fo7/ncrc cardinal
NEAMS Workbench is updated to load Cardinal module and Cardinal related applications. The system default Cardinal module is used. This prevents the necessity of user compiled Cardinal module.
The test in Cardinal/test/tests/cht/sft_pincell
is run with the Cardinal application through Workbench. The simulation is tested with multiple CPUs. The simulations times are obtained as:
1 CPU: 245s
2 CPUs: 112s
4 CPUs: 58s
Since there is a change in the PBS submission script, the MOOSE framework is also tested if the submission is affected. The test case that is used in located in moose/tutorials/tutorial03_verification/app/test/tests/step04_mms
which is a 2D plate isothermal on the bottom boundary and constant gradient on the top boundary with a source term in the form of 650*sin(0.5*x*pi)*exp(40*y)*sin(1/(9*3600)*pi*t)
. The simulation results is attached: