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Commit 6334aec0 authored by Mccaskey, Alex's avatar Mccaskey, Alex
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Implemented EigenAccelerator to solve teleport example

parent 79baf2bf
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......@@ -31,59 +31,33 @@
#include "XACC.hpp"
#include "EigenAccelerator.hpp"
* FIXME For now, create a fake accelerator
* This will later come from QVM
class IBM5Qubit: public xacc::quantum::QPUGate<5> {
virtual xacc::AcceleratorType getType() {
return xacc::AcceleratorType::qpu_gate;
virtual std::vector<xacc::IRTransformation> getIRTransformations() {
std::vector<xacc::IRTransformation> v;
return v;
virtual void execute(const std::shared_ptr<xacc::IR> ir) {
virtual ~IBM5Qubit() {
bool canAllocate(const int N) {
return true;
// Quantum Kernel executing teleportation of
// qubit state to another.
const std::string src("__qpu__ teleport () {\n"
" // Initialize qubit to 1\n"
" cbit creg[2];\n"
" X(qreg[0]);\n"
" H(qreg[1]);\n"
" CNOT(qreg[1],qreg[2]);\n"
" CNOT(qreg[0],qreg[1]);\n"
" H(qreg[0]);\n"
" MeasZ(qreg[0]);\n"
" MeasZ(qreg[1]);\n"
" // cZ\n"
" H(qreg[2]);\n"
" CNOT(qreg[2], qreg[1]);\n"
" H(qreg[2]);\n"
" // cX = CNOT\n"
" CNOT(qreg[2], qreg[0]);\n"
" creg[0] = MeasZ(qreg[0]);\n"
" creg[1] = MeasZ(qreg[1]);\n"
" if(creg[0] == 1) Z(qreg[2]);\n"
" if (creg[1] == 1) X(qreg[2]);\n"
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
// Create a reference to the IBM5Qubit Accelerator
auto ibm_qpu = std::make_shared<xacc::quantum::EigenAccelerator<3>>();
using Simple3QubitAcc = xacc::quantum::EigenAccelerator<3>;
// Create a reference to the 3 qubit simulation Accelerator
auto qpu = std::make_shared<Simple3QubitAcc>();
// Allocate some qubits, give them a unique identifier...
auto qreg = ibm_qpu->allocate("qreg");
auto qreg = qpu->allocate("qreg");
// Construct a new Program
xacc::Program quantumProgram(ibm_qpu, src);
xacc::Program quantumProgram(qpu, src);
// Build the program"--compiler scaffold --writeIR teleport.xir");
......@@ -96,7 +70,6 @@ int main (int argc, char** argv) {
// Get the execution result
auto bits = qreg->toBits();
return 0;
......@@ -23,14 +23,27 @@ protected:
Qubits() :
state((int) std::pow(2, NumberOfQubits)) {
// Initialize to |000...000> state
state(0) = 1.0;
void applyUnitary(Eigen::MatrixXcd& U) {
state = U * state;
QubitState& getState() {
return state;
void setState(QubitState& st) {
state = st;
void printState(std::ostream& stream) {
stream << state << "\n";
for (int i = 0; i < state.rows(); i++) {
stream << std::bitset<NumberOfQubits>(i).to_string() << " -> " << state(i) << "\n";
......@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "QasmToGraph.hpp"
#include "GraphIR.hpp"
#include <unsupported/Eigen/KroneckerProduct>
#include <random>
namespace xacc {
namespace quantum {
......@@ -54,15 +55,19 @@ public:
* The constructor, create tensor gates
EigenAccelerator() {
Eigen::MatrixXcd h(2,2), cnot(4,4), I(2,2), x(2,2);
Eigen::MatrixXcd h(2,2), cnot(4,4), I(2,2), x(2,2), p0(2,2), p1(2,2);
h << 1.0/sqrt2,1.0/sqrt2, 1.0/sqrt2,-1.0/sqrt2;
cnot << 1, 0, 0, 0,0, 1, 0, 0,0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0;
x << 0, 1, 1, 0;
I << 1,0,0,1;
p0 << 1, 0, 0, 0;
p1 << 0, 0, 0, 1;
gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("h",h));
gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("cnot",cnot));
gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("I",I));
gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("x",x));
gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("p0",p0));
gates.insert(std::map<std::string, Eigen::MatrixXcd>::value_type("p1",p1));
......@@ -71,7 +76,7 @@ public:
virtual void execute(const std::shared_ptr<xacc::IR> ir) {
auto qubitsType = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Qubits<NQubits>>(this->bits);
auto qubits = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Qubits<NQubits>>(this->bits);
// Cast to a GraphIR, if we can...
