William F Godoy authored
Passed ctest (MPI and nonMPI) excluding ADIOS1 engine, and Python bindings HDF5, C bindings and C++ tests working Introduced BeginStep EndStep functions Renamed IO GetVariable/Attribute to InquireVariable/Attribute
William F Godoy authoredPassed ctest (MPI and nonMPI) excluding ADIOS1 engine, and Python bindings HDF5, C bindings and C++ tests working Introduced BeginStep EndStep functions Renamed IO GetVariable/Attribute to InquireVariable/Attribute
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Engine.h 10.27 KiB
* Distributed under the OSI-approved Apache License, Version 2.0. See
* accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
* Engine.h Base abstract class for the core Open, Write/Read, Advance, Close
* functionality. Use toolkit components to build your own Engine extending this
* class.
* Examples of derived classes in: adios2/engine/
* Created on: Nov 7, 2016
* Author: William F Godoy godoywf@ornl.gov
#include <functional> //std::function
#include <future>
#include <map>
#include <memory> //std::shared_ptr
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
/// \endcond
#include "adios2/ADIOSConfig.h"
#include "adios2/ADIOSMPICommOnly.h"
#include "adios2/ADIOSMacros.h"
#include "adios2/ADIOSTypes.h"
#include "adios2/core/IO.h"
#include "adios2/core/Variable.h"
#include "adios2/core/VariableCompound.h"
namespace adios2
/** Base Abstract class for IO operations: Read/Write, Schedule, Advance and
* Close */
class Engine
using AdvanceAsyncCallback =
* Unique Base class constructor
* @param io object that generates this Engine
* @param name unique engine name within IO class object
* @param openMode open mode from ADIOSTypes.h OpenMode
* @param mpiComm new communicator passed at Open or from ADIOS class
Engine(const std::string engineType, IO &io, const std::string &name,
const Mode openMode, MPI_Comm mpiComm);
virtual ~Engine() = default;
* Gets the factory IO object
* @return reference to IO object that created this engine
IO &GetIO() noexcept;
virtual void BeginStep();
* Puts variable with pre-defined pointer at DefineVariable into adios2
* buffer.
* Launch policy:
* <pre>
* Synch: Variable data memory is reusable after this call
* Deferred: function returns immediately so Variable data memory is
* not reusable until PerformPuts
* </pre>
* @param variable input object with metadata and pointer data contents
template <class T>
void PutSync(Variable<T> &variable);
template <class T>
void PutSync(const std::string &variableName);
template <class T>
void PutDeferred(Variable<T> &variable);
template <class T>
void PutDeferred(const std::string &variableName);
* Puts variable data passing new data pointer from application.
* Launch policy:
* <pre>
* Synch: Variable data memory is reusable after this call
* Deferred: function returns immediately so Variable data memory is
* not reusable until PerformPuts
* </pre>
* @param variable input object with metadata
* @param values data pointer for this variable, can be reused
template <class T>
void PutSync(Variable<T> &variable, const T *values);
template <class T>
void PutSync(const std::string &variableName, const T *values);
template <class T>
void PutDeferred(Variable<T> &variable, const T *values);
template <class T>
void PutDeferred(const std::string &variable, const T *values);
* Puts variable data passing a single value from application.
* Launch policy:
* <pre>
* Synch: Variable data memory is reusable after this call
* Deferred: function returns immediately so Variable data memory is
* not reusable until PerformPuts
* </pre>
* @param variable input object with metadata
* @param value single value passed by value
template <class T>
void PutSync(Variable<T> &variable, const T &value);
template <class T>
void PutSync(const std::string &variableName, const T &value);
template <class T>
void PutDeferred(Variable<T> &variable, const T &value);
template <class T>
void PutDeferred(const std::string &variable, const T &value);
template <class T>
void GetSync(Variable<T> &variable);
template <class T>
void GetSync(const std::string &variable);
template <class T>
void GetDeferred(Variable<T> &variable);
template <class T>
void GetDeferred(const std::string &variableName);
template <class T>
void GetSync(Variable<T> &variable, T *values);
template <class T>
void GetSync(const std::string &variableName, T *values);
template <class T>
void GetDeferred(Variable<T> &variable, T *values);
template <class T>
void GetDeferred(const std::string &variable, T *values);
template <class T>
void GetSync(Variable<T> &variable, T &values);
template <class T>
void GetSync(const std::string &variableName, T &values);
template <class T>
void GetDeferred(Variable<T> &variable, T &values);
template <class T>
void GetDeferred(const std::string &variableName, T &values);
* Reader application indicates that no more data will be read from the
* current stream before advancing.
