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Code for the Common Python Package to include logging, environment checking, and database connections and query
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CTF / SubKit
MIT LicenseSubKit is a toolkit for building subhcannel models and analyzing simulation results. It has specifically been developed for the CTF subchannel code developed by CASL.
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This repository hosts the SCALE models developed for the NRC project assessing code readiness for advanced (non-light water) reactors.
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distributed deep learning examples on Summit for Keras, PyTorch, and TensorFlow.
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ORNL Research Cloud GitLab CI Runners instances
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ORNL Technical Calendar ics File Creator
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ExaDigiT / RAPS
Apache License 2.0ExaDigiT/RAPS is a simulator for replaying or modeling workloads on supercomputers and predicting the resulting power consumption.
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ORNL Research Cloud VM server instance setup w/ static IP assigned
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Alvarez, Gonzalo / evendim
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
SCALE input/output model repository for report "Extended Enrichment Accident Tolerant LWR Fuel Isotopic and Lattice Parameter Trends"
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Turner, Sean / hydro-CF-trends
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated