#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include "ADIOSConfig.h"
#include "core/Capsule.h"
namespace adios
* Buffer and Metadata are allocated in virtual memory using interprocess
* communication (IPC) of Unix's System V
class ShmSystemV : public Capsule
* Create a Capsule in shared memory using System V shm API
* @param accessMode
* @param pathName used to create the key as a unique identifier
* @param dataSize size of allocated memory segment for data
* @param metadataSize size of allocated memory segment for metadata
* @param debugMode true: extra checks, slower
ShmSystemV(std::string accessMode, int rankMPI, const std::string &pathName,
size_t dataSize, size_t metadataSize, bool debugMode = false);
char *GetData(); ///< return the pointer to the raw data buffer
char *GetMetadata(); ///< return the pointer to the raw metadata buffer
size_t GetDataSize() const; ///< get current data buffer size
size_t GetMetadataSize() const; ///< get current metadata buffer size
char *m_Data = nullptr; ///< reference to a shared memory data buffer
/// created with shmget
const size_t m_DataSize; ///< size of the allocated shared memory segment
key_t m_DataKey; ///< key associated with the data buffer, created with ftok
int m_DataShmID; ///< data shared memory buffer id
char *m_Metadata =
nullptr; ///< reference to a shared memory metadata buffer
/// created with shmget
const size_t
m_MetadataSize; ///< size of the allocated shared memory segment
key_t m_MetadataKey; ///< key associated with the metadata buffer, created
/// with ftok
int m_MetadataShmID; ///< metadata shared memory buffer id
void CheckShm() const; ///< checks if all shared memory allocations are
/// correct, throws std::bad_alloc, called from
/// constructor if debug mode is true