Merge DASSH_MIA into DASSH_integration
Updates in this MR:
- Moved DASSH precheck logic into PyARC execution, removed from PyDASSH workflow; updated unit tests accordingly
- Reorganized PyDASSH input generation unit tests into "prerun" and "precheck"
- Added method "raise_exception_and_abort" to to to close all files and exit python when an exception is raised. This works for me to eliminate the malloc errors I was getting, as mentioned in the issue I created. Not sure whether this method will be useful for other modules, but if so, we can figure out how to make it accessible.
(Note: since DASSH_MIA was out of date after I merged SAS_utilities --> DASSH_integration, I pulled DASSH_integration into DASSH_MIA to resolve the conflicts on my local, updated version. I'm now pushing the updates and resolved conflicts back into DASSH_integration.)