* BP1Aggregator.h
* Created on: Mar 1, 2017
* Author: wfg
* Does all MPI related spatial aggregation tasks
MPI_Comm m_MPIComm = MPI_COMM_SELF; ///< MPI communicator from Engine
int m_RankMPI = 0; ///< current MPI rank process
int m_SizeMPI = 1; ///< current MPI processes size
* Unique constructor
* @param mpiComm coming from engine
BP1Aggregator(MPI_Comm mpiComm, const bool debugMode = false);
* Function that aggregates and writes (from rank = 0) profiling.log in python
* dictionary format
* @param rankLog contain rank profiling info to be aggregated
void WriteProfilingLog(const std::string fileName,
const std::string &rankLog);
} // end namespace format
} // end namespace adios