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Commit d43d0924 authored by Federico Montesino Pouzols's avatar Federico Montesino Pouzols
Browse files

Merge pull request #459 from mantidproject/11418_poldi_create_peaks_from_cell_file

Algorithm to call PoldiCreatePeaksFromCell with parameters from a file
parents dee2820b b42f42c2
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# pylint: disable=no-init,invalid-name,too-few-public-methods
from mantid.kernel import *
from mantid.simpleapi import *
from mantid.api import *
from mantid.geometry import *
from pyparsing import *
import os
class PoldiCompound(object):
"""Small helper class to handle the results from PoldiCrystalFileParser."""
_name = ""
_spacegroup = ""
_atomString = ""
_cellDict = ""
def __init__(self, name, elements):
self._name = name
def assign(self, elements):
for c in elements:
if c[0] == "atoms":
self._atomString = ';'.join(c[1:])
elif c[0] == "lattice":
cellNames = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma']
self._cellDict = dict(zip(cellNames, c[1:]))
elif c[0] == "spacegroup":
self._spacegroup = c[1]
def getAtomString(self):
return self._atomString
def getCellParameters(self):
return self._cellDict
def getSpaceGroup(self):
return self._spacegroup
def getName(self):
return self._name
def raiseParseErrorException(message):
raise ParseException(message)
class PoldiCrystalFileParser(object):
"""Small parser for crystal structure files used at POLDI
This class encapsulates a small parser for crystal structure files that are used at
POLDI. The files contains information about the lattice, the space group and the basis (atoms
in the asymmetric unit).
The file format is defined as follows:
Compound_1 {
Lattice: [1 - 6 floats] => a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma
Spacegroup: [valid space group symbol]
Atoms; {
Element x y z [occupancy [U_eq]]
Element x y z [occupancy [U_eq]]
Compound_2 {
The parser returns a list of PoldiCompound objects with the compounds that were found
in the file. These are then processed by PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile to generate arguments
for calling PoldiCreatePeaksFromCell.
elementSymbol = Word(alphas, min=1, max=2).setFailAction(
lambda o, s, loc, token: raiseParseErrorException("Element symbol must be one or two characters."))
integerNumber = Word(nums)
decimalSeparator = Literal('.')
floatNumber = Combine(
integerNumber +
Optional(decimalSeparator + Optional(integerNumber))
whiteSpace = Suppress(White())
atomLine = Combine(
elementSymbol + whiteSpace +
delimitedList(floatNumber, delim=White()),
joinString=' '
keyValueSeparator = Suppress(Literal(":"))
groupOpener = Suppress(Literal('{'))
groupCloser = Suppress(Literal('}'))
atomsGroup = Group(CaselessLiteral("atoms") + keyValueSeparator +
groupOpener + delimitedList(atomLine, delim=lineEnd) + groupCloser)
unitCell = Group(CaselessLiteral("lattice") + keyValueSeparator + delimitedList(
floatNumber, delim=White()))
spaceGroup = Group(CaselessLiteral("spacegroup") + keyValueSeparator + Word(
alphanums + "-" + ' '))
compoundContent = Each([atomsGroup, unitCell, spaceGroup]).setFailAction(
lambda o, s, loc, token: raiseParseErrorException(
"One of 'Lattice', 'SpaceGroup', 'Atoms' is missing or contains errors."))
compoundName = Word(alphanums + '_')
compound = Group(compoundName + Optional(whiteSpace) + \
groupOpener + compoundContent + groupCloser)
comment = Suppress(Literal('#') + restOfLine)
compounds = Optional(comment) + OneOrMore(compound).ignore(comment) + stringEnd
def __call__(self, contentString):
parsedContent = None
if os.path.isfile(contentString):
parsedContent = self._parseFile(contentString)
parsedContent = self._parseString(contentString)
return [PoldiCompound(x[0], x[1:]) for x in parsedContent]
def _parseFile(self, filename):
return self.compounds.parseFile(filename)
def _parseString(self, stringContent):
return self.compounds.parseString(stringContent)
class PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile(PythonAlgorithm):
_parser = PoldiCrystalFileParser()
def category(self):
return "SINQ\\POLDI"
def name(self):
return "PoldiLoadCrystalData"
def summary(self):
return ("The algorithm reads a POLDI crystal structure file and creates a WorkspaceGroup that contains tables"
"with the expected reflections.")
