#ifndef CAPSULE_H_
#define CAPSULE_H_
#include <string>
/// \endcond
* Base class that raw data and metadata buffers, used by Engine.
* Derived classes will allocate their own buffer in different memory spaces.
* e.g. locally (heap) or in shared memory (virtual memory)
const std::string m_Type; ///< buffer type
const std::string m_AccessMode; ///< 'w': write, 'r': read, 'a': append
std::size_t m_DataPosition = 0; ///< position in current data buffer (not
std::size_t m_DataAbsolutePosition =
0; ///< includes the data flushed to transports
std::size_t m_MetadataPosition = 0; ///< position in metadata buffer
* Base class constructor providing type from derived class and accessMode
* @param type derived class type
* @param accessMode 'w':write, 'r':read, 'a':append
* @param rankMPI current MPI rank
* @param debugMode
Capsule(const std::string type, const std::string accessMode,
const int rankMPI, const bool debugMode);
virtual char *GetData() = 0; ///< return the pointer to the raw data buffer
virtual char *
GetMetadata() = 0; ///< return the pointer to the raw metadata buffer
virtual std::size_t GetDataSize() const = 0; ///< get current data buffer size
virtual std::size_t
GetMetadataSize() const = 0; ///< get current metadata buffer size
virtual void ResizeData(const std::size_t size); ///< resize data buffer
virtual void
ResizeMetadata(const std::size_t size); ///< resize metadata buffer
const int m_RankMPI = 0; ///< current MPI rank
const bool m_DebugMode = false; ///< true: extra checks