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 * Distributed under the OSI-approved Apache License, Version 2.0.  See
 * accompanying file Copyright.txt for details.
 * adiosXML.cpp
 *  Created on: May 17, 2017
 *      Author: William F Godoy
#include "adiosXML.h"
#include <stdexcept> //std::invalid_argument
/// \endcond
#include "adios2/helper/adiosSystem.h"

namespace adios

std::string GetSubString(const std::string initialTag,
                         const std::string finalTag, const std::string &content,
                         std::string::size_type &currentPosition)
    auto lf_Wipe = [](std::string &subString,
                      std::string::size_type &currentPosition) {
        currentPosition = std::string::npos;

    auto lf_SetPositions =
        [](const char quote, const std::string::size_type quotePosition,
           const std::string &content, std::string::size_type &currentPosition,
           std::string::size_type &closingQuotePosition) {
            currentPosition = quotePosition;
            closingQuotePosition = content.find(quote, currentPosition + 1);

    std::string subString;

    std::string::size_type start(content.find(initialTag, currentPosition));
    if (start == content.npos)
        lf_Wipe(subString, currentPosition);
        return subString;
    currentPosition = start;
    std::string::size_type end(content.find(finalTag, currentPosition));
    if (end == content.npos)
        lf_Wipe(subString, currentPosition);
        return subString;
    // here make sure the finalTag is not a value surrounded by " " or ' ', if
    // so
    // find next
    bool isValue = true;

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William F Godoy committed
    while (isValue)
        std::string::size_type singleQuotePosition =
            content.find('\'', currentPosition);
        std::string::size_type doubleQuotePosition =
            content.find('\"', currentPosition);

        if ((singleQuotePosition == content.npos &&
             doubleQuotePosition == content.npos) ||
            (singleQuotePosition == content.npos &&
             end < doubleQuotePosition) ||
            (doubleQuotePosition == content.npos &&
             end < singleQuotePosition) ||
            (end < singleQuotePosition && end < doubleQuotePosition))
        // find the closing corresponding quote
        std::string::size_type closingQuotePosition;
        if (singleQuotePosition == content.npos)
        { // no ' anywhere
            lf_SetPositions('\"', doubleQuotePosition, content, currentPosition,
        else if (doubleQuotePosition == content.npos)
        { // no " anywhere
            lf_SetPositions('\'', singleQuotePosition, content, currentPosition,
            if (singleQuotePosition < doubleQuotePosition)
                lf_SetPositions('\'', singleQuotePosition, content,
                                currentPosition, closingQuotePosition);
            { // find the closing "
                lf_SetPositions('\"', doubleQuotePosition, content,
                                currentPosition, closingQuotePosition);

        // if can't find closing it's open until the end
        if (closingQuotePosition == content.npos)
            lf_Wipe(subString, currentPosition);
            return subString;

        currentPosition = closingQuotePosition + 1;

        if (closingQuotePosition < end)
        // if this point is reached it means it's a value inside " " or ' ',
        // move to
        // the next end
        end = content.find(finalTag, currentPosition);
    subString = content.substr(start, end - start + finalTag.size());
    currentPosition = end;
    return subString;

void GetQuotedValue(const char quote,
                    const std::string::size_type &quotePosition,
                    std::string &currentTag, std::string &value)
    currentTag = currentTag.substr(quotePosition + 1);
    auto nextQuotePosition = currentTag.find(quote);
    if (nextQuotePosition == currentTag.npos)
        throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: Invalid attribute in..." +
                                    currentTag + "...check XML file\n");
    value = currentTag.substr(0, nextQuotePosition);
    currentTag = currentTag.substr(nextQuotePosition + 1);

void GetPairs(const std::string tag,
              std::vector<std::pair<const std::string, const std::string>>
                  &pairs) noexcept
    std::string currentTag(
        tag.substr(tag.find_first_of(" \t\n"))); // initialize current tag

    while (currentTag.find('=') != currentTag.npos) // equalPosition
        currentTag = currentTag.substr(currentTag.find_first_not_of(" \t\n"));
        auto equalPosition = currentTag.find('=');
        const std::string field(
            currentTag.substr(0, equalPosition)); // get field
        std::string value;