def PyInit(self):
doc="A file with POLDI crystal data.")
self.declareProperty("LatticeSpacingMin", 0.5,
doc="Lowest allowed lattice spacing.")
self.declareProperty("LatticeSpacingMax", 0.0,
doc="Largest allowed lattice spacing.")
defaultValue="", direction=Direction.Output),
doc="WorkspaceGroup with reflection tables.")
def PyExec(self):
crystalFileName = self.getProperty("InputFile").value
# Try parsing the supplied file using PoldiCrystalFileParser
compounds = self._parser(crystalFileName)
dMin = self.getProperty("LatticeSpacingMin").value
dMax = self.getProperty("LatticeSpacingMax").value
workspaces = []
# Go through found compounds and run "_createPeaksFromCell" for each of them
# If two compounds have the same name, a warning is written to the log.
for compound in compounds:
if compound.getName() in workspaces:
self.log().warning("A compound with the name '" + compound.getName() + \
"' has already been created. Please check the file '" + crystalFileName + "'")
workspaces.append(self._createPeaksFromCell(compound, dMin, dMax))
self.setProperty("OutputWorkspace", GroupWorkspaces(workspaces))
# All parse errors are caught here and logged as errors
except ParseException as error:
errorString = "Could not parse input file '" + crystalFileName + "'.\n"
errorString += "The parser reported the following error:\n\t" + str(error)
def _createPeaksFromCell(self, compound, dMin, dMax):
if not SpaceGroupFactory.isSubscribedSymbol(compound.getSpaceGroup()):
raise RuntimeError("SpaceGroup '" + compound.getSpaceGroup() + "' is not registered.")
return compound.getName()
...@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ set ( TEST_PY_FILES ...@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@ set ( TEST_PY_FILES
) )
check_tests_valid ( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${TEST_PY_FILES} ) check_tests_valid ( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} ${TEST_PY_FILES} )
# pylint: disable=no-init,invalid-name,too-many-public-methods
import unittest
from testhelpers import assertRaisesNothing
from testhelpers.tempfile_wrapper import TemporaryFileHelper
from mantid.kernel import *
from mantid.api import *
from mantid.simpleapi import *
class PoldiCreatePeaksFromFileTest(unittest.TestCase):
testname = None
def __init__(self, *args):
unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, *args)
def test_Init(self):
assertRaisesNothing(self, AlgorithmManager.create, ("PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile"))
def test_FileOneCompoundOneAtom(self):
fileHelper = TemporaryFileHelper("""Silicon {
Lattice: 5.43 5.43 5.43 90.0 90.0 90.0
Spacegroup: F d -3 m
Atoms: {
Si 0 0 0 1.0 0.05
ws = PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile(fileHelper.getName(), 0.7, 10.0)
# Check output GroupWorkspace
self.assertEquals(ws.getNumberOfEntries(), 1)
# Check that the ouput is identical to what's expected
ws_expected = PoldiCreatePeaksFromCell("F d -3 m", "Si 0 0 0 1.0 0.05", a=5.43, LatticeSpacingMin=0.7)
si_ws = AnalysisDataService.retrieve("Silicon")
self._tablesAreEqual(si_ws, ws_expected)
# Clean up
self._cleanWorkspaces([ws, ws_expected])
def test_FileOneCompoundTwoAtoms(self):
