* Distributed under the OSI-approved Apache License, Version 2.0. See
* accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
#include <memory> //std::shared_ptr
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ADIOSConfig.h"
#include "ADIOSMacros.h"
#include "ADIOSTypes.h"
#include "core/Method.h"
#include "core/Support.h"
#include "core/Variable.h"
#include "core/VariableCompound.h"
* @brief Unique class interface between user application and ADIOS library
* Passed from parallel constructor, MPI_Comm is a pointer itself.
* Public as called from C
int m_RankMPI = 0; ///< current MPI rank process
int m_SizeMPI = 1; ///< current MPI processes size
std::string m_HostLanguage = "C++"; ///< changed by language bindings
* @brief ADIOS empty constructor. Used for non XML config file API calls.
ADIOS(const Verbose verbose = Verbose::WARN, const bool debugMode = false);
* @brief Serial constructor for config file, only allowed and compiled in
* libadios_nompi.a
* @param configFile XML config file (maybe support different formats in the
* future?)
* @param debugMode true: on throws exceptions and do additional checks,
* false: off (faster, but unsafe)
ADIOS(const std::string configFile, const Verbose verbose = Verbose::WARN,
const bool debugMode = false);
* @brief Parallel constructor for XML config file and MPI
* @param config XML config file (maybe support different formats in the
* future?)
* @param mpiComm MPI communicator ...const to be discussed
* @param debugMode true: on, false: off (faster, but unsafe)
ADIOS(const std::string configFile, MPI_Comm mpiComm,
const Verbose verbose = Verbose::WARN, const bool debugMode = false);
* @brief Parallel MPI communicator without XML config file
* @param mpiComm MPI communicator passed to m_MPIComm*
* @param debugMode true: on, false: off (faster)
ADIOS(MPI_Comm mpiComm, const Verbose verbose = Verbose::WARN,
const bool debugMode = false);
~ADIOS() = default;
void InitMPI(); ///< sets rank and size in m_rank and m_Size, respectively.
* Define a Variable for I/O. Default is a local scalar to be compatible
* with ADIOS1
* @param name variable name, must be unique
* @param selections
* @param offsets
* @return reference to Variable object
Atkins, Charles Vernon
Variable<T> &DefineVariable(const std::string &name,
const Dims localDimensions = Dims{1},
const Dims globalDimensions = Dims{},
const Dims offsets = Dims{});
Atkins, Charles Vernon
Variable<T> &GetVariable(const std::string &name);
VariableCompound &DefineVariableCompound(
const std::string &name, const Dims globalDimensions = Dims{},
const Dims localDimensions = Dims{1}, const Dims offsets = Dims{});
VariableCompound &GetVariableCompound(const std::string &name);
* Declares a new method. If the method is defined in the user config file,
* it will be already created during processing the config file,
* the method is set up with the user settings and this function just
* returns
* that method.
* Otherwise it will create and return a new Method with default settings.
* Use method.isUserDefined() to distinguish between the two cases.
* @param methodName must be unique
Method &DeclareMethod(const std::string methodName);
* @brief Open to Write, Read. Creates a new engine from previously defined
* method
* @param streamName unique stream or file name
* @param accessMode "w" or "write", "r" or "read", "a" or "append", "u" or
* "update"
* @param mpiComm option to modify communicator from ADIOS class constructor
* @param method looks for corresponding Method object in ADIOS to
* initialize
* the engine
* @param iomode Independent or collective open/advance by writers/readers?
* Write() operations are always independent.
* @param timeout_sec Wait some time before reporting on missing stream
* (i.e.
* wait for it for a while)
* @return Derived class of base Engine depending on Method parameters,
* shared_ptr for potential flexibility
std::shared_ptr<Engine> Open(const std::string &streamName,
const std::string accessMode, MPI_Comm mpiComm,
const Method &method);
* @brief Open to Write, Read. Creates a new engine from previously defined
* method.
* Reuses MPI communicator from ADIOS constructor.
* @param streamName unique stream or file name
* @param accessMode "w" or "write", "r" or "read", "a" or "append", "u" or
* "update"
* @param method contains engine parameters
* @param iomode Independent or collective open/advance by writers/readers?
* Write() operations are always independent.
* @param timeout_sec Wait some time before reporting on missing stream
* (i.e.
* wait for it for a while)
* @return Derived class of base Engine depending on Method parameters,
* shared_ptr for potential flexibility
std::shared_ptr<Engine> Open(const std::string &streamName,
const std::string accessMode,
const Method &method);
* Version required by the XML config file implementation, searches method
* inside ADIOS through a unique name
* @param streamName unique stream or file name
* @param accessMode "w" or "write", "r" or "read", "a" or "append"
* @param mpiComm mpi Communicator
* @param methodName used to search method object inside ADIOS object
* @param iomode Independent or collective open/advance by writers/readers?
* Write() operations are always independent.
* @param timeout_sec Wait some time before reporting on missing stream
* (i.e.
* wait for it for a while)
* @return Derived class of base Engine depending on Method parameters,
* shared_ptr for potential flexibility
std::shared_ptr<Engine> Open(const std::string &streamName,
const std::string accessMode, MPI_Comm mpiComm,
const std::string methodName);
* Version required by the XML config file implementation, searches method
* inside ADIOS through a unique name.
* Reuses ADIOS MPI Communicator from constructor.
