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Add dask to docs requirements.

Yang, Diyu requested to merge fix_docs_requirements into master

Created by: DamonLee5

We want to generate API webpages on readthedocs. Previously, we got empty webpages and now I make a fix for it.

The fix may need Prof. Bouman's help.

  1. Enable the option Install Project under Admin -> Advanced Settings on readthedocs as shown in the above figure. I highlight the section, Prof. Bouman @cabouman can try to enable the option.


  1. To ensure readthedocs can build all API references(cone3D, mace, multinode), I add required packages to docs/requirements.txt in this PR.

Here is the built webpage for API reference. I fork mbircone to my own account and tested it on readthedocs.

Merge request reports