        const char quote = currentTag[equalPosition + 1];
        if (quote == '\'' || quote == '"') // single quotes
            GetQuotedValue(quote, equalPosition + 1, currentTag, value);
            std::pair<const std::string, const std::string>(field, value));

void GetPairsFromTag(
    const std::string &fileContent, const std::string tag,
    std::vector<std::pair<const std::string, const std::string>> &pairs)
    if (tag.back() == '/') // last char is / --> "XML empty tag"
        GetPairs(tag, pairs);
    else if (tag[0] == '/') // first char is / ---> closing tag
    else // opening tag
        const std::string tagName(tag.substr(0, tag.find_first_of(" \t\n\r")));
        const std::string closingTagName("</" + tagName +
                                         ">"); // check for closing tagName
        if (fileContent.find(closingTagName) == fileContent.npos)
            throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: closing tag " + closingTagName +
                                        " missing, check XML file\n");

        GetPairs(tag, pairs);
void RemoveXMLComments(std::string &currentContent) const noexcept
    std::string::size_type startComment(currentContent.find("<!--"));

    while (startComment != currentContent.npos)
        std::string::size_type endComment(currentContent.find("-->"));
        currentContent.erase(startComment, endComment - startComment + 3);
        startComment = currentContent.find("<!--");

// void SetMembers( const std::string& fileContent, const MPI_Comm mpiComm,
// const bool debugMode,
//                 std::string& hostLanguage, std::vector<
//                 std::shared_ptr<Transform> >& transforms,
//                 std::map< std::string, Group >& groups )
//    //adios-config
//    std::string currentContent;
//    std::string::size_type currentPosition( 0 );
//    GetSubString( "<adios-config ", "</adios-config>", fileContent,
//    currentContent, currentPosition );
//    //remove comment sections
//    std::string::size_type startComment ( currentContent.find( "<!--" ) );
//    while( startComment != currentContent.npos )
//    {
//        std::string::size_type endComment( currentContent.find( "-->") );
//        currentContent.erase( startComment, endComment-startComment+3 );
//        startComment = currentContent.find( "<!--" );
//    }
//    //Tag <adios-config
//    currentPosition = 0;
//    std::string tag; //use for < > tags
//    GetSubString( "<adios-config", ">", currentContent, tag, currentPosition
//    );
//    tag = tag.substr( 1, tag.size() - 2 ); //eliminate < >
//    std::vector< std::pair<const std::string, const std::string> > pairs; //
//    pairs in tag
//    GetPairsFromTag( currentContent, tag, pairs );
//    for( auto& pair : pairs )
//        if( pair.first == "host-language" )
//            hostLanguage = pair.second;
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William F Godoy committed
//    if( debugMode )
//    {
//        if( Support::HostLanguages.count( hostLanguage ) == 0 )
//            throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: host language " + hostLanguage
//            + " not supported.\n" );
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William F Godoy committed
//        if( hostLanguage.empty() )
//            throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: host language is empty.\n" );
//    }
//    //adios-group
//    currentPosition = 0;
//    while( currentPosition != std::string::npos )
//    {
//        std::string xmlGroup;
//        GetSubString("<adios-group ", "</adios-group>", currentContent,
//        xmlGroup, currentPosition ); //Get all group contents
//        if( xmlGroup.empty() ) //no more groups to find
//            break;
//        //get group name
//        std::string::size_type groupPosition( 0 );
//        GetSubString( "<adios-group ", ">", xmlGroup, tag, groupPosition );
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William F Godoy committed
//        if( debugMode )
//        {
//            if( tag.size() < 2 )
//                throw std::invalid_argument( "ERROR: wrong tag " + tag + " in
//                adios-group\n" ); //check < or <=
//        }
//        tag = tag.substr( 1, tag.size() - 2 ); //eliminate < >
//        GetPairsFromTag( xmlGroup, tag, pairs );
//        std::string groupName;
//        for( auto& pair : pairs )
//        {
//            if( pair.first == "name")
//                groupName = pair.second;
//        }
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William F Godoy committed
//        if( debugMode )
//        {
//            if( groupName.empty() )
//                throw std::invalid_argument( "ERROR: group name not found. \n"
//                );
//            if( groups.count( groupName ) == 1 ) //group exists
//                throw std::invalid_argument( "ERROR: group " + groupName + "
//                defined twice.\n" );
//        }
//        groups.emplace( groupName, Group( groupName, xmlGroup, transforms,
//        debugMode ) );
//        currentContent.erase( currentContent.find( xmlGroup ), xmlGroup.size()
//        );
//        currentPosition = 0;
//    }
//    //transport
//    //lambda function to check priority and iteration casting to unsigned int
//    auto lf_UIntCheck = []( const std::string method, const std::string
//    fieldStr, const std::string fieldName,
//                            const bool debugMode, int& field )
//    {
//        field = 0;
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William F Godoy committed
//        if( !fieldStr.empty())
//        {
//            field = std::stoi( fieldStr ); //throws invalid_argument
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William F Godoy committed
//            if( debugMode )
//            {
//                if( field < 0 )
//                    throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: " + fieldName + " in
//                    transport " + method + " can't be negative\n" );
//            }
//        }
//    };
//    //this section will have to change, doing nothing for now
//    currentPosition = 0;
//    while( currentPosition != std::string::npos )
//    {
//        GetSubString( "<transport ", ">", currentContent, tag, currentPosition
//        );
//        if( tag.empty() ) break;
//        tag = tag.substr( 1, tag.size() - 2 ); //eliminate < >
//        pairs.clear();
//        GetPairsFromTag( currentContent, tag, pairs );
//        std::string groupName, method, priorityStr, iterationStr;
//        for( auto& pair : pairs )
//        {
//            if( pair.first == "group" )  groupName = pair.second;
//            else if( pair.first == "method" ) method = pair.second;
//            else if( pair.first == "priority" ) priorityStr = pair.second;
//            else if( pair.first == "iteration" ) iterationStr = pair.second;
//        }
//        auto itGroup = groups.find( groupName );
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William F Godoy committed
//        if( debugMode )
//        {
//            if( itGroup == groups.end() ) //not found
//                throw std::invalid_argument( "ERROR: in transport " + method +
//                " group " + groupName + " not found.\n" );
//        }
//        int priority, iteration;
//        lf_UIntCheck( method, priorityStr, "priority", debugMode, priority );
//        lf_UIntCheck( method, iterationStr, "iteration", debugMode, iteration
//        );
//        //here do something with the capsule
//    }

