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Commit f7ac817b authored by David Fairbrother's avatar David Fairbrother
Browse files

Re #18108 Documented adv. params for both instruments

parent 0515daa0
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......@@ -65,10 +65,12 @@ class Pearl(AbstractInst):
return _generate_file_name(run_number=run_number)
def generate_output_file_name(self, run_number):
output_name = "PEARL" + str(run_number)
output_name = "PRL" + str(run_number)
# Append each mode of operation
output_name += "_" + self._inst_settings.tt_mode
output_name += "_long" if self._inst_settings.absorb_corrections else ""
output_name += "_absorb" if self._inst_settings.absorb_corrections else ""
output_name += "_long" if self._inst_settings.long_mode else ""
return output_name
def attenuate_workspace(self, input_workspace):
......@@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ long_mode_off_params = {
"tt35_grouping": ""
# This needs to be greater than the bank TOF cropping values or you will get data that divides to 0/inf
"monitor_lambda_crop_range": (0.03, 6.00),
"monitor_integration_range": (0.6, 5.0),
# This needs to be greater than the bank TOF cropping values or you will get data that divides to 0/inf
"raw_data_tof_cropping": (0, 19995),
"tof_cropping_ranges": [
(1500, 19900), # Bank 1
......@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@ long_mode_off_params = {
long_mode_on_params = {
# This needs to be greater than the bank TOF cropping values or you will get data that divides to 0/inf
"monitor_lambda_crop_range": (5.9, 12.0),
"monitor_integration_range": (6, 10),
# This needs to be greater than the bank TOF cropping values or you will get data that divides to 0/inf
"raw_data_tof_cropping": (20295, 39995),
"tof_cropping_ranges": [
(20300, 39990), # Bank 1
......@@ -61,20 +61,39 @@ long_mode_on_params = {
variable_help = {
"file_names": {
"vanadium_absorb_file_name": "Takes the name of the calculated vanadium absorption corrections. This file "
" must be located in the top level of the calibration folder",
"long_mode_<on/off>_params": {
"file_names": {
"vanadium_absorb_file_name": "Takes the name of the calculated vanadium absorption corrections. This file "
" must be located in the top level of the calibration folder",
"tt88_grouping_name": "The name of the .cal file that defines the grouping of detectors in banks for TT88. "
"This file must be located in the top level of the calibration folder.",
"tt88_grouping_name": "The name of the .cal file that defines the grouping of detectors in banks for TT88. "
"This file must be located in the top level of the calibration folder.",
"tt70_grouping_name": "The name of the .cal file that defines the grouping of detectors in banks for TT70. "
"This file must be located in the top level of the calibration folder.",
"tt70_grouping_name": "The name of the .cal file that defines the grouping of detectors in banks for TT70. "
"This file must be located in the top level of the calibration folder.",
"tt35_grouping_name": "The name of the .cal file that defines the grouping of detectors in banks for TT35. "
"This file must be located in the top level of the calibration folder.",
"tt35_grouping_name": "The name of the .cal file that defines the grouping of detectors in banks for TT35. "
"This file must be located in the top level of the calibration folder.",
"monitor_lambda_crop_range": "The range in wavelength to crop a monitor workspace to before calculating "
"the current normalisation",
"monitor_integration_range": "The minimum and maximum values to consider whilst integrating the monitor "
"raw_data_tof_cropping": "The crop values for to apply when loading raw data. This step is applied before any "
"processing takes place. This is to crop from 40,000 microseconds windows in the "
"raw data to 20,000 windows in PEARL",
"tof_cropping_ranges": "These values are used to determine the TOF range to crop a focused (not Vanadium "
"Cal.) workspace to. These are applied on a bank by bank basis. They must be less than "
"the values specified for raw_data_tof_cropping."
"general_params": {
"monitor_spectrum_number": "The spectrum number the monitor is located at in the workspace",
"monitor_spline_coefficient": "The coefficient to use whilst calculating a spline from the monitor."
"workspace. This is used to normalise the workspace current.",
"spline_coefficient": "The coefficient to use whilst calculating a spline for each bank during "
"a vanadium calibration."
