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Unverified Commit f616384c authored by Martyn Gigg's avatar Martyn Gigg Committed by GitHub
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Merge pull request #23273 from mantidproject/workbench_use_config

Workbench use QSettings configuration
parents 481fd97d ffa8639e
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......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ requirements.check_qt()
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Qt
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from qtpy.QtCore import (QEventLoop, Qt, QCoreApplication) # noqa
from qtpy.QtCore import (QEventLoop, Qt, QCoreApplication, QSettings, QPoint, QSize) # noqa
from qtpy.QtGui import (QColor, QPixmap) # noqa
from qtpy.QtWidgets import (QApplication, QDesktopWidget, QFileDialog,
QMainWindow, QSplashScreen) # noqa
......@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ from mantidqt.utils.qt import plugins, widget_updates_disabled # noqa
# Pre-application setup
from workbench.config import APPNAME, CONF, ORG_DOMAIN, ORGANIZATION # noqa
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create the application instance early, set the application name for window
......@@ -67,7 +69,14 @@ def qapplication():
app = QApplication.instance()
if app is None:
app = QApplication(['Mantid Workbench'])
argv = sys.argv[:]
argv[0] = APPNAME # replace application name
app = QApplication(argv)
# not calling app.setApplicationVersion(mantid.kernel.version_str())
# because it needs to happen after logging is monkey-patched in
return app
......@@ -107,17 +116,12 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def __init__(self):
qapp = QApplication.instance()
if hasattr(Qt, 'AA_EnableHighDpiScaling'):
qapp.setAttribute(Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling, True)
# -- instance attributes --
self.setWindowTitle("Mantid Workbench")
# -- instance attributes --
self.window_size = None
self.window_position = None
self.maximized_flag = None
# uses default configuration as necessary
# widgets
self.messagedisplay = None
self.ipythonconsole = None
......@@ -258,14 +262,8 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
# ----------------------- Layout ---------------------------------
def setup_layout(self):
def setup_for_first_run(self):
"""Assume this is a first run of the application and set layouts
desktop = QDesktopWidget()
self.window_size = desktop.screenGeometry().size()
def prep_window_for_reset(self):
......@@ -335,6 +333,8 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def closeEvent(self, event):
# Close editors
if self.editor.app_closing():
self.writeSettings(CONF) # write current window information to global settings object
# Close all open plots
# We don't want this at module scope here
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #noqa
......@@ -361,6 +361,46 @@ class MainWindow(QMainWindow):
def open_manage_directories(self):
def readSettings(self, settings):
qapp = QApplication.instance()
if hasattr(Qt, 'AA_EnableHighDpiScaling'):
qapp.setAttribute(Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling, settings.get('main/high_dpi_scaling'))
# get the saved window geometry
window_size = settings.get('main/window/size')
if not isinstance(window_size, QSize):
window_size = QSize(*window_size)
window_pos = settings.get('main/window/position')
if not isinstance(window_pos, QPoint):
window_pos = QPoint(*window_pos)
# make sure main window is smaller than the desktop
desktop_size = QDesktopWidget().screenGeometry().size()
w = min(desktop_size.width(), window_size.width())
h = min(desktop_size.height(), window_size.height())
window_size = QSize(w, h)
# and that it will be painted on screen
x = min(window_pos.x(), desktop_size.width() - window_size.width())
y = min(window_pos.y(), desktop_size.height() - window_size.height())
window_pos = QPoint(x, y)
# set the geometry
# restore window state
if settings.has('main/window/state'):
def writeSettings(self, settings):
settings.set('main/window/size', self.size()) # QSize
settings.set('main/window/position', self.pos()) # QPoint
settings.set('main/window/state', self.saveState()) # QByteArray
def initialize():
"""Perform an initialization of the application instance. Most notably
......@@ -402,12 +442,11 @@ def start_workbench(app):
if main_window.splash:
# lift-off!
return main_window
return app.exec_()
def main():
......@@ -429,9 +468,9 @@ def main():
# the default sys check interval leads to long lags
# when request scripts to be aborted
main_window = None
exit_value = 0
main_window = start_workbench(app)
exit_value = start_workbench(app)
except BaseException:
# We count this as a crash
import traceback
......@@ -439,12 +478,9 @@ def main():
# about. Prints to stderr as we can't really count on anything
# else
if main_window is None:
# An exception occurred don't exit here
exit_value = -1
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -14,3 +14,37 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
""" Main configuration module.
