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XACC Python Bindings

he `Python Plugin <>`_ provides
Python language bindings to XACC through the `pybind11 <>`_ project.

.. note::

   This plugin requires Python 2.7+ development headers/library.
   Here's how to install these on various popular platforms:

   .. code::

      $ (macosx) brew install python
      $ (fedora) dnf install python-devel
      $ (ubuntu) apt-get install python-dev

To install this plugin, run the following

.. code::

   $ -p xacc-python

You have now installed the Python plugin. It is located in ``$XACC_ROOT/lib/python``,
where ``XACC_ROOT`` is your XACC install prefix.

In order to use this installation, you must update your ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable

.. code::

   $ export PYTHONPATH=$XACC_ROOT/lib/python:$PYTHONPATH

We recommend placing this command in your home directory's ``.bashrc`` file (or equivalent).

Example Usage

Suppose you had the Scaffold plugin installed `see here <scaffold.rst>`_, and you wanted to program a simple teleportation code and launch it on TNQVM (see `here <tnqvm.rst>`_ for TNQVM installation details). To program this with the Python XACC bindings you could write the following python script:

.. code::

   import pyxacc as xacc

   # Create the source code
   src = """__qpu__ teleport(qbit qreg){
   cbit creg[3];
   // qubit0 to be teleported
   // Bell channel set up by qreg[1] and qreg[2]
   // Alice Bell measurement
   creg[0] = MeasZ(qreg[0]);
   creg[1] = MeasZ(qreg[1]);
   // Bob's operation base on Alice's measurement outcome
   if (creg[0] == 1) Z(qreg[2]);
   if (creg[1] == 1) X(qreg[2]);

   # Initialize the framework

   # Get reference to our simple accelerator
   qpu = xacc.getAccelerator('tnqvm')

   # Create some qubits to operate on
   qreg = qpu.createBuffer('qreg',3)

   # Create the program and build it
   p = xacc.Program(qpu, src)

   # Get the teleport kernel
   k = p.getKernel('teleport')

   # Execute on qreg with no InstructionParameters
   k.execute(qreg, [])

   # Display the results to standard out

   # Finalize the framework