......@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ def get_run_details(run_number_string, inst_settings):
vanadium_run_numbers = mapping_dict["vanadium_run_numbers"]
splined_vanadium_name = _generate_splined_van_name(absorb_on=inst_settings.absorb_corrections,
calibration_dir = inst_settings.calibration_dir
cycle_calibration_dir = os.path.join(calibration_dir, label)
......@@ -101,12 +101,10 @@ def normalise_ws_current(ws_to_correct, monitor_ws, spline_coeff, lambda_values,
return normalised_ws
def _generate_splined_van_name(absorb_on, long_mode, vanadium_run_string):
def _generate_splined_van_name(absorb_on, long_mode_on, vanadium_run_string):
output_string = "SVan_" + str(vanadium_run_string)
if absorb_on:
output_string += "_absorb"
if long_mode:
output_string += "_long"
output_string += "_absorb" if absorb_on else ""
output_string += "_long" if long_mode_on else ""
output_string += ".nxs"
return output_string
label : "16_3"
label : "16_4"
vanadium_run_numbers : "95634-95647"
empty_run_numbers : "95648-95654"
calibration_file : "" # Should be ""
calibration_file : "" # Should be ""
......@@ -46,19 +46,13 @@ class Polaris(AbstractInst):
def get_default_group_names(self):
return self._calibration_grouping_names
# Abstract implementation
def get_run_details(self, run_number_string):
input_run_number_list = common.generate_run_numbers(run_number_string=run_number_string)
first_run = input_run_number_list[0]
if self._run_details_last_run_number == first_run:
return self._run_details_cached_obj
# TODO use _inst_settings instead
run_details = polaris_algs.get_run_details(
chopper_on=self._inst_settings.chopper_on, sac_on=self._inst_settings.solid_angle_on,
run_number=first_run, calibration_dir=self._inst_settings.calibration_dir,
run_details = polaris_algs.get_run_details(run_number=first_run, inst_settings=self._inst_settings)
# Hold obj in case same run range is requested
self._run_details_last_run_number = first_run
......@@ -118,7 +112,8 @@ class Polaris(AbstractInst):
return d_spacing_group
def crop_short_long_mode(self, ws_to_crop):
cropped_ws = common.crop_in_tof(ws_to_crop=ws_to_crop, x_min=800, x_max=20000)
cropped_ws = common.crop_in_tof(ws_to_crop=ws_to_crop, x_min=self._inst_settings.raw_data_crop_values[0],
return cropped_ws
def crop_banks_to_user_tof(self, focused_banks):
......@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ file_names = {
script_params = {
"apply_solid_angle": False,
"raw_data_cropping_values": (800, 20000),
"spline_coefficient": 100
......@@ -15,14 +16,12 @@ tof_cropping_ranges = [
(1500, 19900), # Bank 5
variables = {
"file_names_dict": file_names,
"script_params": script_params,
"tof_cropping_ranges": tof_cropping_ranges
absorption_correction_params = {
# These are read directly by the generate absorb corrections functions instead of being parsed
# These are read directly by the generate absorb corrections functions instead of being parsed.
# Therefore they cannot be overridden using basic config files or keyword arguments.
# For documentation on their behaviour please see:
"cylinder_sample_height": 4.0,
"cylinder_sample_radius": 0.4,
......@@ -35,3 +34,33 @@ absorption_correction_params = {
"number_of_wavelength_points": 100,
"exponential_method": "Normal"
variable_help = {
"file_names": {
"masking_file_name": "Specifies the name of the of the file containing the positions of the Bragg Peaks to "
"mask out. This must be located at the root of the calibration folder the user has "
"script_params": {
"apply_solid_angle": "Specifies if the script should perform solid angle corrections. This is usually "
"defaulted to off and should be overridden in the basic configuration when necessary to "
"avoid them being performed accidentally.",
"raw_data_cropping_values": "This specifies the valid range in TOF of the raw data. This is applied before any "
"processing takes place to remove negative counts where at very low TOF the empty "
"count => sample count.",
"spline_coefficient": "The coefficient to use when calculating the vanadium splines during the calibration "
"tof_cropping_ranges": "These values are used to determine the TOF range to crop a focused (not Vanadium Cal.) "
"workspace to. These are applied on a bank by bank basis. They must be less than "
"the values specified for raw_data_cropping_values."
