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  • Google Test Upstream's avatar
    GoogleTest 2018-03-19 (dccc2d67) · 6641afb6
    Google Test Upstream authored and Atkins, Charles Vernon's avatar Atkins, Charles Vernon committed
    Code extracted from:
    at commit dccc2d67547a5a3a97e4f211f39df931c6fbd5d5 (master).
    Upstream Shortlog
    Aleksey Kozin (1):
          06568301 TEST() arguments are invalid in an example
    Alex Converse (1):
          deb99a9d Use wider types to prevent unsigned overflow diagnostics
    Alex Yursha (1):
          4f68ab5b Fix ellipsis position in examples
    Alexander Münch (1):
          62b167e4 Fix: Markdown in
    Alexey Klimkin (1):
          3ec00523 Fix a typo
    Alexey Sokolov (2):
          c9cf07a8 Make the failure messages from EXPECT_EQ and friends actually symmetric,
          092d0885 Add ability to throw from ASSERT
    Alyssa Wilk (3):
          6e1970e2 Adding a flag option to change the default mock type
          a2803bc3 Handling invalid flag values
          fa5d3b38 Applying lint checks from upstream google3
    Anders Sundman (asum) (1):
          11e1dd25 Removed trailing comma in enum
    Arkadiy Shapkin (3):
          5dde668e AppVeyor MinGW-w64 test build
          77380cdd Enable C++11 features for VS2015 and VS2017
          2641b021 Fix tests with VS2015 and VS2017
    Arkady Shapkin (6):
          1cff1460 Add links to IRC channel and Google Group
          88269cd3 Support x64 configuration for old VS2010 projects
          45287f3d Remove gtest VS2005 projects
          cb8ebf5c Support x64 configuration for old VS2015 projects
          840c711e Fix gmock tests when std::unary_function unavailable
          b153bfd8 Enable CI for VS2017
    Benjamin Kircher (1):
          d4af64ca Remove redundant declaration
    Bernhard Bauer (3):
          e7c9e80e Allow macros inside of parametrized test names.
          86e5f008 Add a non-parametrized test.
          7b70413e Allow macros inside of parametrized test names.
    Brian Silverman (1):
          4d26df72 Speed up printing of characters which need hex escaping
    Bryan Zimmerman (4):
          1ae4096b fix for VS2017 deprecation of ::tr1::tuple change static_cast to ImplicitCast_ for consitency fixes for building with path names containing spaces
          a7269e24 replaced back accidently removed static_cast with consistent ImplicitCast_
          3ea06317 remove implicit casts
          74a53063 remove extra line
    Carlos O'Ryan (20):
          280b2270 Fix table formatting.
          1dde1eed Fix typos too s/destoyed/destroyed/
          f20797bd Same fixes for "current" version.
          2fcbc0c1 Remove silly claim that C++ lacks lambdas.
          0ffd8629 More tables that did not render correctly.
          aea8580e Run autoconf from top-level directory.
          4aa05bd4 Only switch to g++-4.9 on Linux.
          cf3adad5 Add licenses() directive for googlemock/tests.
          e22d344c Add Apache-2.0 LICENSE file.
          bc3320b7 Implement bazel-based builds in Travis.
          11841175 Wrong LICENSE file, sorry.  Corrected. [skip ci]
          c82cd5e4 Also add documentation around becoming a contributor.
          23a014ab Refactor docs about contributions to
          75b85d53 Create a autotools-based build for Travis.
          ec2b0c39 Build both googletest and googlemock.
          9cee677c Optimize build matrix (#1)
          d3acb4ba Fixed output and test for 'enabled_on_pr'
          adfdc65c Fixed test for pull request.
          67d6e467 Use correct name for build event types.
          3431b699 Add options to parallelize builds.
    Che-Hsun Liu (1):
          509f7fe8 Update googletest
    Chris-Sharpe (1):
          19cace28 Colouring in help text
    Christophe Vidal (1):
          623616a5 Fixed typo
    Claus Stovgaard (1):
          68f19fac Moved the ignoring of *.pyc files to top level for also covering googlemock python scripts.
