* Distributed under the OSI-approved Apache License, Version 2.0. See
* accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
* IO_ADIOS2.cpp
* Created on: Feb 2017
* Author: Norbert Podhorszki
Podhorszki, Norbert
#include <string>
adios2::Engine *bpWriter = nullptr;
adios2::Variable<double> *varT = nullptr;
adios2::Variable<unsigned int> *varGndx = nullptr;
IO::IO(const Settings &s, MPI_Comm comm)
m_outputfilename = s.outputfile + ".bp";
ad = new adios2::ADIOS(s.configfile, comm, adios2::DebugON);
// Define method for engine creation
adios2::IO &bpio = ad->DeclareIO("writer");
if (!bpio.InConfigFile())
// if not defined by user, we can change the default settings
// BPFileWriter is the default engine
// Allow an extra thread for data processing
// ISO-POSIX file is the default transport
// Passing parameters to the transport
varGndx = &bpio.DefineVariable<unsigned int>("gndx");
bpio.DefineVariable<unsigned int>("gndy");
// define T as 2D global array
varT = &bpio.DefineVariable<double>(
Podhorszki, Norbert
// Global dimensions
{s.gndx, s.gndy},
// starting offset of the local array in the global space
{s.offsx, s.offsy},
// local size, could be defined later using SetSelection()
{s.ndx, s.ndy});
// adios2::Transform tr = adios2::transform::BZIP2( );
// varT.AddTransform( tr, "" );
// varT.AddTransform( tr,"accuracy=0.001" ); // for ZFP
bpWriter = &bpio.Open(m_outputfilename, adios2::Mode::Write, comm);
delete ad;
Podhorszki, Norbert
void IO::write(int step, const HeatTransfer &ht, const Settings &s,
MPI_Comm comm)
/* This selection is redundant and not required, since we defined
* the selection already in DefineVariable(). It is here just as an example.
// Make a selection to describe the local dimensions of the variable we
Podhorszki, Norbert
// write and its offsets in the global spaces. This could have been done in
adios2::Box<adios2::Dims>({s.offsx, s.offsy}, {s.ndx, s.ndy}));
Podhorszki, Norbert
if (!step)
int rank;
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank);
if (!rank)
bpWriter->PutSync<unsigned int>(*varGndx, s.gndx);
bpWriter->PutSync<unsigned int>("gndy", s.gndy);
bpWriter->PutSync<double>(*varT, ht.data_noghost().data());
Podhorszki, Norbert
// bpWriter->PerformPuts();