- The ILL reflectometry loader :ref:`algm-LoadILLReflectometry` implements the NeXus file changes of January 2018 and can load again all valid Nexus files for D17 and FIGARO which are available since 2013 and 2017, respectively.
- Algorithms for reflectometry reduction at ILL have been added. These handle the basic polarized/unpolarized reduction in SumInLambda or SumInQ modes. Included algorithms:
- :ref:`algm-ReflectometryILLPreprocess`
- :ref:`algm-ReflectometryILLSumForeground`
- :ref:`algm-ReflectometryILLPolarizationCor`
- :ref:`algm-ReflectometryILLConvertToQ`
- :ref:`algm-ReflectometryILLPreprocess`
- :ref:`algm-ReflectometryILLSumForeground`
- :ref:`algm-ReflectometryILLPolarizationCor`
- :ref:`algm-ReflectometryILLConvertToQ`
- A new algorithm :ref:`algm-ReflectometryMomentumTransfer` provides conversion to momentum transfer and :math:`Q_{z}` resolution calculation for reflectivity workspaces.
- A new algorithm :ref:`ReflectometrySumInQ <algm-ReflectometrySumInQ>` is available for coherent summation of the reflected beam.