- :ref:`SaveIsawPeaks <algm-SaveIsawPeaks>` does not have duplicate peak numbers when saving PeaksWorkspaces with more than one RunNumber.
- :ref:`SaveIsawPeaks <algm-SaveIsawPeaks>` does not have duplicate peak numbers when saving PeaksWorkspaces with more than one RunNumber.
- :ref:`LoadIsawPeaks <algm-LoadIsawPeaks>` now loads the calibration from the peaks file correctly.
- :ref:`LoadIsawPeaks <algm-LoadIsawPeaks>` now loads the calibration from the peaks file correctly.
- :ref:`OptimizeCrystalPlacement <algm-OptimizeCrystalPlacement>` now updates the sample location used by peaks. Previously, the sample was effectively left unmoved. Default for indexing tolerance was lowered to 0.15.
- :ref:`OptimizeCrystalPlacement <algm-OptimizeCrystalPlacement>` now updates the sample location used by peaks. Previously, the sample was effectively left unmoved. Default for indexing tolerance was lowered to 0.15 and can now be called more than once without error.