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Commit 82ccc151 authored by Mccaskey, Alex's avatar Mccaskey, Alex
Browse files

setting up teleport to use new scaffold compiler, will soon replace old one now

parent 78aea006
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......@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/quantum/gate/gateqir)
add_executable(teleport_scaffold teleport_scaffold.cpp)
target_link_libraries(teleport_scaffold xacc-scaffold ${Boost_LIBRARIES} xacc-firetensor xacc-gateqir)
target_link_libraries(teleport_scaffold xacc-improved-scaffold ${CLANG_LIBS} ${LLVM_LIBS} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} xacc-firetensor xacc-gateqir dl pthread)
......@@ -56,7 +56,89 @@ ImprovedScaffoldCompiler::ImprovedScaffoldCompiler() {
std::shared_ptr<IR> ImprovedScaffoldCompiler::compile(const std::string& src,
std::shared_ptr<Accelerator> acc) {
return std::make_shared<GateQIR>();
// Set the Kernel Source code
kernelSource = src;
// Replace the __qpu__ attribute with module
if (boost::contains(kernelSource, "__qpu__")) {
kernelSource.erase(kernelSource.find("__qpu__"), 7);
kernelSource = std::string("module") + kernelSource;
// Make a copy, and then delete the body
// of the kernel in that copy, leaving
// just the functionDeclaration(qbit qvar) {}
auto copyOfSrc = kernelSource;
auto firstIdx = copyOfSrc.find_first_of("{");
auto lastIdx = copyOfSrc.find_last_of("}");
copyOfSrc.erase(firstIdx+1, lastIdx);
copyOfSrc = copyOfSrc + "}";
// Now we just want to get the qubit variable name,
// so lets compile the function declaration
// Create a temporary scaffold source file
std::ofstream tempSrcFile(".tmpSrcFile.scaffold");
tempSrcFile << copyOfSrc;
const FileEntry *pFile = CI->getFileManager().getFile(
CI->getPreprocessor().getIdentifierTable(), CI->getLangOpts());
consumer = std::make_shared<scaffold::ScaffoldASTConsumer>();
clang::ParseAST(CI->getPreprocessor(), consumer.get(), CI->getASTContext());
// Get the Qubit variable name
auto qubitVarName = consumer->getQubitVariableName();
// Update the kernelSource with the correct
// number of qubits in this variable
auto nBits = acc->getBuffer(qubitVarName)->size();
auto searchFor = "qbit " + qubitVarName;
auto replaceWith = "qbit " + qubitVarName + "[" + std::to_string(nBits) + "]";
boost::replace_all(kernelSource, searchFor, replaceWith);
// Create a compiler all over again
CI = std::make_shared<CompilerInstance>();
CI->createDiagnostics(0, 0);
TargetOptions targetOptions;
targetOptions.Triple = llvm::sys::getDefaultTargetTriple();
TargetInfo *pTargetInfo = TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(CI->getDiagnostics(),
CI->getPreprocessorOpts().UsePredefines = false;
// Create a source file with all the code in it
std::ofstream tempSrcFile2(".tmpSrcFile2.scaffold");
tempSrcFile2 << kernelSource;
const FileEntry *pFile2 = CI->getFileManager().getFile(
CI->getPreprocessor().getIdentifierTable(), CI->getLangOpts());
// Compile the code!
consumer = std::make_shared<scaffold::ScaffoldASTConsumer>();
clang::ParseAST(CI->getPreprocessor(), consumer.get(), CI->getASTContext());
// Get the IR Function representation
auto qirFunction = consumer->getFunction();
// Create a Quantum IR instance
auto qir = std::make_shared<GateQIR>();
// Give the function to the IR
// Return...
