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Pull mirroring updated .
- Oct 30, 2015
Matthew D Jones authored
- Oct 29, 2015
Matthew D Jones authored
abuts authored
Make CompactMD return the workspace if it is populated only by zero signal values
Shahroz Ahmed authored
ISIS Data Reduction Naming convention on raw files
Anton Piccardo-Selg authored
A few simple coverity issues
Zhou, Wenduo authored
Refs #14160 fix edgePixel for corelli
- Oct 28, 2015
Zhou, Wenduo authored
ResampleX bugfix
Lynch, Vickie authored
Lynch, Vickie authored
Bilheux, Jean-Christophe authored
Tested via new RefRed version and works perfectly.
Federico Montesino Pouzols authored
Federico Montesino Pouzols authored
Raquel Alvarez authored
Changed ordering of plot options in Bayes Quasi interface
Federico Montesino Pouzols authored
Change filename for images associated with CompactMD Documentation
Anton Piccardo-Selg authored
Introduce and Use Measurement Information
Owen Arnold authored
Matthew D Jones authored
Change Lcollim to L1
Elliot Oram authored
Refs #13973
Matt King authored
Refs #14142
Federico Montesino Pouzols authored
Switch to scoped_array for managing array memory
Anton Piccardo-Selg authored
Matt King authored
After following test procedure everything was as expected. There was a possible issue with the user being able to change values while the algorithm is running which could cause problem with any post-algorithm processing that relies on the data from the ui; however this should be brought up in a separate issue. Apart from that, i'm more than happy to merge this.
Anton Piccardo-Selg authored
Federico Montesino Pouzols authored
Update doctest runner for better compatability across sphinx versions
Owen Arnold authored
Since the transfer method actually affects the search filtering. It would be best to co-locate those controls. I've also added the `what's this` help for that new input method.
Anton Piccardo-Selg authored
Owen Arnold authored
Michael Wedel authored
The output of the test script on my machine is: ``` Lattice Parameters: 9.391713 12.664594 6.068129 90.000000 107.148507 90.000000 Parameter Errors : 0.000070 0.000094 0.000041 0.000000 0.000638 0.000000 ``` The parameters match the above output within errors and the errors are almost the same. I don't think the change to PawleyParameterFunction will cause any problems, but I will add a unit test anyway just to ensure we notice changes later on. Happy to merge this.
Elliot Oram authored
Refs #14078
Raquel Alvarez authored
Rename QLRun to BayesQuasi in all documents
Anton Piccardo-Selg authored
Fix bug with std::accumulate call in CreateSampleWorkspace
Martyn Gigg authored
Coverity picked up that scoped_ptr doesn't call the appropriate delete[] operator.
- Oct 27, 2015
Lynch, Vickie authored
Lynch, Vickie authored
Pete Peterson authored
Fixing issues with TOF correction in FilterEvents
abuts authored
Add icons to Windows shortcuts for IPython and IPython Notebooks
Zhou, Wenduo authored
Fixing minor logging issues in AlignAndFocusPowder
Martyn Gigg authored
Refs #14129
Doucet, Mathieu authored
Martyn Gigg authored
The higher-level call has been refactored in Sphinx >= 1.2.2 so that it call sys.exit on its own. We want to call main and get the return value.