* This is necessary to allow writers to advance as soon as possible.
virtual void EndStep();
/** Execute all Put<Deferred,T> starting from a previous PerformPuts */
virtual void PerformPuts();
/** Execute all Get<Deferred,T> starting from a previous PerformGets */
virtual void PerformGets();
* Closes a particular transport, or all if -1
* @param transportIndex order from IO AddTransport
virtual void Close(const int transportIndex = -1) = 0;
/** from derived class */
const std::string m_EngineType;
/** IO class object that creates this Engine at Open */
IO &m_IO;
/** Unique name for this Engine within m_IO */
const std::string m_Name;
/** open mode from ADIOSTypes.h OpenMode */
const Mode m_OpenMode;
/** from ADIOS class passed to Engine created with Open
* if no new communicator is passed */
MPI_Comm m_MPIComm;
/** true: additional exceptions */
const bool m_DebugMode = false;
/** added to exceptions to improve debugging */
std::string m_EndMessage;
/** Tracks written variables */
std::set<std::string> m_WrittenVariables;
AdvanceStatus m_AdvanceStatus = AdvanceStatus::OK;
/** Called from constructors */
virtual void Init();
/** From IO SetParameters */
virtual void InitParameters();
/** From IO AddTransport */
virtual void InitTransports();
#define declare_type(T) \
virtual void DoPutSync(Variable<T> &, const T *); \
virtual void DoPutDeferred(Variable<T> &, const T *); \
virtual void DoPutDeferred(Variable<T> &, const T &);
#undef declare_type
// Get
#define declare_type(T) \
virtual void DoGetSync(Variable<T> &, T *); \
virtual void DoGetDeferred(Variable<T> &, T *); \
virtual void DoGetDeferred(Variable<T> &, T &);
#undef declare_type
/** Throw exception by Engine virtual functions not implemented/supported by
* a derived class */
void ThrowUp(const std::string function) const;
* Called by string Put/Get versions
* @param variableName
* @return Variable<T> reference if found, else throws an exception in debug
* mode
template <class T>
Variable<T> &FindVariable(const std::string &variableName);
#define declare_template_instantiation(T) \
extern template void Engine::PutSync<T>(Variable<T> &); \
extern template void Engine::PutDeferred<T>(Variable<T> &); \
extern template void Engine::PutSync<T>(const std::string &); \
extern template void Engine::PutDeferred<T>(const std::string &); \
extern template void Engine::PutSync<T>(Variable<T> &, const T *); \
extern template void Engine::PutDeferred<T>(Variable<T> &, const T *); \
extern template void Engine::PutSync<T>(const std::string &, const T *); \
extern template void Engine::PutDeferred<T>(const std::string &, \
const T *); \
extern template void Engine::PutSync<T>(Variable<T> &, const T &); \
extern template void Engine::PutDeferred<T>(Variable<T> &, const T &); \
extern template void Engine::PutSync<T>(const std::string &, const T &); \
extern template void Engine::PutDeferred<T>(const std::string &, \
const T &); \
extern template void Engine::GetSync<T>(Variable<T> &); \
extern template void Engine::GetDeferred<T>(Variable<T> &); \
extern template void Engine::GetSync<T>(const std::string &); \
extern template void Engine::GetDeferred<T>(const std::string &); \
extern template void Engine::GetSync<T>(Variable<T> &, T *); \
extern template void Engine::GetDeferred<T>(Variable<T> &, T *); \
extern template void Engine::GetSync<T>(const std::string &, T *); \
extern template void Engine::GetDeferred<T>(const std::string &, T *); \
extern template void Engine::GetSync<T>(Variable<T> &, T &); \
extern template void Engine::GetDeferred<T>(Variable<T> &, T &); \
extern template void Engine::GetSync<T>(const std::string &, T &); \
extern template void Engine::GetDeferred<T>(const std::string &, T &);
#undef declare_template_instantiation
} // end namespace adios2
#endif /* ADIOS2_CORE_ENGINE_H_ */