PyARC 1.4.0 setup
A few important updates:
[1.4.0] - Not released yet
- PROTEUS-Nodal Gamma heating simulation
- Check if application crashed and return error output message instead of letting PyARC post-processor crash - this is currently applied to DIF3D, REBUS, GAMSOR, and PROTEUS-NODAL
- Extended summary file for DIF3D/REBUS/PROTEUS-NODAL results in every regions
- Updated and expended tutorial based on ABTR model
- Option in REBUS to move control rods assemblies throughout depletion
- Updated PROTEUS-NODAL and DIF3D/REBUS/PERSENT axial mesh logic
- Potential issue with printout of REBUS-computed peak fast fluence results
- Allow increased number of sub-assemblies and AREAs (beyond 1295 previous limitation)
- Potential issue with REBUS explicit management where some sub-assembly names with capital letters may cause troubles
- Potential issue with MC2-3 external source workflow that lead the option to be disregarded in certain environments
- Potential issue in MC2-3 workflow that may fail during perturbation calculation that requires updated cross-sections while using reference configuration where cross-sections where not updated
- Increased thickness of external_composition region in MC2-3 heterogeneous option for control rod regions to avoid bad convergence issues
- The
input option inhexagon
surface was removed since this option not used and not supported by Workbench visualization