# It's the same structure and the same reflections, just the structure factors are different
fileHelper = TemporaryFileHelper("""SiliconCarbon {
Lattice: 5.43 5.43 5.43 90.0 90.0 90.0
Spacegroup: F d -3 m
Atoms: {
Si 0 0 0 0.9 0.05
C 0 0 0 0.1 0.05
# Comment
ws = PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile(fileHelper.getName(), 0.7, 10.0)
self.assertEquals(ws.getNumberOfEntries(), 1)
ws_expected = PoldiCreatePeaksFromCell("F d -3 m", "Si 0 0 0 0.9 0.05; C 0 0 0 0.1 0.05", a=5.43,
si_ws = AnalysisDataService.retrieve("SiliconCarbon")
self._tablesAreEqual(si_ws, ws_expected)
# Clean up
self._cleanWorkspaces([ws, ws_expected])
def test_FileTwoCompounds(self):
# It's the same structure and the same reflections, just the structure factors are different
fileHelper = TemporaryFileHelper("""SiliconCarbon {
Lattice: 5.43 5.43 5.43 90.0 90.0 90.0
Spacegroup: F d -3 m
Atoms: {
Si 0 0 0 0.9 0.05
C 0 0 0 0.1 0.05
Silicon {
Lattice: 5.43 5.43 5.43 90.0 90.0 90.0
Spacegroup: F d -3 m
Atoms: {
Si 0 0 0 1.0 0.05
ws = PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile(fileHelper.getName(), 0.7, 10.0)
self.assertEquals(ws.getNumberOfEntries(), 2)
def test_FileFaultyLatticeStrings(self):
fhLatticeMissing = TemporaryFileHelper("""Silicon {
Spacegroup: F d -3 m
Atoms: {
Si 0 0 0 1.0 0.05
fhNoLattice = TemporaryFileHelper("""Silicon {
Spacegroup: F d -3 m
Atoms: {
Si 0 0 0 1.0 0.05
fhInvalidLattice = TemporaryFileHelper("""Silicon {
Lattice: invalid
Spacegroup: F d -3 m
Atoms: {
Si 0 0 0 1.0 0.05
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile, *(fhLatticeMissing.getName(), 0.7, 10.0, 'ws'))
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile, *(fhNoLattice.getName(), 0.7, 10.0, 'ws'))
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile, *(fhInvalidLattice.getName(), 0.7, 10.0, 'ws'))
def test_FileFaultySpaceGroupStrings(self):
fhSgMissing = TemporaryFileHelper("""Silicon {
Lattice: 5.43 5.43 5.43 90.0 90.0 90.0
Atoms: {
Si 0 0 0 1.0 0.05
fhSgInvalid = TemporaryFileHelper("""Silicon {
Lattice: 5.43 5.43 5.43 90.0 90.0 90.0
Spacegroup: invalid
Atoms: {
Si 0 0 0 1.0 0.05
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile, *(fhSgMissing.getName(), 0.7, 10.0, 'ws'))
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile, *(fhSgInvalid.getName(), 0.7, 10.0, 'ws'))
def test_FileFaultyAtomStrings(self):
fhAtomsMissing = TemporaryFileHelper("""Silicon {
Lattice: 5.43 5.43 5.43 90.0 90.0 90.0
Spacegroup: F d -3 m
fhAtomsNoBraces = TemporaryFileHelper("""Silicon {
Lattice: 5.43 5.43 5.43 90.0 90.0 90.0
Spacegroup: invalid
Sis 0 0 0 1.0 0.05
fhAtomsEmpty = TemporaryFileHelper("""Silicon {
Lattice: 5.43 5.43 5.43 90.0 90.0 90.0
Spacegroup: invalid
Atoms: { }
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile, *(fhAtomsMissing.getName(), 0.7, 10.0, 'ws'))
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile, *(fhAtomsNoBraces.getName(), 0.7, 10.0, 'ws'))
self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile, *(fhAtomsEmpty.getName(), 0.7, 10.0, 'ws'))
def _tablesAreEqual(self, lhs, rhs):
self.assertEquals(lhs.rowCount(), rhs.rowCount(), msg="Row count of tables is different")
for r in range(lhs.rowCount()):
self.assertEquals(lhs.row(r), rhs.row(r), "Row " + str(r) + " of tables differ.")
