPath(paths);
 * Create the store of user search paths from the 'usersearch.directories' key
 * within the file.
 * The value of the key should be a semi-colon separated list of directories
void ConfigServiceImpl::cacheUserSearchPaths() {
  std::string paths = getString("usersearch.directories");
  if (paths.empty()) {
  } else {
    m_UserSearchDirs = splitPath(paths);
 *  The path that is passed should be as returned by makeAbsolute() and
 *  this function will return true if that path is in the list
 *  @param path :: the absolute path name to search for
bool ConfigServiceImpl::isInDataSearchList(const std::string &path) const {
  // the path produced by poco will have \ on windows, but the searchdirs will
  // always have /
  std::string correctedPath = path;
  replace(correctedPath.begin(), correctedPath.end(), '\\', '/');

      std::find_if(m_DataSearchDirs.cbegin(), m_DataSearchDirs.cend(),
                   std::bind2nd(std::equal_to<std::string>(), correctedPath));
 * writes a basic placeholder file to disk
 * any errors are caught and logged, but not propagated
void ConfigServiceImpl::createUserPropertiesFile() const {
  try {
    std::fstream filestr(
        (getUserPropertiesDir() + m_user_properties_file_name).c_str(),
    filestr << "# This file can be used to override any properties for this "
    filestr << "# Any properties found in this file will override any that are "
               "found in the Mantid.Properties file\n";
    filestr << "# As this file will not be replaced with further installations "
               "of Mantid it is a safe place to put \n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "# properties that suit your particular installation.\n";
    filestr << "#\n";
    filestr << "# See here for a list of possible options:\n";
Nick Draper's avatar
Nick Draper committed
        << "# "
    filestr << "##\n";
    filestr << "## GENERAL\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "##\n\n";
    filestr << "## Set the number of algorithm properties to retain\n";
    filestr << "#algorithms.retained=90\n\n";
        << "## Set the maximum number of cores used to run algorithms over\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "#MultiThreaded.MaxCores=4\n\n";
    filestr << "##\n";
    filestr << "## FACILITY AND INSTRUMENT\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "##\n\n";
    filestr << "## Sets the default facility\n";
    filestr << "## e.g.: ISIS, SNS, ILL\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "default.facility=\n\n";
    filestr << "## Sets the default instrument\n";
    filestr << "## e.g. IRIS, HET, NIMROD\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "default.instrument=\n\n";
    filestr << '\n';
    filestr << "## Sets the Q.convention\n";
    filestr << "## Set to Crystallography for kf-ki instead of default "
               "Inelastic which is ki-kf\n";
    filestr << "#Q.convention=Crystallography\n";
    filestr << "##\n";
    filestr << "## DIRECTORIES\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "##\n\n";
    filestr << "## Sets a list of directories (separated by semi colons) to "
               "search for data\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "#datasearch.directories=../data;../isis/data\n\n";
    filestr << "## Set a list (separated by semi colons) of directories to "
               "look for additional Python scripts\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "#pythonscripts.directories=../scripts;../docs/MyScripts\n\n";
    filestr << "## Uncomment to enable archive search - ICat and Orbiter\n";
    filestr << "#datasearch.searcharchive=On\n\n";
    filestr << "## Sets default save directory\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "\n\n";
    filestr << "##\n";
    filestr << "## LOGGING\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "##\n\n";
    filestr << "## Uncomment to change logging level\n";
    filestr << "## Default is information\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
        << "## Valid values are: error, warning, notice, information, debug\n";
    filestr << "#logging.loggers.root.level=information\n\n";
    filestr << "##\n";
    filestr << "## MantidPlot\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "##\n\n";
    filestr << "## Hides categories from the algorithm list in MantidPlot\n";
    filestr << "#algorithms.catagories.hidden=Muons,Inelastic\n\n";
    filestr << "## Show invisible workspaces\n";
    filestr << "#MantidOptions.InvisibleWorkspaces=0\n";
    filestr << "## Re-use plot instances for different plot types\n";
Hahn, Steven's avatar
Hahn, Steven committed
    filestr << "#MantidOptions.ReusePlotInstances=Off\n\n";
    filestr << "## Uncomment to disable use of OpenGL to render unwrapped "
               "instrument views\n";
    filestr << "#MantidOptions.InstrumentView.UseOpenGL=Off\n";
    g_log.warning() << "Unable to write out file to "
                    << getUserPropertiesDir() << m_user_properties_file_name
                    << " error: " << ex.what() << '\n';
// Public member functions

 * Removes the user properties file & loads a fresh configuration
void ConfigServiceImpl::reset() {
  // Remove the current user properties file and write a fresh one
    Poco::File userFile(getUserFilename());
  // Now load the original
  const bool append = false;
  const bool updateCaches = true;
  updateConfig(getPropertiesDir() + m_properties_file_name, append,
/** Updates and existing configuration and restarts the logging
 *  @param filename :: The filename and optionally path of the file to load
 *  @param append ::   If false (default) then any previous configuration is
 * discarded,
 *                  otherwise the new keys are added, and repeated keys will
 * override existing ones.
 *  @param update_caches :: If true(default) then the various property caches
 * are updated
void ConfigServiceImpl::updateConfig(const std::string &filename,
                                     const bool append,
                                     const bool update_caches) {
  // Ensure that the default save directory makes sense
Doucet, Mathieu's avatar
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  if (!append)
    std::string save_dir = getString("");
    if (Poco::trimInPlace(save_dir).size() == 0)
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Doucet, Mathieu committed
      setString("", Poco::Path::home());
  if (update_caches) {
    // Only configure logging once
    // Ensure that any relative paths given in the configuration file are
    // relative to the correct directory
    // Configure search paths into a specially saved store as they will be used
    // frequently
 * @param filename :: The filename for the saved configuration
 * @throw std::runtime_error if the file cannot be opened
void ConfigServiceImpl::saveConfig(const std::string &filename) const {
  std::string updated_file;