    Dariusz Ostolski (1):
          ecb1c3dd #1282: Doc typo fix
    David Benjamin (5):
          ca6a70c6 Pass MSVC's C4826 warning.
          bcd35523 Avoid warning C4619 in MSVC 2017.
          90244a6a Fix testing::Combine on MSVC 2017.
          b3d9be5c Pass the -Wmissing-declarations warning.
          1acf8c75 Also define GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF_ in clang-cl.
    David Neto (1):
          20074be1 Use DEBUG_POSTFIX instead of CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX
    David Seifert (2):
          8604c4ad Add support for pkgconfig
          9cacce4e Add documentation for pkg-config
    Dawid Kurek (1):
          51d92b2c Replace html entities with their equivalents
    Edgar Riba (1):
          21ccd610 update with tiny-dnn
    Eduardo Caceres (1):
          854b28f1 Minor style fixes
    Eduardo Cáceres (1):
          67fcf007 Punctuation
    Fedor Trushkin (3):
          9c82e774 Expose ScopedTrace utility in public interface
          354fc8d8 Document ScopedTrace utility
          8e862211 Use fully qualified  in examples
    Gallaecio (1):
          194e3c81 Fix WhenSorted() documentation example
    Gasprd Petit (1):
          f6dde80e Removed flush scopes around GTEST_LOG(FATAL) and exit call since FATAL is expected to abort()
    Gennadiy Civil (102):
          4e284ee6 Update WORKSPACE
          1fe692ce Update
          026735da Proposing these changes, please review
          3cf65b5d Added "explicit" as per compiler suggestion
          c4e01616 removed internal link ( not allowed in OSS)
          fa70b84a Removed "Trivial"
          d30a37e7 Revert "Allow macros inside of parametrized test names."
          dfed97a6 Workaround for Travis issue
          34aaf58c Revert "Workaround for Travis issue…"
          54c2648b Workaround for Travis issue
          8a48f0ed Update gtest-param-test.h.pump
          a7fceb4a Update gtest-param-test.h.pump
          1c09831a upstreaming cl 124976692
          19b5774c code cleanup in preparation for merges, cl 180857299
          67476c14 Revert one file for now
          91ba05cc Small cleanups, merge
          258fd6e1 cleanup, merge
          9fce984a wip, cleanups/merge
          5eecadf6 Revert one file
          2ad5661d Upstream of cl 129104714
          d237297c code merge, cleanups
          6eccdb7b Update .travis.yml
          f33902b9 revert googletest/test/
          d630a8bd code merges, cleanup
          62dbaa29 revert
          6a26e47c Code merge, upstreaming accumulated changes, cleanup
          481fe944 More merge, cleanup
          1d757db6 More merge, cleanup
          6914ae23 Upstream cl 103120214
          2982dc1a Trying to fix travis
          29f94e01 Update .travis.yml
          cfd29e04 Update .travis.yml
          73d1251f Update .travis.yml
          ed8d02cf Update .travis.yml
          93b77987 continue upstream/merge, etc
          da1f7fe1 Code merging
          d629744e More code merges
          5f4ce9d8 Test files for corresponding changes
          f45c22c4 Test files for corresponding changes
          6befe422 Test files for corresponding changes
          304be8f0 Test files for corresponding changes
          b9e29783 Reverting some changes, need to make the merge compile
          6d04de74 Reverting some changes, need to make the merge compile
          9195571c Reverting some changes, need to make the merge compile
          08b323f7 Reverting some changes, need to make the merge compile
          b1623e91 Adding python tests to Bazel build file.
