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Snippets Groups Projects
Commit e1cdae29 authored by Peterson, Peter's avatar Peterson, Peter
Browse files

Removing no longer needed scripts

parent b17a2d55
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text = """
* PlotPeakByLogValue now optionally outputs calculated spectra like the Fit algorithm.
* StartLiveData now checks whether the instrument listener supports the provision of historic values.
* LiveData processing now handles the transition between runs much better at facilities that support this functionality (at present only the SNS).
* LoadEventNexus reads the Pause log and discards any events found during Paused time spans.
* GenerateEventsFilter has been improved to make it easier to use and allowing split sections to be added together into workplaces on a cyclic basis.
* LoadPreNexus is now more forgiving if it encounters bad event indexes in pulse ID file .
import re
algs = AlgorithmFactory.getRegisteredAlgorithms(True)
for alg in algs:
text = re.sub(r'\b' + alg+ r'\b',r'[' + alg + '.html ' + alg + '] ',text)
print text
\ No newline at end of file
# Converts mediawiki pages to rst pages for sphinx.
# run with -h for command line arguments
# sample command C:\MantidInstall\bin\python.exe C:/Mantid/tools/scripts/ConvertToRST/
# -o C:/Mantid/Code/Mantid/docs/source/training/MBC_Displaying_data_Formatting.rst
# pandoc must be installed an in the path
# extends pandoc by downloading and correcting image links, and adding links for algorithms,
# fit functions and common concepts (workspace types)
# Limitations:
# 1. in adding text to links or images in tables the table formatting will be disrupted
# 2. pandoc creates some images in an inline format, these cannot have the align tags added
# back on, this is marked with a comment, the solution is probably to move the image from
# the inline to normal format.
# 3. Image links cannot have spaces in the filename in rst.
# The spaces are removed in the downloaded file names, but not the links in the rst files.
import os
import re
import sys
import urllib2
import urlparse
import argparse
import subprocess
import mantid
def readWebPage(url):
# set your environment HTTP_PROXY to be your proxy
# for ral HTTP_PROXY=
aResp = urllib2.urlopen(url)
web_pg =
return web_pg
def downloadImage(imgUrl, filePath):
downloadedImage = file(filePath, "wb")
imageOnWeb = urllib2.urlopen(imgUrl)
while True:
buf =
if len(buf) == 0:
return filePath
def convertURLToRaw(url):
return url + "?action=raw"
def covertMediaWikiToRST(url):
cmd = 'pandoc -f mediawiki -t rst "' + url + '"'
print cmd
return runProcess(cmd)
def runProcess(cmd):
# instantiate a startupinfo obj:
startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO()
# set the use show window flag, might make conditional on being in Windows:
startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT,
output, error = p.communicate()
output = output.replace("\r\n","\n")
print error
return output
def processImageLinks(mediawikiText,rstText, imagePath, relImagePath):
retRstText = rstText
mwImagePattern = re.compile(r'\[\[(Image|File):(.+?)(\|.*?)?(\|.*?)?(\|.*?)?(\|.*?)?(\|.*?)?(\|.*?)?\]\]',
rstImagePattern = re.compile(r'figure:: (([\w\-\_\\\/]+)\.(\w{2,5}))(.{0,50}\3){2}',
rstSubstitutionImagePattern = re.compile(r'(figure|image):: (([\w\-\_\\\/]+)\.(\w{2,5}))')
imgLinkDict ={}
#for all of the mediawiki links
for m in re.finditer(mwImagePattern, mediawikiText):
print ("processing image link",
rstLink = generateRstImageLink(m,relImagePath)
imgLinkDict[] = rstLink
print (rstLink)
#for all of the rst figure links
replacements = []
for m in re.finditer(rstImagePattern, retRstText):
rstLink = imgLinkDict[]
replacements.append((m.start(), m.end(),, rstLink))
#perform replacements in reverse order
for (start,end,imagefile,rstLink) in reversed(replacements):
retRstText = retRstText[0:start] + rstLink + retRstText[end:]
replacements = []
for m in re.finditer(rstSubstitutionImagePattern, retRstText):
rstLink = imgLinkDict[]
rstLink = cleanInlineImagesDefinition(rstLink)
replacements.append((m.start(), m.end(),, rstLink))
#perform replacements in reverse order
for (start,end,imagefile,rstLink) in reversed(replacements):
retRstText = retRstText[0:start] + rstLink + retRstText[end:]
#get all of the image files
for imageName in imgLinkDict.keys():
return retRstText
def saveImageFromMW(imageName,path):
url = ""+imageName.replace(" ","_")
print "Downloading image: ", url
imagePage = readWebPage(url)
mwImagePattern = re.compile(r'<div class="fullImageLink" id="file"><a href="([\/\w\.\-]+)">')
imagePath = path + "/" + imageName.replace(" ","")
match =,imagePage)
if match is not None:
