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#16 Modified Assembly Block in PyDASSH

Abdelhameed, Ahmed Amin Elsaid requested to merge DASSH_Ahmed into DASSH_integration

In the assembly block, the file was modified so that the names of the assemblies and all corresponding subassemblies are written to the DASSh input file. Meanwhile, the modifications are made to accurately include the properties for each sub-assembly in the DASSH input file. Because there are various different formats of the subassemblies' properties, the code is modified to deal with these different input formats whenever they exist. Moreover, the modifications are made to deal accurately with the assembly properties in case the user used the "inhert_from" option. Nevertheless, various improvements and modifications are still required to the assembly block in the to make sure, for example, we are to deal with all possible user defined correlations, and to show error notifications in case of a required property is missed.

  • [] review assembly and subassembly names and indentations
  • [] review the added subassembly properties
  • [] review the cases in which inhert_from were used

Merge request reports