          8d707dfe code merge
          a0435a54 merging
          9bc86661 more merging
          f1c87ad9 merges, cl/155419551 and other
          bbb17ad0 more code merge
          6723b6c5 Merging, upstream http://cl/182836545
          80defcec Many code merge/upstream changes
          06c3cce8 revert, lets get this compiled
          e29805aa upstream cl 182543808
          b9651c04 placating gcc and its overzeauls size comparison warnings
          7cced896 Remove Visual Studio 10,11,12 from build matrix
          b3a2048b Update
          fbb48a77 Code merges
          6c0c3896 Adding tests to googlemock bazel
          2a468302 Ability to optionally depend on Abseil plus upstream of 183716547
          e55fded0 Code merges
          e6ec8bc5 Merges and also adding new bazel build mode
          a3c73ed2 Include MSVC14 on PRs as well
          ec7faa94 merges
          49fc378e merges
          575c0812 merging
          d84f58ab Merging, coniniue
          225e6741 moving JoinAsTuple to internal
          9e072812 merges
          e76f4ee9 clang warning
          a66d2090 clang warning ''
          d7c966c4 clang warnings
          3b1fe3ec clang warnings
          30d276da cxxx11
          ab186a8c merges
          06972419 merging, cleaning up
          09581b38 cleanup/merges
          a3e322b2 cleanup, merges
          df656324 merges
          b7e0294c merging unitests
          3299a238 merging unittests - 2
          29e9ca87 merging unitests, check
          004f6a00 merging unitests - check 4
          4dbb4371 merging unittests - 5
          2bd1750b gmock merging -2
          0d5e01ad Merges-1
          dbf63e38 merges-2
          83859284 merges-3
          086825de merges-6
          995a9dfa merges-7
          89d6f70f merges-8
          e8919006 Merging, XML tests
          cf9d6344 merges-port(1)
          af463c43 More merges, removing old dead code
          a719320a fixing, was removing too much
          2814b4b0 merging, merging
          262aaf2f erging, cont
          a178cc7e merge, again, IsRecursiveContainer
          080fcbe0 cl 189032107
          a3c2e107 cl 189032107, again
    Gregory Pakosz (1):
          7990f566 Re-enable MSVC++ C4389 warning in CmdHelperEq()
    Hector Dearman (2):
          24054ff0 Fixed misspelling in assertion message.
          41ad243d Fix typo in gmock-actions.h
    Henry Schreiner (1):
          5518a1d3 Adding CMake visibility policy setting
    Herbert Thielen (44):
          f6ac9a30 remove obsolete reference to SVN trunk
          b3908406 remove doc of former versions
          58b42274 remove obsolete reference to SVN trunk and fix link to pump manual
          6b896774 remove doc of former versions
          ec19d455 fix links to Google C++ Style Guide
          212f4d79 fix small typo in comment
          0f702ceb add note about different definitions of Test Case
          33edcaed be more specific on Test Case
          c09e9e64 clarify distinction regarding Test Case
          dc7214f2 say "former version" instead of "released version"
          daaed2b6 fix typo in comment and string (SetUpTestCase)
          b567aadd remove unused TestCase import
          fe760e9c fix typo: xUnit
          83647185 remove non-existing gmock_build_samples switch
          4a451575 switch on verbose make
          d33861dc run combined build only
          29c07aa9 remove Yob's comma mentioned in issue #1105
          bb8399e1 use plural verb as mentioned in issue #1105
          cc246ecb use build type set in .travis.yml
          dae044d4 use upper-case build type
          f0c72bfe fix SetUp/TearDownTestCase() in AdvancedGuide
          7529c8aa remove obsolete comment regarding python tests on linux
          73d58dd4 ask cmake for per-configuration output subdir
          47ad2993 Revert "ask cmake for per-configuration output subdir"
          9ba7946b create different python based tests for single and multi configuration build generators
          14cf7f57 fix example's comment
          e033d8c7 change links from former to current github repository
          d15b8b45 switch one build to Release mode
          520ad96b treat all warnings as errors for GCC (-Werror)
          8abacca5 avoid -Wshadow warning on GCC
          55fd999a avoid warning about unused variable