auto graphir = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<QuantumGraphIR>(ir);
......@@ -81,6 +86,7 @@ public:
// Get the Graph
std::vector<CircuitNode> gateOperations;
std::map<int, int> qubitIdToMeasuredResult;
auto graph = graphir->getGraph();
int nNodes = graph.order(), layer = 1;
int finalLayer = graph.getVertexProperty<1>(nNodes - 1);
......@@ -91,59 +97,208 @@ public:
std::cout << "Initial State:\n";
std::cout << "\n";
Eigen::MatrixXcd U = Eigen::MatrixXcd::Identity(std::pow(2, NQubits),
std::pow(2, NQubits));
for (auto gate : gateOperations) {
while (layer < finalLayer) {
std::vector<CircuitNode> currentLayerGates;
std::copy_if(gateOperations.begin(), gateOperations.end(),
[&](const CircuitNode& c) {return std::get<1>( == layer;});
// Skip disabled gates...
if (!std::get<4>( {
// Create a list of nQubits Identity gates
std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXcd> productList(NQubits);
for (int i = 0; i < NQubits; i++) {
productList[i] = gates["I"];
// Can parallize this...
for (auto n : currentLayerGates) {
// Create a local U gate
Eigen::MatrixXcd localU;
auto gateName = std::get<0>(;
auto actingQubits = std::get<3>(;
// Get the current gate anme
auto gateName = std::get<0>(;
// Get the qubits we're acting on...
auto actingQubits = std::get<3>(;
if (gateName != "measure") {
auto gate = gates[gateName];
if (gateName == "conditional") {
if (actingQubits.size() == 1) {
productList[actingQubits[0]] = gate;
} else if (actingQubits.size() == 2) {
productList[actingQubits[0]] = gate;
productList.erase(productList.begin() + actingQubits[1]);
} else {
QCIError("Can only simulate one and two qubit gates.");
// If we hit a measured result then we
// need to figure out the measured qubit it
// depends on, then if its a 1, enable the disabled
// gates from this node to the next FinalState node
auto qubitWeNeed = std::get<3>([0];
auto qubitFound = qubitIdToMeasuredResult.find(qubitWeNeed);
if (qubitFound == qubitIdToMeasuredResult.end()) {
QCIError("Invalid conditional node - this qubit has not been measured.");
auto result = qubitIdToMeasuredResult[qubitWeNeed];
auto currentNodeId = std::get<2>(;
if (result == 1) {
// Walk over the next nodes until we hit a FinalState node
// set their enabled state to true
for (int i = currentNodeId+1; i < nNodes; i++) {
// Once we hit the next final state node, then break out
if (graph.getVertexProperty<0>(i) == "FinalState") {
std::cout << "Enabling " << graph.getVertexProperty<0>(i) << "\n";
graph.setVertexProperty<4>(i, true);
} else {
// Setup measurement gate
} else if (gateName == "measure") {
// get rho
auto rho = qubits->getState() * qubits->getState().transpose();
productList[actingQubits[0]] = gates["p0"];
// Create a total unitary for this layer of the circuit
Eigen::MatrixXcd result = productList[0];
auto temp = productList[0];
for (int i = 1; i < productList.size(); i++) {
result = kroneckerProduct(result, productList[i]).eval();
temp = kroneckerProduct(temp, productList[i]).eval();
assert(result.rows() == std::pow(2, NQubits) && result.cols() == std::pow(2,NQubits));
// Update the circuit unitary matrix
U = result * U;
auto temp2 = temp * rho;
auto probZero = temp2.trace();
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 mt(rd());
std::uniform_real_distribution<double> dist(0, 1.0);
int result;
auto val = dist(mt);
std::cout << "Val: " << val << "\n";
if (val < std::real(probZero)) {
result = 0;
Eigen::VectorXcd newState = (temp * qubits->getState());
} else {
result = 1;
productList[actingQubits[0]] = gates["p1"];
// Create a total unitary for this layer of the circuit
auto temp = productList[0];
for (int i = 1; i < productList.size(); i++) {
temp = kroneckerProduct(temp, productList[i]).eval();
Eigen::VectorXcd newState = (temp * qubits->getState());
std::cout << "Measured qubit " << actingQubits[0] << " to be a " << result << ": prob was " << probZero << "\n";
qubitIdToMeasuredResult.insert(std::make_pair(actingQubits[0], result));
} else {
if (gateName != "FinalState" && gateName != "InitialState") {
// Regular Gate operations...
