Atkins, Charles Vernon authoredAtkins, Charles Vernon authored
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BPFileWriter.cpp 17.67 KiB
* Distributed under the OSI-approved Apache License, Version 2.0. See
* accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
* BPFileWriter.cpp
* Created on: Dec 19, 2016
* Author: wfg
#include <utility>
#include "ADIOS.h"
#include "BPFileWriter.h"
// supported transports
#include "transport/file/FStream.h"
#include "transport/file/FileDescriptor.h"
#include "transport/file/FilePointer.h"
namespace adios
BPFileWriter::BPFileWriter(ADIOS &adios, const std::string &name,
const std::string accessMode, MPI_Comm mpiComm,
const Method &method)
: Engine(adios, "BPFileWriter", name, accessMode, mpiComm, method,
" BPFileWriter constructor (or call to ADIOS Open).\n"),
m_Buffer(accessMode, m_RankMPI, m_DebugMode),
m_BP1Aggregator(m_MPIComm, m_DebugMode),
m_MetadataSet.TimeStep = 1; // to be compatible with ADIOS1.x
BPFileWriter::~BPFileWriter() = default;
void BPFileWriter::Init()
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<char> &variable, const char *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<unsigned char> &variable,
const unsigned char *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<short> &variable, const short *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<unsigned short> &variable,
const unsigned short *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<int> &variable, const int *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<unsigned int> &variable,
const unsigned int *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<long int> &variable, const long int *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<unsigned long int> &variable,
const unsigned long int *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<long long int> &variable,
const long long int *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<unsigned long long int> &variable,
const unsigned long long int *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<float> &variable, const float *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<double> &variable, const double *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<long double> &variable,
const long double *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<std::complex<float>> &variable,
const std::complex<float> *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<std::complex<double>> &variable,
const std::complex<double> *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(Variable<std::complex<long double>> &variable,
const std::complex<long double> *values)
WriteVariableCommon(variable, values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(VariableCompound & /*variable*/,
const void * /*values*/)
// String version
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName, const char *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<char>(variableName), values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName,
const unsigned char *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<unsigned char>(variableName),
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName, const short *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<short>(variableName), values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName,
const unsigned short *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<unsigned short>(variableName),
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName, const int *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<int>(variableName), values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName,
const unsigned int *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<unsigned int>(variableName),
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName,
const long int *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<long int>(variableName), values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName,
const unsigned long int *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<unsigned long int>(variableName),
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName,
const long long int *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<long long int>(variableName),
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName,
const unsigned long long int *values)
m_ADIOS.GetVariable<unsigned long long int>(variableName), values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName, const float *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<float>(variableName), values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName, const double *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<double>(variableName), values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName,
const long double *values)
WriteVariableCommon(m_ADIOS.GetVariable<long double>(variableName), values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName,
const std::complex<float> *values)
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName,
const std::complex<double> *values)
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string &variableName,
const std::complex<long double> *values)
m_ADIOS.GetVariable<std::complex<long double>>(variableName), values);
void BPFileWriter::Write(const std::string & /*variableName*/,
const void * /*values*/) // Compound type
void BPFileWriter::Advance(float /*timeout_sec*/)
m_BP1Writer.Advance(m_MetadataSet, m_Buffer);
void BPFileWriter::Close(const int transportIndex)
if (transportIndex == -1)
for (auto &transport : m_Transports)
{ // by reference or value or it doesn't matter?
m_BP1Writer.Close(m_MetadataSet, m_Buffer, *transport,
false); // false: not using aggregation for now
m_BP1Writer.Close(m_MetadataSet, m_Buffer,
*m_Transports[transportIndex], m_IsFirstClose,
false); // false: not using aggregation for now
if (m_MetadataSet.Log.IsActive == true)
bool allClose = true;
for (auto &transport : m_Transports)
if (transport->m_IsOpen == true)
allClose = false;
if (allClose == true) // aggregate and write profiling.log
const std::string rankLog = m_BP1Writer.GetRankProfilingLog(