          48b06628 cache ccache
          d96a038e set MAKEFLAGS to use multiple processors on Travis CI
          98f2f152 install ccache on travis osx build slave
          fe97312e limit processors to use in Travis build to 4
          aa0b5458 remove GTEST_HAS_PARAM_TESTS
          e8c6942a remove obsolete link_directories command
          83d8dd0e call clang via ccache on Linux
          56f8222a show ccache statistics in log
          dd8e4a63 reset ccache statistics at install
          beca85ff drop unused valgrind package from installation
          be94bf50 remove unused variables from travis environment
          6c0146fd use GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_ instead of dummy function
          8866af03 remove markdown stars (bold) from code examples
    Joe Alam (1):
          4597ec58 Updated README with information about C runtime dynamic/static linking issues in Windows
    Joel Laity (1):
          568958e9 Fixed cmake policy issue
    Jonathan Wakely (1):
          b70cf1a6 Use gender-neutral pronouns in comments and docs
    Jose Nino (2):
          38ec2a1d docs: fix broken link from dummies guide to cook book
          5c279131 docs: fix broken link
    Jérémie Delaitre (1):
          96977463 Fix the link to the float comparison article
    Kamil Rytarowski (1):
          fac0dfbe Add NetBSD support
    LI Daobing (1):
          efd49c2d Update
    Li Peng (1):
          266a185a remove duplicated words
    Loo Rong Jie (1):
          cbd15d41 [Bazel] Detect Windows with cpu value x64_windows and x64_windows_msvc
    Manoj Gupta (1):
          1beff241 googletest: Add GTEST_API_ attribute to ThreadLocal class.
    Manuel VIVES (1):
          b68f1e76 Fix policy issue with old cmakes
    Manuel Vives (1):
          a7ab054f Issue 709: Fix Cmake policy 0048
    Marzo Sette Torres Junior (1):
          f700442d Clarifying language
    Matthew Woehlke (2):
          0e8e0e07 Fix library install destinations
          9469fb68 Fix problem installing gtest when gmock enabled
    Maurice Gilden (6):
          5b4166f0 Add function name to exception if there's no default action
          95f18d99 adds test for NiceMock with unknown return value
          cc999000 Fix test if exceptions are not supported
          36777251 Switch return type to class without default constructor
          b0ed43e7 Change tabs to spaces in test case
          1ee80796 Remove unused variable
    Nic Holthaus (2):
          c88525f3 added related open source project
          1d1b306d made capitalization more consistent with other projects.
    Olivier Clavel (2):
          fa892afc Wrong version reported (1.7.0 should be 1.8.0)
          b74070cf googlemock version must be changed as well
    Peter Boström (1):
          1b39c3dc Add gtest-parallel to open-source projects.
    Peter Collingbourne (3):
          ba99a04b Check whether _MSC_VER is defined when detecting presence of cxxabi.h under libc++.
          f9155307 Pass -EHs-c- to disable exceptions with MSVC.
          3498a1ac Use _CPPUNWIND instead of _HAS_EXCEPTIONS with MSVC.
    Petr Hosek (2):
          6baf17e9 Support JSON output format in addition to XML
          7a2050d4 Use a full message in the JSON output for failures
    Romain Geissler (2):
          20e2de7d Remove gcc 6 misleading indentations.
          0663ce90 Fix double free when building Gtest/GMock in shared libraries and linking a test executable with both.
    Roman Lebedev (1):
          1a62d1b0 CMake: use threads if allowed and found, not just if found.
    Roman Perepelitsa (1):
          966b549c Support ref-qualified member functions in Property().
    Ross Wang (1):
          0b6d9475 Update
    Sam Lunt (1):
          f46bd00e make includes system
    Scott Graham (3):
          c3d1d335 Detect Fuchsia, and set GTEST_HAS_PTHREAD on GTEST_OS_FUCHSIA
          0eb49f4d Note that it is preferable for Googlers to create a CL internally first
          567b40ee Try to handle unsigned wchar_t (arm) a bit better
    Shlomi Fish (1):
          aac40333 Correct some typos in a comment
    Simon Glass (1):
          0fdf78b9 Fix a few documentation nits in the mock dummies guide
    Stefano Soffia (1):
          b8ac390a Fix test build issue with GCC7.2.
