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Source code for DESTINY, a tool for modeling 2D and 3D caches designed with SRAM, eDRAM, STT-RAM, ReRAM and PCM. This includes both volatile and non-volatile memories, and both conventional and emerging memories.
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Scripts and related tools for setting up a credential store, useful in scripted testing of software and systems.
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Source and answers to MAY 2015 training day python workshop
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Utilize IDL code base to create HDF calibration files usable by the Mantid project.
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A script that configures and builds the more complicated packages in a WRF installation, including WRF and WPS. The script has several options, which are kept in a .variables file.
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Miniapp version of ray-trace code used to simulate X-Ray lasers.
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Test driver to call DGEMM operations on GPUs to simulate the computation patterns of NUCCOR runs.
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Miniapp version of ray-trace code used to simulate X-Ray lasers.
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Examples and kernels to evaluate OpenMP accelerator model on different architectures. The work will be used for the OMP4 CUG2016 paper.