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Chuck Atkins's avatar
Atkins, Charles Vernon authored
Use a 2-pass approach to generate ADIOS2.config.  The first pass
generates the configurable options in the header and the second pass
configures them.  This allows for consistency in the options used and
thier ordering with respect to where they're used elsewhere.

GitHub (pre-)release GitHub license

Circle CI Travis CI AppVeyor CI

Adaptable Input / Output System (ADIOS) v2.0

This is v2.0 of the ADIOS I/O system, developed as part of the U.S. Department of Energy Exascale Computing Program.


ADIOS >= 2.0 is licensed under the Apache License v2.0. See the accompanying Copyright.txt for more details.

Directory layout

  • cmake - Project specific CMake modules
  • examples - ADIOS2 Examples
  • scripts - Project maintenance and development scripts
  • source - Main ADIOS2 source
  • bindings - Additional language bindings (currently only Python is available)
  • testing - Tests


Please find ADIOS2 software documentation online under the project GitHub wiki:

To generate Doxygen application programming interface (API) documentation see instructions under: doc/

Getting Started

ADIOS2 uses CMake for its build environment. CMake expects projects to use "out-of-source" builds, which means keeping a separate build and source directory (different from autotools, which usually uses an in-source build).

To build ADIOS2:

  1. Clone the repository:
$ mkdir adios2
$ cd adios2
$ git clone source
  1. Create a separate build directory:
$ mkdir build
  1. Configure the project with CMake:
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/adios2/2.0.0/gnu/openmpi ../source
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 6.3.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 6.3.1

ADIOS2 build configuration:
  ADIOS Version: 2.0.0
  C++ Compiler : GNU 6.3.1

  Installation prefix: /opt/adios2/2.0.0/gnu/openmpi
    Library Type: shared
    Build Type:   Debug
    Testing: ON
    Build Options:
      BZip2    : ON
      ZFP      : OFF
      MPI      : ON
      DataMan  : ON
      ZeroMQ   : ON
      HDF5     : ON
      ADIOS1   : OFF
      Python   : ON
      C        : ON
      SysVShMem: ON

-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/chuck/Code/adios2/build

The following options can be specified with CMake's -DVAR=VALUE syntax to control which features get enabled or disabled:

CMake Option Values Description
ADIOS2_USE_BZip2 AUTO/ON/OFF Enable BZip2 compression (not implemented).
ADIOS2_USE_ZFP AUTO/ON/OFF Enable ZFP compression (not implemented).
ADIOS2_USE_DataMan AUTO/ON/OFF Enable the DataMan engine for WAN transports.
ADIOS2_USE_ZeroMQ AUTO/ON/OFF Enable ZeroMQ for the DataMan engine.
ADIOS2_USE_HDF5 AUTO/ON/OFF Enable the HDF5 engine.
ADIOS2_USE_ADIOS1 AUTO/ON/OFF Enable the ADIOS 1.x engine.
ADIOS2_USE_Python AUTO/ON/OFF Enable the Python >= 2.7 bindings.
ADIOS2_USE_C AUTO/ON/OFF Enable the C bindings library or libadios2_c.a

Note: The ADIOS2_USE_HDF5 and ADIOS2_USE_ADIOS1 options require the use of a matching serial or parallel version depending on whether ADIOS2_USE_MPI is enabled. SImilary, enabling MPI and Python bindings requires the presence of mpi4py.

In addition to the ADIOS2_USE_Feature options, the following options are also available to control how the library get's built:

CMake Options Values Description
ADIOS2_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON/OFF Build shared libraries.
ADIOS2_ENABLE_PIC ON/OFF Enable Position Independent Code for static libraries.
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX /path/to/install (/usr/local) Install location.
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug / Release / RelWithDebInfo / MinSizeRel The level of compiler optimization to use.
  1. Compile:
$ make -j8
  1. Run tests:
$ ctest
Test project /home/chuck/Code/adios2/build
      Start  1: ADIOSInterfaceWriteTest.DefineVarChar1x10
 1/31 Test  #1: ADIOSInterfaceWriteTest.DefineVarChar1x10 ..............   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start  2: ADIOSInterfaceWriteTest.DefineVarShort1x10
 2/31 Test  #2: ADIOSInterfaceWriteTest.DefineVarShort1x10 .............   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start 21: HDF5WriteReadTest.ADIOS2HDF5WriteHDF5Read1D8
21/31 Test #21: HDF5WriteReadTest.ADIOS2HDF5WriteHDF5Read1D8 ...........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 22: HDF5WriteReadTest.ADIOS2HDF5WriteADIOS2HDF5Read1D8
22/31 Test #22: HDF5WriteReadTest.ADIOS2HDF5WriteADIOS2HDF5Read1D8 .....***Not Run (Disabled)   0.00 sec
      Start 23: HDF5WriteReadTest.HDF5WriteADIOS2HDF5Read1D8
23/31 Test #23: HDF5WriteReadTest.HDF5WriteADIOS2HDF5Read1D8 ...........***Not Run (Disabled)   0.00 sec
      Start 30: PythonBPWrite
30/31 Test #30: PythonBPWrite ..........................................   Passed    0.12 sec
      Start 31: XMLConfigTest.TwoIOs
31/31 Test #31: XMLConfigTest.TwoIOs ...................................   Passed    0.01 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 25

Total Test time (real) =   0.29 sec

The following tests did not run:
	 22 - HDF5WriteReadTest.ADIOS2HDF5WriteADIOS2HDF5Read1D8 (Disabled)
	 23 - HDF5WriteReadTest.HDF5WriteADIOS2HDF5Read1D8 (Disabled)
	 25 - HDF5WriteReadTest.ADIOS2HDF5WriteADIOS2HDF5Read2D2x4 (Disabled)
	 26 - HDF5WriteReadTest.HDF5WriteADIOS2HDF5Read2D2x4 (Disabled)
	 28 - HDF5WriteReadTest.ADIOS2HDF5WriteADIOS2HDF5Read2D4x2 (Disabled)
	 29 - HDF5WriteReadTest.HDF5WriteADIOS2HDF5Read2D4x2 (Disabled)
  1. Install:
$ make install
[  7%] Built target adios2sys_objects
[ 61%] Built target adios2
[ 68%] Built target adios2py
Install the project...
-- Install configuration: "Debug"
-- Installing: /opt/adios2/2.0.0/gnu/openmpi/include/adios2/ADIOSConfig.h
-- Installing: /opt/adios2/2.0.0/gnu/openmpi/bin/adios2-config
-- Installing: /opt/adios2/2.0.0/gnu/openmpi/include/adios2.h
-- Installing: /opt/adios2/2.0.0/gnu/openmpi/lib/
-- Installing: /opt/adios2/2.0.0/gnu/openmpi/lib/
-- Installing: /opt/adios2/2.0.0/gnu/openmpi/lib/