    Stepan Khapugin (1):
          9a8794fa add a cast
    Tobias Markus (1):
          08d76be4 Performance fixes reported by cppcheck
    Troy Holsapple (1):
          c8510504 Fixed typos
    Victor Costan (3):
          b3a1759e Fix std::iscntrl use in
          8a615871 Fix unused function warning on Mac OS.
          84ec2e03 Switch default death test style back to "fast".
    Vincent Palancher (1):
          4568374a Fixes a typo in
    Wojciech Mamrak (3):
          8d9d6bb0 Improved description of VS std::tuple support
          3464f76e Improved description of VS std::tuple support
          57bb0bbb Remove C4996 warning in VS2017
    Xiaoyi Zhang (2):
          190e2cdd Add matcher for std::variant.
          2eb31c18 Add documentation for VariantWith.
    Zhongming Qu (2):
          9538687a Remove trailing whitespaces in BUILD.bazel
          99d0ef39 Also can build when included in source.
    Zulkarnine Mahmud (7):
          649aa295 Fix background color in ColoredPrintf
          365df114 Add background_mask instead of using magic number
          271fb8ff Fix a problem when bg_color == fg_color
          26b7ac3b Add helper functions for text color calculation
          6a75e3c1 Remove unnecessary const
          a6b146df Fix assumption for foreground bit offset
          2960aa54 Remove duplicate code
    bartshappee (1):
          bef93f32 Fix small typo SeArrayArgument
    bryanzim (1):
          e17907da Update internal_utils.cmake
    danilcha (4):
          b2521c89 Update
          b6c4d434 Update
          81bc8765 Added explicit gtest library dependency
          5ff68057 Again rewrote everything
    drgler (2):
          484ec91c Infinite Loop when calling a mock function that takes boost::filesystem::path as parameter #521: Add is_same type trait
          71ca4bae Infinite Loop when calling a mock function that takes boost::filesystem::path as parameter #521: Add is_same type trait and prevent infinite loops for recursive containers
    gpetit (5):
          c113a715 Added support for WINAPI_PARTITION_TV_TITLE which is defined on XboxOne
          8f04622c Use GTEST_LOG instead of printf
          ca76206f Removed extra colon in error log
          569d713a Added support for WINAPI_PARTITION_TV_TITLE which is defined on XboxOne
          33d73d42 Added support for WINAPI_PARTITION_TV_TITLE which is defined on XboxOne
    iignatev (1):
          7fbc5986 enable null detection on Solaris Studio 12u4+
    lipk (1):
          dca9d5fc Remove unnecessary 'the'.
    ly2048 (1):
          9681b4c8 Add explicit `CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX` option
    mehagar (1):
          ff726322 Fix typo in
    misterg (23):
          f63e2a14 WIP
          b3edada2 WIP
          6615f7df WIP
          aa31cb67 WIP
          52a9c14c Samples changes upstreaming
          aecea384 Samples changes upstreaming
          8815087c WIP
          c75de0aa WIP, windows testing
          a2006b2a WIP, windows testing
          40a909b4 WIP, windows testing
          e66b6bc8 WIP, win testing
          ab8f2b0d WIP, win testing
          ac885f3a WIP
          4f5c01b4 Added googlemock tests
          5a5e3c17 Added googlemock tests
          66a03695 WIP
          b98e30b4 Initial Revision, review 164634031
          cb5b0543 Added Copyright
          c3f65335 Addressing comments
          97a84988 Addressing Comments
          a4121dd5 Change AppVeyor Status Badge to point to new AppVeyor Project Location
          3f3a3ada Change AppVeyor Status Badge to point to new AppVeyor Project Location
          e7734fb8 OSS Sync, cl 163329677
    nicolacavallini (1):
          2eaab215 added link to sample 6 in the  documentation of typed test
    srz_zumix (1):
          75b683df Fix or condition typo ( '|' -> '||' ) (1):
          cf512a09 Swap reinterpret_cast for static_cast
    tommyleo2 (1):
          82396f2d Update
    vpfautz (1):
          a2451c74 Fixed some typos
    whame (1):
          82447f23 Fixes issue #826 by treating MinGW as "non-Windows" when determining colored output
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Learn more