  std::ifstream reader(filename.c_str(), std::ios::in);
  if (reader.bad()) {
    throw std::runtime_error("Error opening user properties file. Cannot save "
                             "updated configuration.");
  std::string file_line, output;
  while (std::getline(reader, file_line)) {
    if (!file_line.empty()) {
      if (last == '\\') {
        // If we are not in line continuation mode then need
        // a fresh start line
        line_continuing = true;
        output += file_line + "\n";
      } else if (line_continuing) {
      } else {
    } else {
    } // end if-else
    // Output is the current line in the file

    // Extract the key from the current line
    std::string key;
    std::string::size_type pos = output.find('=');
    if (pos == std::string::npos) {
      key = output; // If no equals then the entire thing is the key
    } else {
      key = output.substr(0, pos); // Strip the equals to get only the key
    // Now deal with trimming (removes spaces)
    // Find the comments
    std::string::size_type comment = key.find('#');
    // Check if it exists in the service using hasProperty and make sure it
    // isn't a comment
    if (comment == 0) {
    } else if (!hasProperty(key)) {
      // Remove the key from the changed key list
    } else {
      // If it does exist make sure the value is current
      std::string value = getString(key, false);
      Poco::replaceInPlace(value, "\\", "\\\\"); // replace single \ with double
      // Remove the key from the changed key list
    updated_file += "\n";
  // Any remaining keys within the changed key store weren't present in the
  // current user properties so append them
  if (!m_changed_keys.empty()) {
    auto key_end = m_changed_keys.end();
    for (auto key_itr = m_changed_keys.begin(); key_itr != key_end;) {
      std::string value = getString(*key_itr, false);
      Poco::replaceInPlace(value, "\\", "\\\\"); // replace single \ with double
      updated_file += value;
      if (++key_itr != key_end) {
  // Write out the new file
  std::ofstream writer(filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::trunc);
  if (writer.bad()) {
    g_log.error() << "Error writing new user properties file. Cannot save "
                     "current configuration.\n";
    throw std::runtime_error("Error writing new user properties file. Cannot "
                             "save current configuration.");
  writer.write(updated_file.c_str(), updated_file.size());

/** Searches for a string within the currently loaded configuaration values and
 *  returns the value as a string. If the key is one of those that was a
 *possible relative path
 *  @param keyName :: The case sensitive name of the property that you need the
 *value of.
 *  @param use_cache :: If true, the local cache of directory names is queried
 *  @returns The string value of the property, or an empty string if the key
 *cannot be found
std::string ConfigServiceImpl::getString(const std::string &keyName,
                                         bool use_cache) const {
  if (use_cache) {
    auto mitr = m_AbsolutePaths.find(keyName);
    if (mitr != m_AbsolutePaths.end()) {
  } catch (Poco::NotFoundException &) {
    g_log.debug() << "Unable to find " << keyName << " in the properties file"
/** Searches for keys within the currently loaded configuaration values and
 *  returns them as strings in a vector.
 *  @param keyName :: The case sensitive name of the property that you need the
 *key for.
 *  @returns The string value of each key within a vector, or an empty vector if
 *there isn't
ConfigServiceImpl::getKeys(const std::string &keyName) const {
  std::vector<std::string> rawKeys;
  m_pConf->keys(keyName, rawKeys);
  return rawKeys;
 * Recursively gets a list of all config options from a given root node.
 * @return Vector containing all config options
void ConfigServiceImpl::getKeysRecursive(
    const std::string &root, std::vector<std::string> &allKeys) const {
  std::vector<std::string> rootKeys = getKeys(root);

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    std::string searchString;
    if (root.empty()) {
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    getKeysRecursive(searchString, allKeys);
* Recursively gets a list of all config options.
* This function is needed as Boost Python does not like calling function with
* default arguments.
* @return Vector containing all config options
std::vector<std::string> ConfigServiceImpl::keys() const {
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Dan Nixon committed
  std::vector<std::string> allKeys;
  getKeysRecursive("", allKeys);
  return allKeys;
/** Removes a key from the memory stored properties file and inserts the key
 *into the
 *  changed key list so that when the program calls saveConfig the properties
 *file will
 *  be the same and not contain the key no more
 *  @param rootName :: The key that is to be deleted
void ConfigServiceImpl::remove(const std::string &rootName) const {

/** Checks to see whether the given key exists.
 *  @param rootName :: The case sensitive key that you are looking to see if
 *  @returns Boolean value denoting whether the exists or not.
bool ConfigServiceImpl::hasProperty(const std::string &rootName) const {
  return m_pConf->hasProperty(rootName);
/** Checks to see whether the given file target is an executable one and it
 * This method will expand environment variables found in the given file path.
 *  @param target :: The path to the file you wish to see whether it's an
 *  @returns Boolean value denoting whether the file is an executable or not.
bool ConfigServiceImpl::isExecutable(const std::string &target) const {
  try {
    std::string expTarget = Poco::Path::expand(target);
    Poco::File tempFile = Poco::File(expTarget);
    if (tempFile.exists()) {
      return tempFile.canExecute();