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Postrun logic for PyGriffin

Kumar, Shikhar requested to merge postrun_logic into pygriffin_initial

This MR implements preliminary postrun logic for PyGriffin and updates unit tests accordingly.

  • In the Griffin [Outputs] block, CSV file generation is included. This CSV file is read in order to extract the Griffin k-effective in extract_griffin_keff.
  • An error is thrown if this CSV file is not generated, if there aren't enough rows in the file, or if the appropriate "eigenvalue" header is not found in the file
  • K-effective is also written to the file griffin.out.summary as part of the postrun logic
  • Unit tests are updated accordingly. In the "run" tests, the calculated k-effective is compared against the reference k-effective. In the "postrun" tests, the summary file is compared against the reference summary file.
  • There are issues with generating CSV files for DFEM-SN simulation, so I have commented out this test for now while I try to work with Griffin developers to figure out how to generate this file.
  • Test case for running HFEM-PN is fixed and runs now, but it runs quite slowly (~10 minutes)

Once this MR is approved, I will start porting over any relevant code from PyGriffinConnect to PyGriffin.

Merge request reports
