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CTF / SubKit
MIT LicenseSubKit is a toolkit for building subhcannel models and analyzing simulation results. It has specifically been developed for the CTF subchannel code developed by CASL.
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mantidproject / mantid
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyORNL mirror of https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid
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SCALE input/output model repository for report "Extended Enrichment Accident Tolerant LWR Fuel Isotopic and Lattice Parameter Trends"
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Belhorn, Matt / spack
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Zolnierczuk, Piotr / DrSPINE
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseData reduction for Neutron Spin Echo Main repo is at https://jugit.fz-juelich.de/nse/drspine
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SCALE input/output model repository for reports "Isotopic and Fuel Lattice Parameter Trends in Extended Enrichment and Higher Burnup LWR Fuel", Vol 1: PWR and Vol 2: BWR.
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Wieselquist, William / BootsOnTheGround
MIT Licenseeffectively use CMake/TriBITS to link TPLs to your packages
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ExaDigiT / exadigitUE5
Apache License 2.0ExaDigiT/exadigitUE5 is an UnrealEngine5 based Augmented Reality Visual Analytics tool for modeling and visualizing supercomputers as a digital twin; it includes real-time interaction with telemetry and simulations, which are part of the larger ExaDigiT project.
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