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PyARC release V160

Stauff, Nicolas Emile requested to merge development into master

ANL team completed reviews of every changes through merging of different branches into development. @lefebvre feel free to focus your review to the changes made to the scripts/ directory (packaging of PyARC).


  • Utility script utilities_SafetyCodes to generate decay heat parameters and channel-averaged power and reactivity coefficients
  • Additional user options for DASSH and pre-check of potential error mistakes
  • Option within GAMSOR and PROTEUS-Nodal for prompt_heat_only
  • Implemented the VARPOW workflow within PyGAMSOR to compute GAMMA heat deposition in coolant, fuel and structure


  • MCC3 with implementation of the density threshold for automatically-calculated CPM geometry
  • GAMSOR post-processing to re-normalize the power of the central assembly to account for modeling symmetry (if DIF3D calculates 1/3 of the power, but PyARC will display power of the full assembly)


  • Documentation was updated to provide new e-mail address
  • Minor structural improvements in PyARC coding practices and unit-test logic

Merge request reports
