<!-- Config XML file fo the heatTransfer_write_adios2 executable in .
build/bin from IO_adios2.cpp -->
<io name="output">
<engine type="BPFileWriter">
<!-- for vectorized memory operations, make sure your system
enables threads-->
<parameter key="Threads" value="2"/>
<!-- Microseconds (default), Milliseconds, Seconds,
Minutes, Hours -->
<parameter key="ProfileUnits" value="Microseconds"/>
<!-- XXKb, XXMb, or XXXGb supported, default=16Kb
(applications might choose an optimal value) -->
<parameter key="InitialBufferSize" value="16Kb"/>
<!-- XXKb, XXMb, or XXXGb supported, default=Unlimited (until
fails), maximum at each time step
(applications might choose an optimal value) -->
<!-- <parameter key="MaxBufferSize" value="2Gb"/> -->
<!-- exponential growth factor > 1, default = 1.05
1.05 is good for a few large variables, for many small
variables increase the value to 1.5 to 2
(optimal value is application dependent)-->
<parameter key="BufferGrowthFactor" value="1.05"/>
<transport type="File">
<!-- POSIX, stdio (C FILE*), fstream (C++) -->
<parameter key="Library" value="POSIX"/>
<!-- For read/write, Microseconds (default), Milliseconds, Seconds,
Minutes, Hours. open/close always in Microseconds -->
<parameter key="ProfileUnits" value="Microseconds"/>
<transport type="WAN">
<!-- POSIX, stdio (C FILE*), fstream (C++) -->
<!-- <parameter key="Library" value="GRPC"/> -->
<parameter key="Library" value="GRPC"/>
<parameter key="IPAddress" value=""/>
<!-- For read/write, Microseconds (default), Milliseconds, Seconds,
Minutes, Hours. open/close always in Microseconds -->
<parameter key="ProfileUnits" value="Microseconds"/>