A singleton instance called CONF is defined. Modules wishing to access the settings
should import the CONF object as
from workbench.config import CONF
and use it to access the settings
from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals)
from workbench.config.user import UserConfig
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ORGANIZATION = 'mantidproject'
APPNAME = 'mantidworkbench'
# Iterable containing defaults for each configurable section of the code
# General application settings are in the main section
'main': {
'high_dpi_scaling': True,
'window/size': (1260, 740),
'window/position': (10, 10),
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'Singleton' instance
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This file is part of the mantid workbench.
# Copyright (C) 2017 mantidproject
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
""" Main configuration module.
A singleton instance called CONF is defined. Modules wishing to access the settings
should import the CONF object as
from workbench.config.main import CONF
and use it to access the settings
from __future__ import (absolute_import, unicode_literals)
from workbench.config.user import UserConfig
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ORGANIZATION = 'mantidproject'
APPNAME = 'workbench'
# Iterable containing defaults for each configurable section of the code
# General application settings are in the main section
'main': {
'high_dpi_scaling': True,
'window/size': (1260, 740),
'window/position': (10, 10),
'window/is_maximized': True,
'window/is_fullscreen': False,
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 'Singleton' instance
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ class ConfigUserTest(TestCase):
defaults = {
'main': {
'a_default_key': 100,
'bool_option': False
'bool_option': False,
'bool_option2': True
cls.cfg = UserConfig(cls.__name__, cls.__name__, defaults)
......@@ -53,28 +54,45 @@ class ConfigUserTest(TestCase):
def test_value_not_in_settings_retrieves_default_if_it_exists(self):
self.assertEqual(100, self.cfg.get('main', 'a_default_key'))
self.assertEqual(100, self.cfg.get('main/a_default_key'))
def test_boolean_with_default_false_can_be_retrieved(self):
self.assertEqual(False, self.cfg.get('main', 'bool_option'))
self.assertEqual(False, self.cfg.get('main/bool_option'))
self.assertEqual(True, self.cfg.get('main/bool_option2'))
def test_has_keys(self):
self.assertTrue(self.cfg.has('main', 'a_default_key'))
self.assertFalse(self.cfg.has('main', 'missing-key'))
def test_remove_key(self):
self.cfg.set('main', 'key1', 1)
# ----------------------------------------------
# Failure tests
# ----------------------------------------------
def test_get_raises_error_with_invalid_section_type(self):
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.cfg.get, 1, 'key1')
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.cfg.get, 1, 'key1')
def test_get_raises_error_with_invalid_option_type(self):
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.cfg.get, 'section', 1)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.cfg.get, 'section', 1)
def test_get_raises_keyerror_with_no_saved_setting_or_default(self):
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.cfg.get, 'main', 'missing-key')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.cfg.get, 'main/missing-key')
def test_set_raises_error_with_invalid_section_type(self):
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.cfg.set, 1, 'key1', 1)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.cfg.set, 1, 'key1', 1)
def test_set_raises_error_with_invalid_option_type(self):
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.cfg.set, 'section', 1, 1)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, self.cfg.set, 'section', 1, 1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
from mantidqt.py3compat import is_text_string
from posixpath import join as joinsettings
from qtpy.QtCore import QSettings
......@@ -32,11 +32,9 @@ class UserConfig(object):
# The raw QSettings instance
qsettings = None
defaults = None
def __init__(self, organization, application, defaults=None):
:param organization: A string name for the organization
:param application: A string name for the application name
:param defaults: Default configuration values for this instance in the
......@@ -45,77 +43,113 @@ class UserConfig(object):
# Loads the saved settings if found
self.qsettings = QSettings(QSettings.IniFormat, QSettings.UserScope,
organization, application)
self.defaults = defaults
def all_keys(self):
return self.qsettings.allKeys()
# convert the defaults into something that qsettings can handle
default_settings = self._flatten_defaults(defaults)
# put defaults into qsettings if they weren't there already
configFileKeys = self.qsettings.allKeys()
for key in default_settings.keys():
if key not in configFileKeys:
self.qsettings.setValue(key, default_settings[key])
# fixup the values of booleans - they do not evaluate correctly when read from the config file
# TODO come up with a unit test for this
for key in self.all_keys():
value = self.get(key)
if value == 'true':
self.set(key, True)
elif value == 'false':
self.set(key, False)
def all_keys(self, group=None):
if group is not None:
result = self.qsettings.allKeys()
result = self.qsettings.allKeys()
return result
def filename(self):
return self.qsettings.fileName()
def get(self, section, option):
Return a value for an option in a given section. If not
specified in the saved settings then the initial
defaults are consulted. If no option is found then
def get(self, option, second=None):
"""Return a value for an option. If two arguments are given the first
is the group/section and the second is the option within it.
