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Miniapp version of ray-trace code used to simulate X-Ray lasers.
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Mini-app that uses NUCCOR data-structures to perform similarity transformation. Will be used as a prototyping tool for asynchronous execution.
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Memory manager with events that can handled delayed allocations and deallocations in multiple memory spaces.
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Miniapp version of ray-trace code used to simulate X-Ray lasers.
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Miniapp version of ray-trace code used to simulate X-Ray lasers.
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Simple "Hello World" type program used to test the layout of resources on a Summit node using jsrun.
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This repository contains example OpenACC programs to test the OpenARC compiler.
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Python Package for Electron Scattering/Microscopy Simulations with MPI + JIT-compiled CUDA C/C++
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This project isolates an issue related to CUDA separable compilation that occurs in legacy CMake with CUDA as a TPL. The issue is fixed when using modern CMake with CUDA enabled as a language.
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