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Memory fix patch

Yang, Diyu requested to merge memory_fix_patch into master

Created by: dyang37

This is (hopefully) the last merge for the memory fix. This PR contains Wenrui's PR #57 for readthedoc fix. Additionally, this PR contains the following memory allocation fix:

  • In python recon() function, when init_image is provided as a scalar, the construction of the corresponding 3D array is moved from to to avoid unnecessary mem alloc and copy of 3D memory space.
  • Move all axes swapping into Cython interface.

Both fixes above follows the convention/implementation of svmbir.

Testing: Tested with both and Memory usage: Memory usage (measured before Cython interface invoking C code subroutine) drops from 4075MB down to 2712MB for a problem with sino shape = 144x512x512, recon shape = 799x473x473.

Merge request reports
