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Pull mirroring updated .
- Nov 17, 2015
Matt King authored
After running through the test procedures on Windows it was seen that the Dialog did not resize exactly as it does on *nix systems however, it was not ridiculously over-sized and could be resized by the user. If the current size that it automatically opens at becomes a problem for users then another issue should be written to deal with this, other than that I am happy to merge this.
NickDraper authored
Make FirstTimeSetup window slightly smaller
Roman Tolchenov authored
Automatic Bounding Boxes for Non-Axis-Aligned Shapes
Federico Montesino Pouzols authored
Add weighted ls fitting system tests.
- Nov 16, 2015
Zhou, Wenduo authored
Zhou, Wenduo authored
Federico Montesino Pouzols authored
With these exceptions both tests seem to run ok on osx. This has no effect on win7 and linux platforms. Hopefully it prevents a failure in the nightly builds (osx system tests).
Zhou, Wenduo authored
Michael Hart authored
Raquel Alvarez authored
Merge pull request #14394 from mantidproject/14379_implement_keep_open_checkbox_for_getNegMuMuonicXRD Implemented Keep Open functionality in GetNegMuMuonicXRD
Anton Piccardo-Selg authored
OptionalBool property widget
Martyn Gigg authored
Script directories are not packages
Michael Hart authored
LamarMoore authored
MuonAnalysis window can resize its content now
Owen Arnold authored
Looks safe enough. Testing looks good. Will need a few iterations to hone via feedback.
Owen Arnold authored
Add IPropertyManager::getValue template specializations for const shared_ptr
Matt King authored
Refs #14379
Matt King authored
Refs #14379
Matt King authored
Merge branch 'master' of into 14379_implement_keep_open_checkbox_for_getNegMuMuonicXRD
Federico Montesino Pouzols authored
Make sample workspace a histogram in SeqDomainSpectrumCreatorTest
Anton Piccardo-Selg authored
Merge pull request #14422 from mantidproject/14368_fix_default_dimension_names_from_createmd_incompatible_with_maskmd Fix default dimension names from CreateMD being incompatible with MaskMD
Owen Arnold authored
- Nov 14, 2015
Anders Markvardsen authored
Somewhat frustrating new with VS 2015 different result from VS 2012. It appears to be similar to that of linux (which I guess is good) - see what the build servers think
Anders Markvardsen authored
- Nov 13, 2015
WHITFIELDRE email authored
WHITFIELDRE email authored
Zhou, Wenduo authored
Zhou, Wenduo authored
Zhou, Wenduo authored
Zhou, Wenduo authored
NickDraper authored
Improve workspace concepts documentation
Owen Arnold authored
Raquel Alvarez authored
Muon Analysis interface - clear data when instrument changed
Michael Hart authored
Pete Peterson authored
Added progress report in algorithms: CreatePeaksWorkspace, CreatePSDBleedMask
Bilheux, Jean-Christophe authored
Direct beam sort algorithm for REF_L works as expected. Files are correctly sorted.
Karl Palmen authored
Improve help sub category handling
Anton Piccardo-Selg authored
Tom Perkins authored
Tom Perkins authored
On attempting a sequential fit, if the properties cannot be loaded, a possible cause is that they have been cleared by changing the instrument. Tell the user this, show them what the original error was and display the error in the log too.