imageURL =
imageURL = "" + imageURL
if not os.path.exists(imagePath):
print "saving ", imageName, "to", imagePath
def generateRstImageLink(match,relImagePath):
link = "image:: " + relImagePath+ "/" + + "\n"
for i in range(3,len(match.groups())):
if is None:
#strip off the first character as it is the | pipe
imageOption = addImageOption([1:])
if imageOption is not None:
link += "\t\t\t" + imageOption + "\n"
return link
def addImageOption(mwImageOption):
imageOption = mwImageOption.strip()
if len(imageOption)>0:
if imageOption.endswith("px"):
return ":width: " + imageOption
elif imageOption in ["right","left","middle","centre"]:
return ":align: " + imageOption
return ":alt: " + imageOption
def cleanInlineImagesDefinition(rstLink):
match ='^\s+:align:\s+\w+\s*$',rstLink,re.MULTILINE)
if match is not None:
#take the align out
rstLink = rstLink[0:match.start()] + rstLink[match.end()+1:]
#then add it at the end as a comment
rstLink += ".. FIXME (inline definition does not allow align)" +
return rstLink
def ensureDirectoriesExist(path):
except OSError:
def addLocalLinks(rstText,list,prefix):
retRstText = rstText
#build regex string for simple words
regex = r"[^`<]((\*{0,2})(\b" + r"\b|\b".join(list) + r"\b)\2)[^`_]"
pattern = re.compile(regex)
replacements = []
for m in re.finditer(pattern, retRstText):
rstLink = ":ref:`" + + " <" + prefix + + ">`"
print ("processing new link",, rstLink)
replacements.append((m.start(1), m.end(1),, rstLink))
#perform replacements in reverse order
for (start,end,item,rstLink) in reversed(replacements):
retRstText = retRstText[0:start] + rstLink + retRstText[end:]
#build regex string for links
regexLink = r"`(.+?)<(\b" + r"\b|\b".join(list) + r"\b)>`__"
patternLink = re.compile(regexLink)
replacements = []
for m in re.finditer(patternLink, retRstText):
rstLink = ":ref:`" + + " <" + prefix + + ">`"
print ("processing existing link",, rstLink)
replacements.append((m.start(), m.end(),, rstLink))
#perform replacements in reverse order
for (start,end,item,rstLink) in reversed(replacements):
retRstText = retRstText[0:start] + rstLink + retRstText[end:]
return retRstText
def fixUnderscoresInRefLinks(rstText):
retRstText = rstText
retRstText = re.sub(r"\b\\\_","_",retRstText)
return retRstText
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Converts mediawiki pages to rst pages for sphinx.')
parser.add_argument('inputURL', help='the url of a mediawiki page')
parser.add_argument('-o', '--o',
help='Provide a path to output to a file')
parser.add_argument('-i', '--i',
help='Provide a relative path from the file to the images directory')
parser.add_argument('-rp', '--rp',
help='Provide a reference link prefix')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--r',
help='Provide a reference link')
args = parser.parse_args()
print args.inputURL
print args.o
urlSegments = urlparse.urlparse(args.inputURL)
pageName = urlSegments.path[1:]
print "Parsing ", pageName
#run pandoc and get the output in rst
mediawikiText = readWebPage(convertURLToRaw(args.inputURL))
#run pandoc and get the output in rst
rstText = covertMediaWikiToRST(convertURLToRaw(args.inputURL))
#print "*****************"
#print rstText
#print "*****************"
relPath = "../images"
if args.i is not None:
relPath = os.path.dirname(args.i)
outDir = os.curdir
if args.o is not None:
outDir = os.path.dirname(args.o)
imagePath = os.path.join(outDir,relPath)
imagePath = os.path.abspath(imagePath)
print imagePath, outDir
#perform any processing beyond pandoc
rstText = fixUnderscoresInRefLinks(rstText)
rstText = processImageLinks(mediawikiText,rstText, imagePath, relPath)
wsList = ['EventWorkspace','MatrixWorkspace','PeaksWorkspace','MDWorkspace','Table Workspaces','WorkspaceGroup',
'RectangularDetector','RAW File','Facilities File','FitConstraint','Framework Manager',
'Instrument Data Service','InstrumentDefinitionFile','InstrumentParameterFile','Properties File',
'MDHistoWorkspace','MDNorm','Nexus file','PeaksWorkspace','Point and space groups','RAW File'
'Shared Pointer','Symmetry groups','Unit Factory','UserAlgorithms','Workflow Algorithm',
rstText = addLocalLinks(rstText,wsList,"")
algList = mantid.AlgorithmFactory.getRegisteredAlgorithms(False).keys()
rstText = addLocalLinks(rstText,algList,"algm-")
funcList = mantid.FunctionFactory.getFunctionNames()
rstText = addLocalLinks(rstText,funcList,"func-")
#add reference name
refPrefix = "train-"
if args.rp is not None:
refPrefix = args.rp
refName = pageName
if args.r is not None:
refName = args.r
rstText = ".. _" + refPrefix + refName + ":\n\n" + rstText
#save output
if args.o is not None:
sys.stdout = open(args.o, 'w')
print rstText
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