void InitXML(const std::string configXML, const MPI_Comm mpiComm,
             const bool debugMode,
             std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Transform>> &transforms,
             std::map<std::string, IO> &ios)
    // if using collective IO only?
    std::string fileContents = BroadcastFileContents(configXML, mpiComm);

    SetMembers(fileContents, debugMode, transforms, ios);

// void SetMembers(const std::string &fileContents, const bool debugMode,
//                std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Transform>> &transforms,
//                std::map<std::string, IO> &ios)
//    // adios-config
//    std::string::size_type currentPosition(0);
//    std::string currentContent(GetSubString("<adios-config ",
//    "</adios-config>",
//                                            fileContents, currentPosition));
//    RemoveXMLComments(currentContent);
//    while (currentPosition != std::string::npos)
//        // io
//        std::string io(
//            GetSubString("<io ", "</io>", currentContent, currentPosition));
//        if (io.empty()) // no more groups to find
//        {
//            break;
//        }
//        // get io name
//        std::string::size_type ioPosition(0);
//        const std::string tag(GetSubString("<io ", ">", io, ioPosition));
//        if (debugMode)
//        {
//            if (tag.size() < 2)
//            {
//                throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: wrong XML tag <io " + tag
//                +
//                                            ", in call to ADIOS
//                                            constructor\n");
//            }
//        }
//        tag = tag.substr(1, tag.size() - 2); // eliminate < >
//        GetPairsFromTag(io, tag, pairs);
//        std::string groupName;
//        for (auto &pair : pairs)
//        {
//            if (pair.first == "name")
//                groupName = pair.second;
//        }
//        if (debugMode)
//        {
//            if (groupName.empty())
//                throw std::invalid_argument("ERROR: group name not found.
//                \n");
//            if (groups.count(groupName) == 1) // group exists
//                    throw std::invalid_argument( "ERROR: group " + groupName +
//                    "
//                    defined twice.\n" );
//        }
//        groups.emplace(groupName,
//                       Group(groupName, xmlGroup, transforms, debugMode));
//        currentContent.erase(currentContent.find(xmlGroup), xmlGroup.size());
//        currentPosition = 0;
//    }
} // end namespace adios