Resolve "Updates to match ornl-cloud-gitlab-runners v0.10 module"
Closes #2 (closed)
Work includes:
- Adds strongly typing variables for module
- Greatly expands the gitlab-runner agent type (thanks to @ld0)!
- Refactor of the installation to support both CentOS and Ubuntu installs
- Fixes to the gitlab-runner agents
- DEPRECATES the destroy provisioner
- Fixes the private key not being used in the connection provisioning block but defaulting to whatever ssh uses
- Fixes to the gitlab-runner for shell executor (thanks to @ld0!), specifically added runner to docker group, fixed shell bash environment due to .bash_logout file, and allow gitlab-runner to no password sudo
- Fix to using multiple runner tokens in bin/
- Adds ability to specify
for a Prometheus server to enable gitlab runner metrics option
@ld0 and @7va: this is the module for gitlab-runners but when you want to use a static port (i.e. not have a dynamic IP address every time the runner is recreated but uses a preallocated static port which can have a DNS associated with it in NetReg)
Mainly, ported over our work in onrl-cloud-gitlab-runners from releases 0.6 -> 0.10 over to this module for a new release
- Manually tested the example works by inputting a network port ID for using RUC_SSDT
- Spun up successfully, docker worked, and using this repo's gitlab ci token, successfully registered as a runner (have already removed it from the list now)