``config.get('main', 'window/size')`` is equivalent to
``config.get('main/window/size')`` If no option is found then
a KeyError is raised
:param section: A string section name
:param option: A string option name
:return: The value of the option
value = self.qsettings.value(self._settings_path(section, option))
if not value:
value = self._get_default_or_raise(section, option)
return value
def set(self, section, option, value):
option = self._check_section_option_is_valid(option, second)
value = self.qsettings.value(option)
# qsettings appears to return None if the option isn't found
if value is None:
raise KeyError('Unknown config item requested: "{}"'.format(option))
return value
def has(self, option, second=None):
"""Return a True if the key exists in the
settings. ``config.get('main', 'window/size')`` and
``config.get('main/window/size')`` are equivalent.
option = self._check_section_option_is_valid(option, second)
return option in self.all_keys()
def set(self, option, value, extra=None):
"""Set a value for an option in a given section. Can either supply
the fully qualified option or add the section as an additional
first argument. ``config.set('main', 'high_dpi_scaling',
True)`` is equivalent to ``config.set('main/high_dpi_scaling',
Set a value for an option in a given section.
:param section: A string section name
:param option: A string option name
:param value: The value of the setting
if extra is None:
option = self._check_section_option_is_valid(option, extra)
# value is in the right place
option = self._check_section_option_is_valid(option, value)
value = extra
self.qsettings.setValue(option, value)
def remove(self, option, second=None):
"""Removes a key from the settings. Key not existing returns without effect.
self.qsettings.setValue(self._settings_path(section, option), value)
option = self._check_section_option_is_valid(option, second)
if self.has(option):
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "Private" methods
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
def _check_section_option_is_valid(self, section, option):
Sanity check the section and option are strings
if not is_text_string(section):
raise RuntimeError("section is not a text string")
if not is_text_string(option):
raise RuntimeError("option is not a text string")
def _get_default_or_raise(self, section, option):
Returns the value listed in the defaults if it exists
:param section: A string denoting the section (not checked)
:param option: A string denoting the option name
:return: The value of the default
:raises KeyError: if the item does not exist
value = None
if self.defaults and section in self.defaults:
value = self.defaults[section][option]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("Unknown config item requested: " +
self._settings_path(section, option))
return value
def _settings_path(self, section, option):
def _flatten_defaults(input_dict):
result = {}
for key in input_dict:
value = input_dict[key]
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = UserConfig._flatten_defaults(value)
for key_inner in value.keys():
result[joinsettings(key, key_inner)] = value[key_inner]
result[key] = value
return result
def _check_section_option_is_valid(self, option, second):
Private method to construct a path to the given option with the
:param section: The name of the section
:param option: The name of the option
:return: A path to the location within the QSettings instance
Sanity check the section and option are strings and return the flattened option key
self._check_section_option_is_valid(section, option)
return section + "/" + option
if second is None:
if not is_text_string(option):
raise TypeError('Found invalid type ({}) for option ({}) must be a string'.format(type(option), option))
return option
else: # fist argument is actually the section/group
if not is_text_string(option):
raise TypeError('Found invalid type ({}) for section ({}) must be a string'.format(type(option), option))
if not is_text_string(second):
raise TypeError('Found invalid type ({}) for option ({}) must be a string'.format(type(second), second))
return joinsettings(option, second)
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