if (actingQubits.size() == 1) {
// If this is a one qubit gate, just replace
// the currect I in the list with the gate
productList[actingQubits[0]] = gates[gateName];
// Create a total unitary for this layer of the circuit
localU = productList[0];
for (int i = 1; i < productList.size(); i++) {
localU =
kroneckerProduct(localU, productList[i]).eval();
} else if (actingQubits.size() == 2) {
// If this is a 2 qubit gate, then we need t
// to construct Kron(P0, I, ..., I) + Kron(P1, I, ..., Gate, ..., I)
productList[actingQubits[0]] = gates["p0"];
localU = productList[0];
for (int i = 1; i < productList.size(); i++) {
localU =
kroneckerProduct(localU, productList[i]).eval();
// Now create the second term in the sum
productList[actingQubits[0]] = gates["p1"];
productList[actingQubits[1]] = gates[gateName == "cnot" ? "x" : "I"];
auto temp = productList[0];
for (int i = 1; i < productList.size(); i++) {
temp =
kroneckerProduct(temp, productList[i]).eval();
// Sum them up
localU += temp;
} else {
QCIError("Can only simulate one and two qubit gates.");
// Make sure that localU is the correct size
assert(localU.rows() == std::pow(2, NQubits) && localU.cols() == std::pow(2,NQubits));
std::cout << "Current State after " << gateName << ":\n";
std::cout << "\n" << localU << "\n";
// while (layer < finalLayer) {
// std::vector<CircuitNode> currentLayerGates;
// std::copy_if(gateOperations.begin(), gateOperations.end(),
// std::back_inserter(currentLayerGates),
// [&](const CircuitNode& c) {return std::get<1>( == layer;});
// std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXcd> productList(NQubits);
// for (int i = 0; i < NQubits; i++) {
// productList[i] = gates["I"];
// }
// // Can parallize this...
// for (auto n : currentLayerGates) {
// auto gateName = std::get<0>(;
// auto actingQubits = std::get<3>(;
// if (gateName != "measure" || gateName != "FinalState" || gateName != "InitialState") {
// auto gate = gates[gateName];
// if (actingQubits.size() == 1) {
// productList[actingQubits[0]] = gate;
// } else if (actingQubits.size() == 2) {
// productList[actingQubits[0]] = gate;
// productList.erase(productList.begin() + actingQubits[1]);
// } else {
// QCIError("Can only simulate one and two qubit gates.");
// }
// } else {
// if (gateName == "conditional") {
// } else if (gateName == "measure") {
// }
// }
// // Create a total unitary for this layer of the circuit
// Eigen::MatrixXcd result = productList[0];
// for (int i = 1; i < productList.size(); i++) {
// result = kroneckerProduct(result, productList[i]).eval();
// }
// assert(result.rows() == std::pow(2, NQubits) && result.cols() == std::pow(2,NQubits));
// // Update the circuit unitary matrix
// U = result * U;
// }
// layer++;
// }
// qubitsType->applyUnitary(U);
......@@ -49,7 +49,11 @@ void ScaffoldCompiler::modifySource() {
kernelSource.erase(kernelSource.find("__qpu__"), 7);
kernelSource = std::string("module ") + kernelSource;
std::string qubitAllocationLine = " qbit qreg[3];\n";
std::string qubitAllocationLine;// = " qbit qreg[3];\n";
std::regex qbitName("qbit\\s.*");
qubitAllocationLine = (*std::sregex_iterator(kernelSource.begin(), kernelSource.end(),
qbitName)).str() + "\n";
// conditional on measurements
......@@ -59,7 +63,6 @@ void ScaffoldCompiler::modifySource() {
std::regex ifstmts("if\\s?\\(\\w+\\[\\w+\\]\\s?=.*\\s?\\)\\s?");
for (auto i = std::sregex_iterator(kernelSource.begin(), kernelSource.end(),
ifstmts); i != std::sregex_iterator(); ++i) {
std::cout << "HELLO WORLD: " << (*i).str() << "\n";
std::vector<std::string> splitVec;
std::string ifLine = (*i).str();
......@@ -186,18 +186,18 @@ public:
int maxLayer = layer+1;
// Print info...
for (auto cn : gateOperations) {
std::cout << "Gate Operation: \n";
std::cout << "\tName: " << std::get<0>( << "\n";
std::cout << "\tLayer: " << std::get<1>( << "\n";
std::cout << "\tGate Vertex Id: " << std::get<2>( << "\n";
std::cout << "\tActing Qubits: ";
std::vector<int> qubits = std::get<3>(;
for (auto v : qubits) {
std::cout << v << ", ";
std::cout << "\n\n";
// for (auto cn : gateOperations) {
// std::cout << "Gate Operation: \n";
// std::cout << "\tName: " << std::get<0>( << "\n";
// std::cout << "\tLayer: " << std::get<1>( << "\n";
// std::cout << "\tGate Vertex Id: " << std::get<2>( << "\n";
// std::cout << "\tActing Qubits: ";
// std::vector<int> qubits = std::get<3>(;
// for (auto v : qubits) {
// std::cout << v << ", ";
// }
// std::cout << "\n\n";
// }
generateEdgesFromLayer(1, graph, gateOperations, 0);
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ public:
for (auto g : conditionalGraphs) {
CircuitNode node;
std::get<0>( = "conditional";
std::get<2>( = measurementIds[counter];
std::get<2>( = id;//measurementIds[counter];
std::get<3>( = measurementQubits[counter];
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