* Distributed under the OSI-approved Apache License, Version 2.0. See
* accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
* IOPy.cpp
* Created on: Mar 14, 2017
* Author: William F Godoy
#include "IOPy.h"
#include "adios2/ADIOSMacros.h"
#include "adios2/helper/adiosFunctions.h" //GetType<T>
IOPy::IOPy(IO &io, const bool debugMode) : m_IO(io), m_DebugMode(debugMode) {}
void IOPy::SetEngine(const std::string type) noexcept { m_IO.SetEngine(type); }
void IOPy::SetParameters(const Params ¶meters) noexcept
VariableBase &IOPy::DefineVariable(const std::string &name, const Dims &shape,
const Dims &start, const Dims &count,
const bool isConstantDims,
pybind11::array &array)
if (m_VariablesPlaceholder.count(name) == 1)
throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: variable " + name +
"call to DefineVariable\n");
VariableBase *variable = nullptr;
if (
// put in placeholder
auto itVariableEmplace = m_VariablesPlaceholder.emplace(
name, VariableBase(name, "unknown", 0, shape, start, count,
isConstantDims, m_DebugMode));
variable = &itVariableEmplace.first->second;
#define declare_type(T) \
else if (pybind11::isinstance< \
pybind11::array_t<T, pybind11::array::c_style>>(array)) \
{ \
variable = &m_IO.DefineVariable<T>( \
name, shape, start, count, isConstantDims, \
reinterpret_cast<T *>(const_cast<void *>(; \
#undef declare_type
if (m_DebugMode)
throw std::invalid_argument(
"ERROR: variable " + name +
" can't be defined, either type is not "
"supported or is not memory "
"contiguous, in call to DefineVariable\n");
return *variable;
VariableBase *IOPy::InquireVariable(const std::string &name) noexcept
// first check in placeholder
if (!m_VariablesPlaceholder.empty())
auto itVariablePlaceholder = m_VariablesPlaceholder.find(name);
if (itVariablePlaceholder != m_VariablesPlaceholder.end())
return &itVariablePlaceholder->second;
const std::string type(m_IO.InquireVariableType(name));
if (type.empty())
return nullptr;
adios2::VariableBase *variable = nullptr;
if (type == "compound")
// not supported
#define declare_template_instantiation(T) \
else if (type == adios2::GetType<T>()) \
{ \
variable = m_IO.InquireVariable<T>(name); \
#undef declare_template_instantiation
return variable;
EnginePy IOPy::Open(const std::string &name, const int openMode)
return EnginePy(m_IO, name, static_cast<adios2::Mode>(openMode),
m_IO.m_MPIComm, m_VariablesPlaceholder);