- Nov 04, 2016
wfg authored
Adding metadata m_SerialSize in CGroup for potential preallocation of serialized metadata. Removing any template functionality. Incompatible with C and Fortran support with void*. Need to work on tracking milestones.
- Nov 02, 2016
wfg authored
Modified CGroup.m_Variable to allow for Global Dimensions and Offsets and const members at creation Modified CGroup member functions to allow creating new Variables and Attributes Added a C-API test case ./examples/hello/C/helloFStream.c To do: Need to test C-API and new CGroup
- Nov 01, 2016
- Oct 31, 2016
wfg authored
Added files include/public/ADIOS_C.h, src/public/ADIOS_C.cpp (with std::exception handling), examples/hello/helloADIOS_C.c (not yet tested) Working on CFStream.cpp testing vector<char> as buffer Need to define types supported for C++, C, Fortran Need to defined XML specs To do: Test added file examples/hello/helloADIOS_C.c Test class CFStream implementation assuming MPI
Podhorszki, Norbert authored
- Oct 28, 2016
wfg authored
Decongest CGroup for Variable creation and value setting Partial testing and debug of XML read implementation to allow "< >" in names. Required to allow STL containers as types (e.g. "vector<double>"). Back to std::shared_ptr in CGroup members. std::make_pair calls the copy constructor by default. Will keep track of std::shared_ptr counts. Added more checks for debug version to guarantee exceptions. To do: Add and test more types. Add Capsule class and support.
- Oct 27, 2016
wfg authored
Changes in CVariable and CVariableTemplate: Replace CVariable with CVariableBase Replace CVariableTemplate<> (it's obvious) with CVariable<> Added file functions/GroupFunctions.cpp for helper functions to decongest CGroup, especially those related to variable and transport selections from lookup table structs (see SSupport.h). Added exception to "using" in doc/CodingGuidelines Switched all shared_ptr in CGroup members to the more restrictive unique_ptr To-do: Modify CGroup and SetMembers in ADIOSFunctions so groupName is identified before CGroup. This will allow an emplace on m_Groups map for unique_ptr.
- Oct 26, 2016
wfg authored
Added: m_HostLanguage as const reference (need to use move constructor, not copy when inserting to map). Modified: m_Attributes is now a map Testing VariableTemplate Get and Set Worked with int* and std::vector<int> (not need to pass a size with vector) To do: Add variable Support for CGroup::SetVariable function Add SSupport Datatypes as a function of host language. Test "vector<int>" < > in XML Config file
- Oct 25, 2016
wfg authored
Must use polymorphism of the CVariable class with Get and Set? Union should be avoided as it doesn't preserve actual memory size of variable type (always returns the largest).
- Oct 24, 2016
wfg authored
Added ./examples/hello/helloFStream.cpp and Modified Makefile to test Hello in ADIOS Write function Added more context in ./doc/CodingGuildelines and README files Changed definition of Variable and VariableTemplate to always allow a void* type. Might be a better way? To do: Test void* to int* or double* conversion Test check for "<>" in XML Config file
Podhorszki, Norbert authored
Podhorszki, Norbert authored
- Oct 21, 2016
wfg authored
Changed ./public/mpidummy.c to ./public/mpidummy.cpp Corrected a bug in ADIOSFunctions.cpp InitXML function, string xmlFileContent was created twice Need to test the XML parser: ADIOSFunctions.cpp GetSubtring function to support > in tag attributes, e.g. name="<myname>" >
- Oct 20, 2016
wfg authored
transform classes (e.g. NetCDF4, PHDF5, BZIP2, etc.) Added debug mode member variable in ADIOS, CGroup classes for additional checking, expect slower code.
- Oct 19, 2016
wfg authored
Changed Doxyfile to print inclusion diagrams Reorganized code to allow mpidummy.h inclusion replacing mpi.h for single source object.
- Oct 18, 2016
wfg authored
1) Eliminated MPI and NonMPI separate functions and Transports 2) All Transport classes extend CTransport 3) Using mpidummy.h header for non-mpi compilation. Will need to include it in the adios namespace (currently C) To do: Makefile Hello all Transports BP File
- Oct 17, 2016
wfg authored
Added Transform Classes headers, need to implement Need to modify Makefile to account for transform directories under /include and /src
- Oct 14, 2016
wfg authored
Changed Monitor function in ADIOS and Group so it can take an ostream Edited Makefile to allow nompi and full libraries Edited ./doc/Doxyfile to include more graphs
- Oct 13, 2016
wfg authored
Warning: Makefile only compiling for all, not nompi or mpi
- Oct 12, 2016
wfg authored
in this class. 2. Added functions in CGroup and CADIOS that can be called from the XML and non-XML APIs. User only interacts with CADIOS public functions. 3. Modified Makefile to test helloADIOS_nompi. 4. Tested population of Group and Variable classes from XML file To do: 1) Wrap setting transport 2) Test hello adios mpi
- Oct 11, 2016
wfg authored
- Oct 10, 2016
wfg authored
functions needed by ADIOS.h. In the future will reduce compilation times. Implemented m_Globals population. Switched unique_ptr to shared_ptr to allow for copyable classes in empty SGlobal in m_Globals map value.
- Oct 07, 2016
wfg authored
Reached the part in which XML tag fields and values are extracted. To do: Populate m_Groups from these fields and values.
- Oct 06, 2016
- Oct 05, 2016
wfg authored
To do: Formulate Transport and Transform classes
- Oct 04, 2016
wfg authored
targets mpi and nompi Used ./example/hello to test libraries Updated README.md and ./examples/hello/README
- Oct 03, 2016
- Sep 30, 2016
- Sep 29, 2016
wfg authored
1. CADIOS parent class 2. Heat Transfer test case
William F. Godoy authored