* @param streamName unique stream or file name
* @param accessMode "w" or "write", "r" or "read", "a" or "append"
* @param methodName used to search method object inside ADIOS object
* @param iomode Independent or collective open/advance by writers/readers?
* Write() operations are always independent.
* @param timeout_sec Wait some time before reporting on missing stream
* (i.e.
* wait for it for a while)
* @return Derived class of base Engine depending on Method parameters,
* shared_ptr for potential flexibility
std::shared_ptr<Engine> Open(const std::string &streamName,
const std::string accessMode,
const std::string methodName);
* @brief Open to Read all steps from a file. No streaming, advancing is
* possible here. All steps in the file
* are immediately available for reading. Creates a new engine from
* previously
* defined method.
* @param fileName file name
* @param mpiComm option to modify communicator from ADIOS class constructor
* @param method looks for corresponding Method object in ADIOS to
* initialize
* the engine
* @param iomode Independent or collective open/advance by writers/readers?
* Write() operations are always independent.
* @return Derived class of base Engine depending on Method parameters,
* shared_ptr for potential flexibility
std::shared_ptr<Engine> OpenFileReader(const std::string &fileName,
MPI_Comm mpiComm,
const Method &method);
* @brief Open to Read all steps from a file. No streaming, advancing is
* possible here. All steps in the file
* are immediately available for reading. Creates a new engine from
* previously
* defined method.
* Version required by the XML config file implementation, searches method
* inside ADIOS through a unique name.
* @param fileName file name
* @param mpiComm option to modify communicator from ADIOS class constructor
* @param methodName used to search method object inside ADIOS object
* @param iomode Independent or collective open/advance by writers/readers?
* Write() operations are always independent.
* @return Derived class of base Engine depending on Method parameters,
* shared_ptr for potential flexibility
std::shared_ptr<Engine> OpenFileReader(const std::string &fileName,
MPI_Comm mpiComm,
const std::string methodName);
* @brief Dumps groups information to a file stream or standard output.
* Note that either the user closes this fileStream or it's closed at the
* end.
* @param logStream either std::cout standard output, or a std::ofstream
* file
void MonitorVariables(std::ostream &logStream);
protected: // no const to allow default empty and copy constructors
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<char>> m_Char;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<unsigned char>> m_UChar;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<short>> m_Short;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<unsigned short>> m_UShort;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<int>> m_Int;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<unsigned int>> m_UInt;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<long int>> m_LInt;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<unsigned long int>> m_ULInt;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<long long int>> m_LLInt;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<unsigned long long int>> m_ULLInt;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<float>> m_Float;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<double>> m_Double;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<long double>> m_LDouble;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<std::complex<float>>> m_CFloat;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<std::complex<double>>> m_CDouble;
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<std::complex<long double>>> m_CLDouble;
std::map<unsigned int, VariableCompound> m_Compound;
///< XML File to be read containing configuration information
std::string m_ConfigFile;
///< if true will do more checks, exceptions, warnings, expect slower code
bool m_DebugMode = false;
///< Makes variable name unique, key: variable name,value: pair.first =
/// type, pair.second = index in corresponding vector of Variable
std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>> m_Variables;
///< transforms associated with ADIOS run
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Transform>> m_Transforms;
* @brief List of Methods (engine metadata) defined from either ADIOS XML
* configuration file or the DeclareMethod function.
* <pre>
* Key: std::string unique method name
* Value: Method class
* </pre>
std::map<std::string, Method> m_Methods;
///< set used to check Engine name uniqueness in debug mode
std::set<std::string> m_EngineNames;
* @brief Checks for group existence in m_Groups, if failed throws
* std::invalid_argument exception
* @param itGroup m_Groups iterator, usually from find function
* @param groupName unique name, passed for thrown exception only
* @param hint adds information to thrown exception
void CheckVariableInput(const std::string &name,
const Dims &dimensions) const;
* Checks for variable name, if not found throws an invalid exception
* @param itVariable iterator pointing to the variable name in m_Variables
* @param name variable name
* @param hint message to be thrown for debugging purporses
void CheckVariableName(
std::pair<std::string, unsigned int>>::const_iterator
const std::string &name, const std::string hint) const;
* @brief Checks for method existence in m_Methods, if failed throws
* std::invalid_argument exception
* @param itMethod m_Methods iterator, usually from find function
* @param methodName unique name, passed for thrown exception only
* @param hint adds information to thrown exception
void CheckMethod(std::map<std::string, Method>::const_iterator itMethod,
const std::string methodName,
const std::string hint) const;
Atkins, Charles Vernon
unsigned int GetVariableIndex(const std::string &name);
Podhorszki, Norbert
Atkins, Charles Vernon
// Helper function for DefineVariable
template <class T>
std::map<unsigned int, Variable<T>> &GetVariableMap();
Atkins, Charles Vernon
Podhorszki, Norbert
// Explicit declaration of the template methods
#define declare_template_instantiation(T) \
extern template Variable<T> &ADIOS::DefineVariable<T>( \
const std::string &name, const Dims, const Dims, const Dims); \
extern template Variable<T> &ADIOS::GetVariable<T>(const std::string &);
extern template unsigned int ADIOS::GetVariableIndex<void>(const std::string &);
#undef declare_template_instantiation
Atkins, Charles Vernon
} // end namespace adios
// Include the inline implementations for the public interface
#include "ADIOS.inl"