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Denoiser restructure

Yang, Diyu requested to merge denoiser_restructure into master

Created by: dyang37

This PR contains the following changes

  • Restructured denoiser functions so that the top level wrapper functions are provided to user in the mace demo scripts.
  • Restructured data download mechanism s.t. an index file will be downloaded, and the urls of phantom and denoiser weight files will be automatically parsed from the index file given the choices of denoiser and phantom.
  • Rewrote download_and_extract function so that it can download both tarball and regular files. If it is a tarball then extraction will be performed after downloading. Added mechanism of automatically parsing the name of the target file from download url, so that it is possible to detect whether the same file exists locally.
  • In mace3D added code to handle the corner case where init_image is provided as a scalar instead of an array.
  • Some minor clean up of CT denoiser helper functions in
  • Some comments and clean-ups of the mace demo scripts.

Tested both denoiser choices of both mace demo scripts. All worked fine.

Merge request reports