return qir;
std::shared_ptr<IR> ImprovedScaffoldCompiler::compile(const std::string& src) {
......@@ -80,13 +162,14 @@ std::shared_ptr<IR> ImprovedScaffoldCompiler::compile(const std::string& src) {
CI->getPreprocessor().getIdentifierTable(), CI->getLangOpts());
consumer = std::make_shared<scaffold::ScaffoldASTConsumer>();//&CI->getASTContext());
consumer = std::make_shared<scaffold::ScaffoldASTConsumer>();
clang::ParseAST(CI->getPreprocessor(), consumer.get(), CI->getASTContext());
auto qirFunction = consumer->getFunction();
auto qir = std::make_shared<GateQIR>();
std::cout << "HELLO WORLD ADDING : " << qirFunction->getName() << "\n";
return qir;
......@@ -62,14 +62,19 @@ public:
virtual std::shared_ptr<xacc::IR> compile(const std::string& src,
std::shared_ptr<Accelerator> acc);
virtual std::shared_ptr<xacc::IR> compile(const std::string& src);
* @param src
* @return
virtual std::string getBitType() {
return "qbit";
virtual std::shared_ptr<xacc::IR> compile(const std::string& src);
* Return the name of this Compiler
* @return name Compiler name
virtual const std::string getName() {
return "ImprovedScaffold";
......@@ -79,67 +84,17 @@ public:
std::string cbitVarName;
std::string qbitVarName;
std::shared_ptr<clang::CompilerInstance> CI;
std::shared_ptr<scaffold::ScaffoldASTConsumer> consumer;
* Reference to potential conditional code
std::vector<std::string> conditionalCodeSegments;
* Reference to the Scaffold Clang Compiler
std::vector<int> conditionalCodeSegmentActingQubits;
std::map<int, std::vector<std::string>> gateIdToParameterMap;
std::shared_ptr<clang::CompilerInstance> CI;
* Reference to our AST Consumer, this gives us the
* compiled IR Function and the Qubit Variable Name
std::map<std::string, std::string> typeToVarKernelArgs;
std::vector<std::string> orderOfArgs;
std::vector<std::string> orderedVarNames;
virtual std::vector<std::string> getKernelArgumentVariableNames() {
return orderedVarNames;
std::shared_ptr<scaffold::ScaffoldASTConsumer> consumer;
void kernelArgsToMap() {
auto firstParen = kernelSource.find_first_of('(');
auto secondParen = kernelSource.find_first_of(')', firstParen);
auto functionArguments = kernelSource.substr(firstParen+1, (secondParen-firstParen)-1);
int counter = 0;
if (!functionArguments.empty()) {
// First search the prototype to see if it has
// and argument that declares the accelerator bit buffer
// to use in the kernel
std::vector<std::string> splitArgs, splitTypeVar;
boost::split(splitArgs, functionArguments, boost::is_any_of(","));
std::string varName;
for (int i = 0; i < splitArgs.size(); i++) {
// split type from var name
auto s = splitArgs[i];
boost::split(splitTypeVar, s, boost::is_any_of(" "));
auto type = splitTypeVar[0];
auto var = splitTypeVar[1];
typeToVarKernelArgs.insert(std::make_pair(type, var));
......@@ -54,10 +54,14 @@ public:
bool VisitDecl(clang::Decl *d);
bool VisitCallExpr(CallExpr * c);
bool VisitBinaryOperator(BinaryOperator *b);
auto getFunction() {
std::shared_ptr<xacc::Function> getFunction() {
return function;
const std::string getQubitVariableName() {
return qbitVarName;
virtual ~ScaffoldASTConsumer() {
......@@ -96,12 +96,10 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(checkWithRzParameterized) {
auto k = gateqir->getKernel("teleport");
BOOST_VERIFY(k->nInstructions() == 1);
std::cout << "STR: \n\n" << k->toString("qreg") << "\n";
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(checkWithMeasurementIf) {
const std::string src("module teleport (qbit qreg[3]) {\n"
" cbit creg[2];\n"
" // Init qubit 0 to 1\n"
......@@ -123,9 +121,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(checkWithMeasurementIf) {
BOOST_VERIFY(gateqir->numberOfKernels() == 1);
auto k = gateqir->getKernel("teleport");
std::cout << "STR: \n\n" << k->toString("qreg") << "\n";
......@@ -64,6 +64,10 @@ public:
virtual std::shared_ptr<xacc::IR> compile(const std::string& src);
virtual const std::string getName() {
return "Scaffold";
* @return
......@@ -98,8 +98,7 @@ public:
virtual void execute(std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer> buffer,
const std::shared_ptr<Function> function) = 0;
virtual void execute(std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer> buffer,
const std::shared_ptr<IR> function) {}
* Create, store, and return an AcceleratorBuffer with the given
* variable id string. This string serves as a unique identifier
......@@ -74,6 +74,12 @@ public:
virtual std::shared_ptr<IR> compile(const std::string& src) = 0;
* Return the name of this Compiler
* @return name Compiler name
virtual const std::string getName() = 0;
* The destructor
......@@ -121,14 +121,12 @@ protected:
// Create the appropriate compiler
compiler = xacc::CompilerRegistry::instance()->create(compilerToRun);
std::cout << "Executing " << compiler->getName() << " compiler.\n";
// Make sure we got a valid
if (!compiler) {
XACCError("Invalid Compiler.\n");
// Update src with runtimeArgs...