def _cleanWorkspaces(self, wsList):
for ws in wsList:
if __name__ == '__main__':
...@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ ...@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
set ( PY_FILES set ( PY_FILES
) )
# Copy python files to output directory # Copy python files to output directory
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import os
class TemporaryFileHelper(object):
"""Helper class for temporary files in unit tests
This class is a small helper for using temporary files for unit test. On instantiation, a temporary file will be
created (using NamedTemporaryFile from the tempfile module). If the string argument to the constructor is not empty,
its content will be written to that file. The getName()-method provides the name of the temporary file, which can
for example be passed to an algorithm that expects a FileProperty. On destruction of the TemporaryFileHelper object,
the temporary file is removed automatically using os.unlink().
emptyFileHelper = TemporaryFileHelper()
fh = open(emptyFileHelper.getName(), 'r+')
fh.write("Something or other\n")
filledFileHelper = TemporaryFileHelper("Something or other\n")
other = open(filledFileHelper.getName(), 'r')
for line in other:
print line
del emptyFileHelper
del filledFileHelper
tempFile = None
def __init__(self, fileContent=""):
self.tempFile = NamedTemporaryFile('r+', delete=False)
if fileContent:
def __del__(self):
def getName(self):
def _setFileContent(self, content):
fileHandle = open(self.getName(), 'r+')
.. algorithm::
.. summary::
.. alias::
.. properties::
Some steps in the analysis of POLDI data require that detected peaks are indexed. This can be done by using
:ref:`algm-PoldiIndexKnownCompounds`, which accepts a table with unindexed peaks and one or more workspaces with
calculated peaks corresponding to the crystal structures that are expected in the sample. These can be calculated
using the algorithm :ref:`algm-PoldiCreatePeaksFromCell`. Calling this algorithm over and over with the same
parameters is not practical, but storing the tables is not practical either, since lattice parameters may change
slightly from sample to sample.
PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile reads a text file which contains one or more crystal structure definitions. Since the
analysis requires information mainly about the lattice and the symmetry, the format is very simple. The following
block shows how such a file would look when there are two compounds:
.. code-block:: none
# The name may contain letters, numbers and _
Iron_FCC {
# Up to 6 values in the order a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma.
# Lattice parameters are given in Angstrom.
Lattice: 3.65
Spacegroup: F m -3 m
Atoms: {
# Element x y z are mandatory. Optional occupancy and isotropic ADP (in Angstrom^2)
Fe 0.0 0.0 0.0
Iron_BCC {
Lattice: 2.88
Spacegroup: F m -3 m
Atoms: {
Fe 0.0 0.0 0.0
Note that only the atoms in the asymmetric unit need to be specified, the space group is used to generate all
equivalent atoms. This information is used to determine systematic absences, while the space group is also used by
some POLDI algorithms to obtain the point group to get reflection multiplicities and more. Anything that follows the
`#`-character is considered a comment and is ignored by the parser to allow documentation of the crystal structures
if necessary.
The algorithm will always produce a WorkspaceGroup which contains as many peak tables as compounds specified in the
.. include:: ../usagedata-note.txt
The following usage example takes up the file showed above and passes it to the algorithm.
.. testcode::
# Create two tables with expected peaks directly from a file
compounds = PoldiCreatePeaksFromFile('PoldiCrystalFileExample.dat', LatticeSpacingMin=0.7)
compound_count = compounds.getNumberOfEntries()
print 'Number of loaded compounds:', compound_count
for i in range(compound_count):
ws = compounds.getItem(i)
print 'Compound ' + str(i + 1) +':', ws.getName(), 'has', ws.rowCount(), 'reflections in the resolution range.'
The script produces a WorkspaceGroup which contains a table with reflections for each compound in the file:
.. testoutput::
Number of loaded compounds: 2
Compound 1: Iron_FCC has 11 reflections in the resolution range.
Compound 2: Iron_BCC has 8 reflections in the resolution range.
.. testcleanup::
.. categories::
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