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VariableBase.cpp 11.28 KiB
 * Distributed under the OSI-approved Apache License, Version 2.0.  See
 * accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
 * VariableBase.cpp
 *  Created on: May 11, 2017
 *      Author: William F Godoy

#include "VariableBase.h"

#include <algorithm> //std::count
#include <stdexcept> //std::invalid_argument
/// \endcond

#include "adios2/helper/adiosFunctions.h" //GetTotalSize

namespace adios2

VariableBase::VariableBase(const std::string &name, const std::string type,
                           const size_t elementSize, const Dims &shape,
                           const Dims &start, const Dims &count,
                           const bool constantDims, const bool debugMode)
: m_Name(name), m_Type(type), m_ElementSize(elementSize), m_Shape(shape),
  m_Start(start), m_Count(count), m_ConstantDims(constantDims),

size_t VariableBase::PayloadSize() const noexcept
    return GetTotalSize(m_Count) * m_ElementSize;

size_t VariableBase::TotalSize() const noexcept
    return GetTotalSize(m_Count);

void VariableBase::SetSelection(const std::pair<Dims, Dims> &boxDims,
                                const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &boxSteps)
    const Dims &start = boxDims.first;
    const Dims &count = boxDims.second;

    if (m_DebugMode)
        if (m_SingleValue)
            throw std::invalid_argument(
                "ERROR: selection is not valid for single value variable " +
                m_Name + ", in call to SetSelection\n");

        if (m_ConstantDims)
            throw std::invalid_argument(
                "ERROR: selection is not valid for constant shape variable " +
                m_Name + ", in call to SetSelection\n");

        if (m_ShapeID == ShapeID::GlobalArray &&
            (m_Shape.size() != count.size() || m_Shape.size() != start.size()))
            throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: count and start must be the "
                                        "same size as shape for variable " +
                                        m_Name + ", in call to SetSelection\n");

        if (m_ShapeID == ShapeID::LocalArray && !start.empty())
            throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: start argument must be empty "
                                        "for local array variable " +
                                        m_Name + ", in call to SetSelection\n");

        if (m_ShapeID == ShapeID::JoinedArray && !start.empty())
            throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: start argument must be empty "
                                        "for joined array variable " +
                                        m_Name + ", in call to SetSelection\n");

    m_Start = start;
    m_Count = count;

void VariableBase::SetMemorySelection(const std::pair<Dims, Dims> &boxDims)
    const Dims &start = boxDims.first;
    const Dims &count = boxDims.second;

    if (m_DebugMode)
        if (m_SingleValue)
            throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: memory selection is not valid "
                                        "for single value variable " +
                                        m_Name +
                                        ", in call to SetMemorySelection\n");

        if (m_Shape.size() != start.size() || m_Shape.size() != count.size())
            throw std::invalid_argument(
                "ERROR: selection Dims start, count sizes must be "
                "the same as variable " +
                m_Name + " m_Shape, in call to SetMemorySelction\n");

    m_MemoryStart = start;
    m_MemoryCount = count;

size_t VariableBase::GetAvailableStepsStart() const
    return m_AvailableStepsStart;

size_t VariableBase::GetAvailableStepsCount() const
    return m_AvailableStepsCount;

void VariableBase::SetStepSelection(const std::pair<size_t, size_t> &boxSteps)
    if (boxSteps.second == 0)
        throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: boxSteps.second count argument "
                                    " can't be zero, from variable " +
                                    m_Name +
                                    ", in call to Setting Step Selection\n");

    m_StepStart = boxSteps.first;
    m_StepCount = boxSteps.second;

// transforms related functions
unsigned int VariableBase::AddTransform(Operator &transform,
                                        const Params &parameters) noexcept
    m_OperatorsInfo.push_back(OperatorInfo{transform, parameters});
    return static_cast<unsigned int>(m_OperatorsInfo.size() - 1);

void VariableBase::ResetTransformParameters(const unsigned int transformIndex,
                                            const Params &parameters)
    if (m_DebugMode)
        if (transformIndex < m_OperatorsInfo.size())
            m_OperatorsInfo[transformIndex].Parameters = parameters;
        m_OperatorsInfo[transformIndex].Parameters = parameters;

void VariableBase::ClearOperators() noexcept { m_OperatorsInfo.clear(); }

void VariableBase::CheckDimensions(const std::string hint) const
    if (m_ShapeID == ShapeID::GlobalArray)
        if (m_Start.empty() || m_Count.empty())
            throw std::invalid_argument(
                "ERROR: GlobalArray variable " + m_Name +
                " start and count dimensions must be defined by either "
                "DefineVariable or a Selection in call to " +
                hint + "\n");