// Execute the compilation
xaccIR = compiler->compile(src, accelerator);
......@@ -192,9 +190,9 @@ public:
std::function<void(std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer>, RuntimeArgs...)> getKernel(
const std::string& kernelName) {
return [&](std::shared_ptr<AcceleratorBuffer> buffer, RuntimeArgs... args) {
build("--compiler scaffold", args...);
build("--compiler improvedscaffold", args...);
auto fToExec = xaccIR->getKernel(kernelName);
accelerator->execute(buffer, xaccIR);
accelerator->execute(buffer, fToExec);
......@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@ public:
virtual const std::string getName() {
return "Fake";
virtual void modifySource() {
......@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@ public:
return std::make_shared<FakeIR>();
virtual const std::string getName() {
return "Dummy";
virtual void modifySource() {
......@@ -89,93 +92,3 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(checkBuildRuntimeArguments) {
auto k = prog.getKernel("teleport");
//"--compiler dummy");
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(checkRuntimeGateParameter) {
// Quantum Kernel executing a parameterized gate
// const std::string src("__qpu__ rotate (qbit qreg, double phi) {\n"
// " H(qreg[0]);\n"
// " Rz(qreg[0], phi);\n"
// "}\n");
// // Create a convenient alias for our simulator...
// using CircuitSimulator = xacc::quantum::FireTensorAccelerator<6>;
// // Create a reference to the 6 qubit simulation Accelerator
// auto qpu = std::make_shared<CircuitSimulator>();
// // Allocate 1 qubit, give them a unique identifier...
// auto qubitReg = qpu->createBuffer("qreg", 1);
// using QubitRegisterType = decltype(qubitReg);
// // Construct a new XACC Program
// xacc::Program quantumProgram(qpu, src);
// // Build the program using Scaffold comipler
// // and output the Graph Intermediate Representation
//"--compiler scaffold");
// // Retrieve the created kernel. It takes a
// // qubit register as input
// auto rotate = quantumProgram.getKernel<QubitRegisterType, double&>(
// "teleport");
// // Execute the kernel with the qubit register!
// double angle = std::acos(-1) / 4.0;
// rotate(qubitReg, angle);
// // Pretty print the resultant state
// qubitReg->printBufferState(std::cout);
// BOOST_VERIFY(std::real(qubitReg->getState()(0)) == (1.0/std::sqrt(2.0)));
// BOOST_VERIFY(std::real(qubitReg->getState()(1)) == 0.5);
// BOOST_VERIFY(std::fabs(std::imag(qubitReg->getState()(1)) - 0.5) < 1e-6);
BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(checkTeleportScaffold) {
// Quantum Kernel executing teleportation of
// qubit state to another.
const std::string src("__qpu__ teleport (qbit qreg) {\n"
" cbit creg[2];\n"
" // Init qubit 0 to 1\n"
" X(qreg[0]);\n"
" // Now teleport...\n"
" H(qreg[1]);\n"
" CNOT(qreg[1],qreg[2]);\n"
" CNOT(qreg[0],qreg[1]);\n"
" H(qreg[0]);\n"
" creg[0] = MeasZ(qreg[0]);\n"
" creg[1] = MeasZ(qreg[1]);\n"
" if (creg[0] == 1) Z(qreg[2]);\n"
" if (creg[1] == 1) X(qreg[2]);\n"
// Create a reference to the 6 qubit simulation Accelerator
auto qpu = xacc::getAccelerator("firetensor");
// Allocate 3 qubits, give them a unique identifier...
auto qreg = qpu->createBuffer("qreg", 3);
// Construct a new XACC Program
xacc::Program quantumProgram(qpu, src);
// Retrieve the created kernel. It takes a
// qubit register as input
auto teleport = quantumProgram.getKernel("teleport");
// Execute the kernel with the qubit register!
// Pretty print the resultant state
auto simqreg = std::static_pointer_cast<xacc::quantum::SimulatedQubits<10>>(qreg);
BOOST_VERIFY(std::real(simqreg->getState()(1) * simqreg->getState()(1)) == 1 ||
std::real(simqreg->getState()(5) * simqreg->getState()(5)) == 1 ||
std::real(simqreg->getState()(3) * simqreg->getState()(3)) == 1 ||
std::real(simqreg->getState()(7) * simqreg->getState()(7)) == 1);
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