m_RankMPI, m_MetadataSet, m_Transports);
const std::string fileName(m_BP1Writer.GetDirectoryName(m_Name) +
m_BP1Aggregator.WriteProfilingLog(fileName, rankLog);
void BPFileWriter::InitParameters()
auto itGrowthFactor = m_Method.m_Parameters.find("buffer_growth");
if (itGrowthFactor != m_Method.m_Parameters.end())
const float growthFactor = std::stof(itGrowthFactor->second);
if (m_DebugMode == true)
if (growthFactor == 1.f)
throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: buffer_growth argument "
"can't be less of equal than 1, "
"in " +
m_EndMessage + "\n");
m_BP1Writer.m_GrowthFactor = growthFactor;
m_GrowthFactor = growthFactor; // float
auto itMaxBufferSize = m_Method.m_Parameters.find("max_size_MB");
if (itMaxBufferSize != m_Method.m_Parameters.end())
if (m_DebugMode == true)
if (m_GrowthFactor <= 1.f)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"ERROR: Method buffer_growth argument "
"can't be less of equal than 1, in " +
m_EndMessage + "\n");
m_MaxBufferSize = std::stoul(itMaxBufferSize->second) *
1048576; // convert from MB to bytes
auto itVerbosity = m_Method.m_Parameters.find("verbose");
if (itVerbosity != m_Method.m_Parameters.end())
int verbosity = std::stoi(itVerbosity->second);
if (m_DebugMode == true)
if (verbosity < 0 || verbosity > 5)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"ERROR: Method verbose argument must be an "
"integer in the range [0,5], in call to "
"Open or Engine constructor\n");
m_BP1Writer.m_Verbosity = verbosity;
auto itProfile = m_Method.m_Parameters.find("profile_units");
if (itProfile != m_Method.m_Parameters.end())
auto &log = m_MetadataSet.Log;
if (itProfile->second == "mus" || itProfile->second == "microseconds")
log.Timers.emplace_back("buffering", Support::Resolutions::mus);
else if (itProfile->second == "ms" ||
itProfile->second == "milliseconds")
log.Timers.emplace_back("buffering", Support::Resolutions::ms);
else if (itProfile->second == "s" || itProfile->second == "seconds")
log.Timers.emplace_back("buffering", Support::Resolutions::s);
else if (itProfile->second == "min" || itProfile->second == "minutes")
log.Timers.emplace_back("buffering", Support::Resolutions::m);
else if (itProfile->second == "h" || itProfile->second == "hours")
log.Timers.emplace_back("buffering", Support::Resolutions::h);
if (m_DebugMode == true)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"ERROR: Method profile_buffering_units "
"argument must be mus, ms, s, min or h, in "
"call to Open or Engine constructor\n");
log.IsActive = true;
void BPFileWriter::InitTransports()
if (m_DebugMode == true)
if (TransportNamesUniqueness() == false)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"ERROR: two transports of the same kind (e.g file IO) "
"can't have the same name, modify with name= in Method "
for (const auto ¶meters : m_Method.m_TransportParameters)
auto itProfile = parameters.find("profile_units");
bool doProfiling = false;
Support::Resolutions resolution =
Support::Resolutions::s; // default is seconds
if (itProfile != parameters.end())
if (itProfile->second == "mus" ||
itProfile->second == "microseconds")
resolution = Support::Resolutions::mus;
else if (itProfile->second == "ms" ||
itProfile->second == "milliseconds")
resolution = Support::Resolutions::ms;
else if (itProfile->second == "s" || itProfile->second == "seconds")
resolution = Support::Resolutions::s;
else if (itProfile->second == "min" ||
itProfile->second == "minutes")
resolution = Support::Resolutions::m;
else if (itProfile->second == "h" || itProfile->second == "hours")
resolution = Support::Resolutions::h;
if (m_DebugMode == true)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"ERROR: Transport profile_units argument "
"must be mus, ms, s, min or h " +
doProfiling = true;
auto itTransport = parameters.find("transport");
if (itTransport->second == "file" || itTransport->second == "File")
auto itLibrary = parameters.find("library");
if (itLibrary == parameters.end() ||
itLibrary->second == "POSIX") // use default POSIX
auto file = std::make_shared<transport::FileDescriptor>(
m_MPIComm, m_DebugMode);
if (doProfiling == true)
file->InitProfiler(m_AccessMode, resolution);
m_BP1Writer.OpenRankFiles(m_Name, m_AccessMode, *file);
else if (itLibrary->second == "FILE*" ||
itLibrary->second == "stdio")
auto file = std::make_shared<transport::FilePointer>(
m_MPIComm, m_DebugMode);
if (doProfiling == true)
file->InitProfiler(m_AccessMode, resolution);
m_BP1Writer.OpenRankFiles(m_Name, m_AccessMode, *file);
else if (itLibrary->second == "fstream" ||
itLibrary->second == "std::fstream")
auto file = std::make_shared<transport::FStream>(m_MPIComm,
if (doProfiling == true)
file->InitProfiler(m_AccessMode, resolution);
m_BP1Writer.OpenRankFiles(m_Name, m_AccessMode, *file);
else if (itLibrary->second == "MPI_File" ||
itLibrary->second == "MPI-IO")
if (m_DebugMode == true)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"ERROR: file transport library " + itLibrary->second +
" not supported, in " + m_Name + m_EndMessage);
if (m_DebugMode == true)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"ERROR: transport " + itTransport->second +
" (you mean File?) not supported, in " + m_Name +
void BPFileWriter::InitProcessGroup()
if (m_MetadataSet.Log.IsActive == true)
if (m_AccessMode == "a")
// Get last pg timestep and update timestep counter in
// format::BP1MetadataSet
if (m_MetadataSet.Log.IsActive == true)
void BPFileWriter::WriteProcessGroupIndex()
// pg = process group
// const std::size_t pgIndexSize = m_BP1Writer.GetProcessGroupIndexSize(
// std::to_string( m_RankMPI ),
// std::to_string(
// m_MetadataSet.TimeStep
// ),
// m_Transports.size()
// );
// metadata
// GrowBuffer( pgIndexSize, m_GrowthFactor, m_MetadataSet.PGIndex );
// data? Need to be careful, maybe add some trailing tolerance in variable
// ????
// GrowBuffer( pgIndexSize, m_GrowthFactor, m_Buffer.m_Data );
const bool isFortran = (m_HostLanguage == "Fortran") ? true : false;
m_BP1Writer.WriteProcessGroupIndex(isFortran, std::to_string(m_RankMPI),
m_Transports, m_Buffer, m_MetadataSet);
} // end namespace adios