3.***Configure the project with CMake***. The following options can be specified as `ON` or `OFF` with cmake's `-DVAR=VALUE` syntax, where VAR options are:
* `ADIOS2_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS` - Build shared libraries (`OFF` for static)
* `ADIOS2_USE_ADIOS1 ` - Enable the [ADIOS 1.x](https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/center-projects/adios/) engine
* `ADIOS2_USE_DataMan ` - Enable the DataMan engine for WAN transports
* `ADIOS2_USE_Python ` - Enable the Python bindings
***Important, automatic discovery***: ADIOS 2.0 CMake has an AUTO discovery "ON" default option. If a certain
dependency is found in the system installation path (_e.g._ /usr/), not a custom one (_e.g._ /home , /opt ) it will turn on installation for that dependency automatically
In addition, the -DCMAKE_VAR frequent options can be selected:
* `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ` - Prefix location for installation with `make install`, default depends on system (_e.g._ /usr/local)
Note: The `ADIOS2_USE_HDF5` and `ADIOS2_USE_ADIOS1` options require the use of a matching serial or parallel version depending on whether `ADIOS2_USE_MPI` is enabled. SImilary, enabling MPI and Python bindings requires the presence of `mpi4py`.
In addition to the `ADIOS2_USE_Feature` options, the following options are also available to control how the library get's built: