@@ -468,10 +468,53 @@ ExtractSpectra all not supported with ``DetectorL
FilterBadPulses all
FilterByLogValue all
FilterByTime all
FilterEventsByLogValuePreNexus Identical see ``IFileLoader``
IFileLoader Identical implicitly adds support for many load inheriting from this
LoadAscii2 Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadAscii Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadBBY Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadCanSAS1D Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadDaveGrp Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadEmptyInstrument Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadEventNexus Distributed storage mode of output cannot be changed via a parameter currently, min and max bin boundary are not globally the same
LoadEventPreNexus2 Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadFITS Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadGSS Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadILLDiffraction Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadILLIndirect2 Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadILLReflectometry Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadILLSANS Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadILLTOF2 Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadInstrument all
LoadIsawPeaks Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadISISNexus2 Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadLLB Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadMcStas Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadMcStasNexus Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadMD Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadMLZ Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadMuonNexus Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadNexusLogs all
LoadNexusProcessed Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadNXcanSAS Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadNXSPE Identical see ``IFileLoader``
LoadParameterFile all segfaults when used in unit tests with MPI threading backend due to `#9365 <https://github.com/mantidproject/mantid/issues/9365>`_, normal use should be ok