variables = {
# Used by the script to find the dictionaries in advanced config.
"file_names_dict": file_names,
"script_params": script_params,
"tof_cropping_ranges": tof_cropping_ranges
......@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@ def generate_solid_angle_corrections(run_details, instrument):
return corrections
def get_run_details(chopper_on, sac_on, run_number, calibration_dir, mapping_path):
yaml_dict = yaml_parser.get_run_dictionary(run_number=run_number, file_path=mapping_path)
def get_run_details(run_number, inst_settings):
yaml_dict = yaml_parser.get_run_dictionary(run_number=run_number, file_path=inst_settings.cal_mapping_file)
if chopper_on:
if inst_settings.chopper_on:
chopper_config = yaml_dict["chopper_on"]
chopper_config = yaml_dict["chopper_off"]
......@@ -46,12 +46,13 @@ def get_run_details(chopper_on, sac_on, run_number, calibration_dir, mapping_pat
empty_runs = chopper_config["empty_run_numbers"]
vanadium_runs = chopper_config["vanadium_run_numbers"]
solid_angle_file_name = _generate_solid_angle_file_name(chopper_on=chopper_on,
solid_angle_file_name = _generate_solid_angle_file_name(chopper_on=inst_settings.chopper_on,
splined_vanadium_name = _generate_splined_van_name(chopper_on=chopper_on, sac_applied=sac_on,
splined_vanadium_name = _generate_splined_van_name(chopper_on=inst_settings.chopper_on,
in_calib_dir = os.path.join(calibration_dir, label)
in_calib_dir = os.path.join(inst_settings.calibration_dir, label)
calibration_full_path = os.path.join(in_calib_dir, yaml_dict["offset_file_name"])
grouping_full_path = os.path.join(in_calib_dir, yaml_dict["offset_file_name"])
solid_angle_file_path = os.path.join(in_calib_dir, solid_angle_file_name)
......@@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ def process_vanadium_for_focusing(bank_spectra, mask_path, spline_number):
masked_workspace_list = _apply_bragg_peaks_masking(bank_spectra, mask_list=bragg_masking_list)
output = common.spline_vanadium_for_focusing(focused_vanadium_spectra=masked_workspace_list,
return output
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ attr_mapping = [("apply_solid_angle", "solid_angle_on"),
("do_absorb_corrections", "do_absorb_corrections"),
("generate_absorb_corrections", "gen_absorb_corrections"),
("masking_file_name", "masking_file_name"),
("raw_data_cropping_values", "raw_data_crop_values"),
("spline_coefficient", "spline_coeff"),
("tof_cropping_ranges", "tof_cropping_values"),
("output_directory", "output_dir"),
......@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ from isis_powder.routines.common_enums import InputBatchingEnum
# A small workaround to ensure when reading workspaces in a loop
# the previous workspace does not got overridden
global g_ads_workaround
g_ads_workaround = {"read_ws": 0}
def create_calibration_by_names(calibration_runs, startup_objects, grouping_file_name, group_names):
......@@ -166,14 +164,15 @@ def _normalise_workspaces(ws_list, instrument, run_information):
def _check_load_range(list_of_runs_to_load):
MAXIMUM_RANGE_LEN = 1000 # If more than this number of runs is entered probably wrong
if len(list_of_runs_to_load) > MAXIMUM_RANGE_LEN:
raise ValueError("More than " + str(MAXIMUM_RANGE_LEN) + " runs were selected."
maximum_range_len = 1000 # If more than this number of runs is entered probably wrong
if len(list_of_runs_to_load) > maximum_range_len:
raise ValueError("More than " + str(maximum_range_len) + " runs were selected."
" Found " + str(len(list_of_runs_to_load)) + " Aborting.")
def _create_blank_cal_file(calibration_runs, out_grouping_file_name, instrument, group_names):
input_ws_list = load_current_normalised_ws_list(calibration_runs, instrument, input_batching=InputBatchingEnum.Summed)
input_ws_list = load_current_normalised_ws_list(calibration_runs, instrument,
calibration_d_spacing_ws = mantid.ConvertUnits(InputWorkspace=input_ws_list[0], Target="dSpacing")
GroupingFileName=out_grouping_file_name, GroupNames=group_names)
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