    // TODO need to think more exceptions here

Box<Dims> VariableBase::CurrentBoxSelection() const noexcept
    Dims end;
    std::transform(m_Start.begin(), m_Start.end(), m_Count.begin(),
                   std::back_inserter(end), std::plus<size_t>());

    return Box<Dims>{m_Start, end};

void VariableBase::InitShapeType()
    if (!m_Shape.empty())
        if (std::count(m_Shape.begin(), m_Shape.end(), JoinedDim) == 1)
            if (!m_Start.empty() &&
                std::count(m_Start.begin(), m_Start.end(), 0) != m_Start.size())
                throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: The Start array must be "
                                            "empty or full-zero when defining "
                                            "a Joined Array in call to "
                                            "DefineVariable " +
                                            m_Name + "\n");
            m_ShapeID = ShapeID::JoinedArray;
        else if (m_Start.empty() && m_Count.empty())
            if (m_Shape.size() == 1 && m_Shape.front() == LocalValueDim)
                m_ShapeID = ShapeID::LocalValue;
                m_SingleValue = true;
                if (m_DebugMode)
                    if (m_ConstantDims)
                        throw std::invalid_argument(
                            "ERROR: isConstantShape (true) argument is invalid "
                            "with empty start and count "
                            "arguments in call to "
                            "DefineVariable " +
                            m_Name + "\n");

                m_ShapeID = ShapeID::GlobalArray;
        else if (m_Shape.size() == m_Start.size() &&
                 m_Shape.size() == m_Count.size())
            if (m_DebugMode)
                auto lf_LargerThanError =
                    [&](const unsigned int i, const std::string dims1,
                        const size_t dims1Value, const std::string dims2,
                        const size_t dims2Value) {

                        const std::string iString(std::to_string(i));
                        throw std::invalid_argument(
                            "ERROR: " + dims1 + "[" + iString + "] = " +
                            std::to_string(dims1Value) + " > " + dims2 + "[" +
                            iString + "], = " + std::to_string(dims2Value) +
                            " in DefineVariable " + m_Name + "\n");

                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_Shape.size(); ++i)
                    if (m_Count[i] > m_Shape[i])
                        lf_LargerThanError(i, "count", m_Count[i], "shape",
                    if (m_Start[i] > m_Shape[i])
                        lf_LargerThanError(i, "start", m_Start[i], "shape",
            m_ShapeID = ShapeID::GlobalArray;
            throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: the "
                                        "combination of shape, start and count "
                                        "arguments is inconsistent, in call to "
                                        "DefineVariable " +
                                        m_Name + "\n");
        if (m_Start.empty())
            if (m_Count.empty())
                m_ShapeID = ShapeID::GlobalValue;
                m_SingleValue = true;
            else if (m_Start.empty() && !m_Count.empty())
                m_ShapeID = ShapeID::LocalArray;
            throw std::invalid_argument(
                "ERROR: if the "
                "shape is empty, start must be empty as well, in call to "
                "DefineVariable " +
                m_Name + "\n");

    /* Extra checks for invalid settings */
    if (m_DebugMode)
        CheckDimensionsCommon("DefineVariable(" + m_Name + ")");

void VariableBase::CheckDimensionsCommon(const std::string hint) const
    if (m_ShapeID != ShapeID::LocalValue)
        if ((!m_Shape.empty() &&
             std::count(m_Shape.begin(), m_Shape.end(), LocalValueDim) > 0) ||
            (!m_Start.empty() &&
             std::count(m_Start.begin(), m_Start.end(), LocalValueDim) > 0) ||
            (!m_Count.empty() &&
             std::count(m_Count.begin(), m_Count.end(), LocalValueDim) > 0))
            throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: LocalValueDim is only "
                                        "allowed in a {LocalValueDim} "
                                        "shape in call to " +
                                        hint + "\n");

    if ((!m_Shape.empty() &&
         std::count(m_Shape.begin(), m_Shape.end(), JoinedDim) > 1) ||
        (!m_Start.empty() &&
         std::count(m_Start.begin(), m_Start.end(), JoinedDim) > 0) ||
        (!m_Count.empty() &&
         std::count(m_Count.begin(), m_Count.end(), JoinedDim) > 0))
        throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: JoinedDim is only allowed once in "
                                    "Shape and cannot appear in Start/Count in "
                                    "call to " +
                                    hint + "\n");

} // end namespace adios2